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RP: NSS Inquiry [Mission Two] Zero Tolerance

His current orders were right in Aam's wheelhouse. The penal soldier was used to being a commodity and being in the most expendable positions on the line, although to most that would seem harsh, to adam it was joy. He had caught on that perhaps those in his current command structure might actually care and/or trust him which was the newest of feelings for the convicted murderer.

He took it all in stride though and prepped his gear, although his orders were to be first on the shuttle he still took shelter in the best hiding spot he coud while he awaited the touchdown, he was determined to raise his kill count some more, bloodier the better of course.
Anti-Air Cannon

The destruction of the enemy's cover brought a grin to the medic's helmeted face. He laid all his fury and rage into it as the AA cannon close by blew up and showered him in hot, jagged metal bits. Be he didn't care, he was having fun for once. He eyed the lone elferin dancing about the splinters of the shattered cover and raised his LCA to put the last enemy out of their misery.



The medic dropped down into cover and began to fumble for another reload. "Tango making it's way through the forest! Need to reload!" The bravado from earlier was quickly fading away from his voice.
Anti-Air Cannon

Linda moved to enter the turret swiftly after it was blown open, but she was quick to backpedal and hold a hand up stopping any approach once she got the alert. Chemical components in the room was one of the last things she wanted to see on her display. She took a moment to look at the read out, and when she was satisfied that it wasn't going to leak into her suit she stepped forward, knife drawn as she went to stab the Elefirn in the chest, she wasn't sure if the chemicals were flammable after all. "Anti-Air is secure."
In one fluid motion, Linda's combat knife gradually and quickly sank into the gunner's unsuspecting neck, leaving behind a trickle of blood in it's wake. The gunner then promptly became limp, and the gunfire from the Anti Air cannon suddenly silenced. The chemicals in the room quickly started to dissipate into the atmosphere as the room began to air out. Glynn still stood nearby the newly made entrance.

"I hear that Sergeant, good work!" Cadence stated before turning her attention toward the shuttle pilot "Attention, the Anti Air gun is down and the landing zone is secure, You are clear for landing."

Though before the Shuttle even responded to Cadence, the squad could already hear the shuttle's engines approach, and in mere seconds the shuttle was already on top of them and descending. Then the gruff voice responded, "That's some damn good timing! Better hurry your asses up then, I've got a schedule to keep!"

Meanwhile Alec's latest target made effective use of it's time during his reload, and continuously began to fade in the woods, but not before flailing it's arms in desperation it seemed, and when he was done reloading, she was gone. Though from the clearing, another group appeared, this time it was some "friendlies". A small squadron of Yamatai Soldiers confidently marched towards the Inquiry's position with their weapons down. One of the soldiers in the back of their ranks even excitedly waved at him.

"Alright people, pack your shit, we're leaving!" She said, walking towards the shuttle, "Board the shuttle, and double time it!"
Linda looked around carerfully as she made her way towards the shuttle. THe last thing she wanted was an ambush just as they were getting on. "You heard her, everyone on." Her voice showed some agitation, but the IPG were always agitated, it was a work skill.
Anti-Air Cannon

"But guys, the enemy!" Alec loaded another recharge to his LCA and took aim, but the target was long gone by then. Sighing, he turned made his way back to the extraction. There was no point going after them with the ride home calling for everyone. They'll get to live. For now.
"This is Edison, I am on the shuttle and prepped for covering fire, how about we don't take all day," Adam's gravelly voice said over the comms. After the last order he had left his forested position and did in fact enter the shuttle. He crouched on the ramp scanning for both friendlies and hostiles.

The arrival of the Yamatai soldiers annoyed the loyal Nepleslian but that's what happens when you are forced to play nice with the enemy. Okay not really the enemy but Adam would gladly wage war against anyone he was pointed toward.
Anti-Air Remnants
As Edison fixated his gaze upon the horizon of the AO, dozens of Yamataian and Elefirn ships engaged in sky-tearing combat. As far as anybody could see, no other Nepleslian ships were flying among the others. Covering her back, Edison watched as Linda entered the shuttle and as Glynn clambered closely behind, nodding with approval at him. Alec followed behind the pair, and soon he was suddenly able to hear the gentle sounds of Yamatai small arms going off behind him in the general direction where the lone Elefirn soldier disappeared.

"Alright, everyone accounted for! Pilot! You're free to get us the hell out of here!" Cadence advised, resulting in the shuttle doors to close. Cadence motioned Edison inward, and began to secure herself until she got a response, "Roger that Lieutenant, moving out from the AO fast, hold on tight."
The shuttle doors shut completely, and the quiet rumbling of the engines drowned away the sounds of Yamatai and Elefirn fighting, ripping their ships apart.

Nepleslian Shuttle

Then the pilot came up on the group's radio, "Orders from above are for you all to keep all communications silent, no talking, no writing, and no other forms of communications until we're back home, aside from you Lieutenant Newborn. I need you up here, you'll need to be... debriefed early about the situation at hand." His voice trialing off with unease.

With a curious disposition, Cadence moved herself towards the cockpit after removing her power armor. The rest of the trip remained quiet aside from the rumbling of turbulence and the occasional grumble of the ship shaking as it flew through a warzone. In the silence, the trip seemed much longer than it should have, even performing basic weapon maintenance manually seemed more tedious than it should have been. Luckily, the familiar sounds of a shuttle docking rang throughout, and the doors were suddenly opened. Cadence had not returned however.

Inquiry Hangar

Instead, the group found themselves facing a lone, older man. He smiled brightly with his arms out before speaking, "Welcome home soldiers! Now before anything else, I understand that this may be... unorthodox, but due to some unforeseen events, you are all dismissed, and subsequently forbidden from disclosing any information obtained on Polup's surface to anyone or thing besides you four until tomorrow's debriefing in which we may get acquainted better. For now, you are free to roam the ship and rest, you will however, be escorted until you are contacted once more." He held his arms behind his back and knitted his brows together, "I hope that is understood. If you have any questions, wait for the debrief."

He turned his back on the team, and proceeded to march past a small group of soldiers facing them in the direction of the ship's bridge. There, the team managed to catch of glimpse of Cadence making her way towards the man with a mixture of ill will and confusion on her face.

One of the four soldiers that faced them stepped forward "We will be your escorts for the meantime. We will be observing your from a distance to make sure that you will not be speaking to anyone other than your squad mates. I hope this doesn't bother you, we're just trying to be... professional."
Inquiry Hangar

Linda was not happy on the way back, nor when she was told at the hangar to keep quiet. She felt they had some nerve to try and silence her, an IPG officer, and it showed on her face. She did however comply, but she was for sure going to add this to her report after the briefing that the Marines did not know their place. Information was important to control, but it was also important to spread properly, and the fact that they might try to put a chokehold on it towards the IPG was appalling.

"You have your orders, but that wont stop it from showing up in the report." Linda's tone was a bit sharp, reflecting her annoyance, but at least it wasn't hostile like IPG usually were.
Inquiry Hangar

Alec was already taking a seat on his helmet during the inspiring debrief before he watched the silent show between Cadence and the IPG officer. He let out a whistle of amusement before leaning. "Okay. Cool. I guess I could use a new friend for a bit..." he said as mulled over the fact that some hardass intelligence operative would be watching over him for a good while.

"Wait, are they going to be following us everywhere?" He asked the team's own IPG agent.
Once everyone had embarked the shuttle Adam sat on the seat closest to the door, it made him more comfortable to know that a potential exit was close at hand. He briefly looked over his squad and nodded at the display of battered and bloodied armor, it was especially pleasing to him that the blood was that of his enemies. While still new to the group he had yet to really converse with anyone but at least he could agree they could kick ass and to him that was high praise.

Upon landing and being ushered to the hangar his mood quickly deteriorated however, the news of babysitters being his last straw. "Fuck that, they want to follow my ass then they better just consider putting me back in my restraints," the lean soldier said, his body language screaming hostility. He looked at his compatriots, Linda's acquiescense being a stark reminder that if a spook can accept this then maybe he could as well. Though still appearing as a tensed spring he did lean back slightly as though maybe it would not do any good to really fight this particular order.

With a wave of his hand he said, "Whatever, Imma go take a dump. Any of you need me, I will be in the machine shop." He walked toward the hangar exit, eyeing the group of babysitting marines for good effect.
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