Sune look over at La'tâ. "The Genshō has spent the past years working with the Poku. We will be providing medical data for all species in this operation, as well as supplies. This is needful because when the teams are recalled, we can not ensure which vessel they will be brought to. Especially if there are injuries and time is of the essence. This way any of the ships will have the medical data and supplies needed."
Katae looked at her data pad when an indicator on it started flashing. She touched the pad and read the brief message displayed. She turned to Qaedal, "Sar Aaeas your additional members for this mission have arrived and will be entering the room shortly.
For the rest of you, there will be two members of the Kingdom Of Neshaten joining us. They are Che'valier Sa'gesse Elza'beth and Che'valier Sa'gesse Dar'tagnan"
At that moment the doors to the room opened, and a
Shukaren Daur and a
My'leke walked in. The Daur had black fur with light grey fur on the tips of her ears. She was wearing goggles as her species typically does in bright light situations. The My'leke also had black fur, but running along the center of his back was a mane of red fur. They walked side by side and came around to stand on the opposite side of the table from Qaedal.
The My'leke addressed the leaders as he saluted, "Commanders Aaeas and Ise I am Che'valier Sa'gesse Dar'tagnan and this is my époux or spouse Che'valier Sa'gesse Elza'beth, We have been sent along in accordance with our Treaties to serve as Liaison. Our equipment is in the landing bay."
Qaedal nodded to the Neshatens, "We are honored that you were able to join us. We look forward to working with you." he replied. He looked at his crew, "Any questions from the Yome crew?"