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RP: NSS Alliance [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Storm

"Frisky?" Autumn seemed to contemplate this word as something that usually in her vocabulary. "Adriansaid youhad ametalbutt!He lieeeed! butit's stillnice though," she grinned as she leaned with her right arm around Kokuten, finally releasing him from the hug. She tapped her left foot, in a movement that could've been impatience or even that of a hyper child that was having a hard time staying still.

"Dopeople getmetal butts,Sarge? Haveyou everdonea buttreplacement?"
Kokuten burst out into laughter as he listened to Autumn, "A metal...heh... butt? Ha! No, I don't believe I've ever encountered someone packing steel in the hind quarters."
"Itdoes seemalittle silly!But maybethe peoplethat getmetal buttsalso getmetalboobs? Ormaybe onesthat dispensewhiskey? OOhthat'd bean idea. whatchathink Sarge,whiskeytits?" Autumn grinned as she continued to vocalize her very odd train of thought.

"Ormaybe Icoulduse asizeup?" She held her hands out in front of her chest in demonstration of an ungodly huge rack. "Idon't thinkI'd fitin powerarmor then, wouldI? Yousaw'em earlier, youthink I needem biggerSarge?"
Kokuten's face turned red, though his grin persisting, "I believe your breasts are of adequate size, Soldier Wilde. At least for a woman of your stature and height." He tried to give an honest answer with his analytic mind.
Autumn grinned as she placed her hands behind her back, arching her back and pushing her chest up. "Yousure? Noteven alittlebit bigger?" Autumn added teasingly in a good natured tone of voice. "anysuggestions forwhat I shouldget tacked noto mynew arm?I wasthinking adecal. Someonesuggested arobotspidergun. Whatdo youhave onyours?"
Re: [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Stromm

“Hey, wanna have sex?” Uso asked as she sat down near what she was mentally calling a ‘couple’. She propped up her feet on another chair infront of her and readied her facemask.

“Oh sorry, did I accidentally skip ahead to the ending? Not that I would mind you two progressing to that stage here, it would prompt the removal of my facemask too… but some of us are trying to nap.”
Autumn turned with a rocking motion to face Uso and stopped as she laughed. "Whatyou areyou notoffering?"

"Youreally thinkthe breifingis gonnabereally thatboringthat you'regonnaneed themask?"
Re: [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Stromm

Uso affixed the elastic band of the soft black mask around the back of her head and held the rest of it just infront of her eyes,

“Right now I’m on break from strenuous activity, but I figured it would give me the best opportunity to stealthily finger myself if the mood struck me.” Uso replied, letting the mask snap into place over her eyes.

And yeah, its sleepy time for me unless someone has something really important to say.”
Autumn continued to grin, "Oohone ofthose. Idoubt anyofthe guyswould stopyou andwould gladly volunteerto help."

She turned back to Kokuten and Adrian with a very bright smile. "Iguess we'dbetter sitdown forwheneverthis briefingstarts. ButI don'twanna sitstilllll."
Kokuten broke off Autumn before she replied as he looked around the room while she talked to Uso. The medic caught glance of the Neko Freespacer, he got a better look at Tweak. Wait a minute... I know that spacer!

"Hey! I recognize you! You're the Neko Freespacer we met during the intial contact with you guys." Kokuten walked over to Tweak, the Medic extended a hand and backed it with a warm smile. "The name's Kokuten Gaiasis Chiaki the 5th, I never got to introduce myself since the terms of our meeting weren't so well."
Re: [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Stromm

“Gladly help?” Uso repeated with a slight grin, “Maybe you could convince metal fingers there to give me a ‘hand’.”

She lifted her facemask and looked over at the medic, “Do you think you can make it to the mess hall and back here with a cup of coffee before the briefing st.... or you can just leave.”

Uso then turned her attention back to Autumn, "Ok, so I guess I was wrong about the sex?"
"Idunnoheseemsa littleshy," Autumn commented to Uso.

Autumn looked after Kokuten curiously, "N..neko?"

"Thereis always anothertime," She chuckled to Uso before she shrugged and skipped back to where her seat was. She sat down again and tapped her fingers against her thighs impatiently waitingfor the breifing to start again.
Tweak had her eyes closed, still with her right hand over one ear to dampen the noise. She clamped her eyes shut when she heard Koku's exclamation, trying to play it off like he didn't mean her (though there weren't any other Freespacers that looked close to being nekos in the room).

But then he approached. She turned her head slightly, peeking up at him with one eye that had the color of oxygen-starved blood and a tired look. He was smiling at her. Why was he smiling at her? He knew what she was...how did-- wait. She HAD been on the Alliance before, according to her book. There weren't details, but the only warning had been for someone named "Rico". No mention of a "Kokuten".

The wary neko lifted her head and took her hand off her ear to rest it on her knees as she looked at Kokuten's proffered hand for a second or two. "Oookaaay," she said slowly, then took his hand in hers while looking at his face with a somewhat curious expression. "Tweak. They named me Tweak. Nice to meet you, Mister Chiaki."
Re: [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Stromm

“Aww, so you’re telling me you aren’t going to put on a show?” Uso asked, her facemask still just above her eyes.
"Itdepends ontheshow!" Autumn replied cheerfully back to the IPG officer."Idon't thinkthe Sergeantisup forone!"
"Uh... I'm guessing you don't recall me, do you..." Kokuten shook her hand and released it from his metal grasp. His face had shown a little bit of dissappointment, yet his smile returned nonetheless. "

"Well, Miss Tweak, I know how easy it is to forget a face. Even one like mine, heh." Kokuten pointed to his green LED eyes.
Re: [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Stromm

Uso nodded, turning to look over at Autumn, “That begs the question, have you ever had made out with someone in the showers on this ship?”
"Notyet! Haven'tspent thatmuch timeon theshipyet!" Autumn continued grinning. "Whatyouplotting?"
Henry took a look at Harrison's digital penmanship. He then took his laptop, made a new line and jotted down the following: "Is this a knight in shining armour with a pistol, or is it a man who likes to show off by wearing silver plates over his clothes and enjoys slinging guns? It's a good concept, but you should flesh out the setting, and it'll be good. A good first try. However, if this is a short story, you can flesh out the setting midway or not at all."

When he heard the mention of "Neko" from the greeting Kokuten, he was a bit unsettled. He had a small beef against Yamatai for having a 'utopia' society, which to him was fundamentally flawed. He frowned slightly and creased his eyebrow, trying not to give away the wrong impression.
He was also out of his book, which also made him notice that Autumn was talking at the pace of a machine gun. He simply dismissed it as some overt happiness.
Tweak shook her head a little, then set her chin on her knees again. "Actually, it's just rather easy for me to forget faces," she said, barely loud enough for him to hear.
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