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RP: NSS Alliance [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Storm

Adrian quickly followed his friend out of the room. His longer legs carried him at a good pace, and he quickly caught up. He gave Kokuten a very friendly one-finger salute and continued past, bursting through the doors. The bloody medic took several steps and stopped, noticing the empty podium. "Shit. Where are the dudes who're supposed to be talking to us?"
Autumn noticed the bloody Adrian enter the room and waved excitedly to him. "HIIIIIII PRIVATEDECANE!!!!" She looked back up at Ian with a grin and a smile. "Everyonemade itback inmostly onepiece!"
Ian watched as the medic walked into the room, and laughed quietly at Autumn's outburst. He tapped her quickly on the shoulder. "He's one of the ones that bit it down there, just to let you know," he said softly to her, marveling at the amount of blood that had manifested itself on his uniform front.


Adrian cocked an eyebrow at Autumn as she yelled out to him, not recognizing the young, drugged woman as the rather more sultry version that had spoken to him as he checked her arm under the Kennewesan ocean. He raised his hand and gave her a quick wave, wondering exactly who Autumn was. Thus, he decided to make an inquiry.

"Two things: First, I didn't make it back up in one pie- oi, wait, never mind, I guess I kinda did. But, anyway, second: Are you that chick from 17th street who gave out blowjobs for a pack of cigarettes? Cuz you sound a lot like her."
Autumn looked at Ian a little puzzled, "Hedid? That'stoo badbut he'sall togethernow. Youbleeding?"

She laughed at Adrian's comment, "NAH!I'm neverhooked! Youlook likeyou earnedyour bloodwings! Whoyou usedyou facefor aplug? Youwere treatingme duringthe offensivefor myarm! Name'sAutumn! Welcomeback then!"
Adrian blinked at the rapid-fire verbal assault. "Wait... uuh... OH. YEAH. Autumn. I remember you. Your arm was fucke- wait, Blood Wings? What?" He seemed quite confused.

Meanwhile, nearby, Ian simply snickered away at the exchange.
Ran sent what he considered to be a "friendly" sneer Kagura's way, popping another piece of nicotine gum into his mouth. "What the fuck do you mean like "a little bitch?" You see him crying?" Ran smirked and sent a middle finger Kagura's way, trying to let her know he was joking around with her. He then leaned in close to Stromm, so he didn't hear this part: "Sheesh, women, right? I don't know what gives them the right to talk to us like this." He then leaned back against the wall, a comfortable distance away from Stromm.

"So what'd you guys do down there? This can be a game of impressions."


Perhaps why Dream was somehow still on Keid's shoulders, despite having both her hands full, was that Keid had not stood up straight yet. With one LED making it's way around to the back of it's head, it noticed the one arm that had her voidwalker....ball in it. Taking it gently, it set it inside another one of the compartments at his right side. There was a drum roll as it stood up with the girl on it's shoulders, to complement what she perceived to be an epic pose. The drum roll would have come to a stop here, and....Keid stood up and....

...Started moving at a relatively decent pace towards the Multipurpose Room.
"Wellyeah! Whyelse doyou gotblood allover yourface? Ithought youwere backandstuuf? wasit entertainingat least?You areamess!" Autumn asked Adrian excitedly, apparently she had lost what sense of calm she had been striving for again. She was fighting her urge to run around the room skipping and randomly hugging people as she rocked on her chair a little more, fidgeting.
"Oh, yeah, the blood. I was trying to take out my eye, so I could get my cybernetic one," he tapped the glowing red cybernetic with one finger, "In there. It got a little messy. Never try ocular surgery on yourself."
"Usuallynot agood ideato operateon yourface. Seriously,it lookslike someoneused yourface forabloodmop. Youwanna handkerchief something?" Autumn grinned at Adrian. "Shitman goodto seeyour back!Come sitwith us!"
"SergeantChiaki hasametal ass?" Autumn looked puzzled by this and looked up at Ian quizzically for confirmation.
Tweak barely acknowledged Harrison when he returned, instead watching the floor, then looked around the room when she was bored with counting the surface changes on it. And because the room was getting louder with ever new person to arrive.

Yes, very full in here, it certainly was...the neko put a hand up to one of her covered ears to try blocking the noise more, but without looking like that was what she was doing. She pulled her feet up onto the edge of her chair, her knees held up to her chin with her free hand. She tucked her chin so her nose rested on her knees and waited for the 'briefing' to hurry up and start already.
Seeing the Bloody Adrian walk into the room with his glowy red Eye made trey remember what seemed odd about Tweak's eyes. He turned around and asked her "Hey, uhh.. jacket girl, why are you'r Eyes red? they don't seem to be cybernetic, so it seemed a bit odd, I thought I saw a pair of eyes similar to yours when i went to Yamatai a while back but..." And he trailed off, a bemused expression on his stubble clad face.
"I...uh...they were that way when I got them," came Tweak's quiet reply. She glanced up at Trey, then lowered her eyes.
Kokuten jogged into the Multi-purpose room, his green LED eyes searching around the room. He leaned over, putting his metal hands on his knees to catch his breath.

"Damn, Adrian, you run fast" Kokuten breathed, then straightened up, taking a look at all the Freespacers.

"When did they get here?" Kokuten asked curiously, thumbing to the two female Freespacers.
Autumn suddenly sprang from her chair and bolted over to Adrian and Kokuten. "SergeantChiaki! Hi!How areyou feeling?You getanything toeat yet?" She smiled brightly at the medic and wrapped her arms around Kokuten and gave him a big hug. "Thanksfor fixingmy arm,Sergeant!"
Kokuten let loose a hearty chuckle as Autumn wrapped her arms around him.

"Ha ha! Well, no I havn't eaten, and it was no problem in fixing your arm!" Kokuten cheerfully replied. "How are you feeling?"
"Good!I justfeel likeI haveway toomuch energyand Idon't wanna sitstill butIan wasmaking mebut helet mego!" Autumn replied in a rush, still hugging Kokuten as she suddenly grabbed his butt with her right hand.
"Whoa!" Kokuten chuckled, a tad embarassed at Autumn's grab at his firm buttocks(almost firm enough to be considered metal). Though the Medic kept a happy grin nonetheless. "Apparently you're also a little frisky as well."
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