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RP: NSS Alliance [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Storm

Autumn had remained in a blissful state of unawareness despite the ruckus going on around her. She had only partially gotten redressed in her uniform and was only missing her uniform blouse (her undershirt was untucked and her belt wasn't secured shut) and her beret. Her body remained rather limp and unmoving in Rico's arms- her head leaned to one side against the Sergeant's body and her left arm looked even worse than it had earlier when she exited her Warhawk- the coloration of the bruising had darkened to a deeper shade of purplish-red.
"You're sure the arm will be alright? I'd hate to see a good soldier go to waste like that." Harrison continued, keeping pace with the Sergeant and armorer. He didn't seem worried, but seeing someone loose ANOTHER arm would be like the treatment plant again.
Kagura had been relaxing outside the medbay, waiting for her turn in there but noticed her friend being hauled in there in a hurry. "Autumn?" she blinked and followed them in and looked a bit worried, when she saw the wounding. "Oh man what happened to her..." she muttered. "It looks like someone hit her as hard as they could with a steel beam in the side.. It must've been from combat with those weird ass armors.."
"Wierd-ass armors? Please, elaborate." Harrison wondered if their armors could've been anything like the one Alpha had encountered when laying siege to the Water Treatment Plant. It if was, then that could mean the Reds could actually become a threat.
Gyles finally roused himself from his exhausted status, peeling his sweaty back from the side of his largely waterproof armor. He'd been out for a few minutes now, but didn't feel much better, so figured it was right time for a good, long shower. Might as well... it's not like we're going to be needed for while now. Oh... fuck. And I forgot I have to run a fuck-huge maintenance cycle and diagnostics...

So thinking that to himself, the visored tech sentry got up, and headed over to the bunks.
When Will darted off to have a look at what'd happened to Autumn, he curiously followed. He listened in on Will's conversation, then heard the mention of a "Weird-Ass Armour"

He nudged Will and wrote him this message hurriedly: 'Could it be that there's more of those things we faced on the beach?'
Rico let out an audible yelp of surprise as the Yamataian lifted him off of the ground. Had he not been carrying a wounded soldier, Rico would've planted a firm one straight onto Trey's chin...he didn't like being man-handled like that, and he was glad to get back down to the ground as Trey released him. Rico shot him a poisonous smirk as he started walking again. "...thank, think I'll take my chances, yeah?" the Sergeant grumbled under his breath before turning back around. Rico wondered if his mood could get any worse.

He didn't get far, however, before someone else caught him. Rico didn't have much of a chance to react; he could heard footsteps, but didn't bother turning a head to see if they were heading for him. As a result, the blow from Ian's swing caught him square on the shoulder. Rico had been in mid-step when the force caught him; he "ACK!"ed in alarm as he felt his leg give way, toppling him and the armorer in his arms towards the corridor wall. Rico's back slapped harshly against the hallway side. He had managed to maintain Autumns position...he decided this was a good thing, as he took notice of her rapidly discoloring arm.

Rico shot a glare up at his attacker...McCain, from the mission before. It was fairly obvious it was he whom did it, weapon still in hand. His eyes narrowed harshly upon the cadet.

"What the SHIT?! What the hell are you doin', you stupid fuck!?" Rico barked loudly.
Ian pointed the twin pipe lengths at Rico, an angry expression apparent on his sharp features. "What the fuck did you do to her, Sanroma?" He growled. He looked down to Autumn, noting the nasty discoloration. He clenched his jaw before looking back to Rico.
Rico's eyes flitted towards the length of pipe being raised again, as well as Ian's own eyes glancing down at Autumn and back up to his own. The sergeant put two and two together as he reached for his service pistol and presented it to his superior, shooty end first. As he did that, Rico used his other arm to cradle the unconscious armorer; either to protect her, or use her as a shield. From Ian's point of view, it could've very well been either.

"Put the fuckin' pipe down, sir."
Kagura hissed at both of them "With all due respect, shut the fuck up you two, stop bickering like children." She said and turned to Harrison. "Well we ran into these nasty, hunchback looking power armors with vibroclaws on their hands and aether cannons on their shoulders. They were damn big, and damn strong too." She said. She glanced to Rico and Ian and sighed. "It's best for you guys to just keep it down, we dont' want to wake her up while she's like this, masochistic she may be I doubt Autumn would enjoy this pain..it looks like it hurts." Kagura said and began to examine her friend to try and figure out how much damage was there.
Harrison was nearby when Rico pulled the gun. Instantly, his combat instinct took over. Both hands flew to his dual revolvers, the overhanging leather clips popping in split seconds as the guns flew to shoulder level, trained on McCain's head.

"Cadet Second Class Ian McCain... What the fuck are you doing!?" He kept the safeties on just in case. If he was going to bring harm to a fellow soldier over a woman, then he would readily bring harm at a faster and more detrimental rate. Hearing Kagura, however, forced the guns to hip level, then back into their respective holsters with the right hand gun handle turned forward.

"We saw the same one at the water treatment plant. It took off old Red's arm." Then he turned to Henry.

"I guess so. It looks like if the Reds decide to come back, we might have a small problem on our hands."
"Sergeant Sanroma." Keid stepped out from the corner of the hallway, having been in the area..."collecting trash", the commotions from Ian and Rico's little argument drew him close. What stepped out from the corner was a testament to the glories of the various creams and magic associated with hairstyling. Except not. The automata stood proudly before the group, with a full chest made of various clumps of hair from different people. Blonde and brown hair stuck out from where it's armpits would be, and a massive set of mutton chops adorned where it's cheeks were. A crew member with a shaved head walked by, with another in tow, suffering from a huge clump of his hair being torn off.

"Do you require assistance?" Keid stomped it's right leg, causing loose hairs to annoyingly shake off it's metal body and fall on everyone. As it's right foot opened, the automata grabbed the baton from the compartment, as the two tazer prongs from his left forearm popped out. It aimed the tazers directly at Ian's chest, designating him as a possibly violent target and the object of Rico's stress.
Kokuten looked among the crowd of exiting Marines, keeping a close eye on everyone there. He nodded as he spotted a few Marines doing their share of the work, moving the wounded to the Med Bays. Though something caught his attention.

Hrm... what happened to that woman in our squad? Kokuten looked around, he hadn't noticed Cheza's presence since the end of the battle. He looked back at the shuttle that the Alpha squad had stepped off of. The Medic slid off his WATER2 and jogged over to the craft.


Ed looked at his buddy Sam, and Sam returned the gaze.

"Check and see if they got everything out, I'm not wanting to make two trips." Ed ordered Sam. Sam shrugged and stepped into the troop carrier part of the shuttle. He spotted Cheza Evans, still in there as she seemed to be napping. Then he also noticed one of the Marine jogging up into the shuttle.

"Hey, did we leave anyone in he-, Ah, that must be her." said the Marine, his green LED eyes focusing on her. He walked over to her, tapping her on the helmet.

"Private Evans? Are you awake? Are you O.K.?" The Marine asked her, Sam noticed the Marine's tag said 'Chiaki.

Weird name for a Nepleslian... Thought Sam.
As if a lead pipe had been taken to her head she woke her eyes widened and she felt her heartbeat quicken for a split second before yawning and getting to her feet. Shaking her head she looked up at Kokuten. "Sorry Sir." Pressing a hand to the back of her head. "Guess I dozzed off once Ran stopped yelling." She stands straight, looking at the Medic. "How's he by the way," refering to his arm.
"He's doing well, good of you to ask." Kokuten looked her up and down, his Green LED's aiming to her booten feet all the way up to her top of her Nerimian helm.

"You'll have to get out of that armor as well, Private." Kokuten told her, rubbing the facial hair on his jawline.
She nods "That's good, glad to hear it." Giving him a nod she existed the shuttle to get into some real clothes, muttering the whole way.

"I can't wait until I get into some fucking clothes ... next time I'm wearing comfortable panties fuck that lace shit what was I thinking."
Ian tensed up rather noticeably. The amount of rage present in his skull was fairly obvious, as his usually pale face was growing red. The prospect of being shot or tazered by not one, but three of his subordinates was not something he looked forward to. Luckily for him, he found his aversion to that particular scenario only slightly greater than his severe desire to pipe-whip them all until the bullets either stopped or killed him.

The pipes hit the floor.

"Get those fucking weapons away from me, before I have you court marshaled." The cadet growled, making no further moves. Of course, if one of the lower-ranking soldiers did try something, Ian still had his RPB and knife.
Autumn heard the clanking of the pipe against the deck and shuddered in Rico's arms. "Hnn.." She mumbled softly before going quiet again.
Rico scowled as Ian dropped his weapons, grumbling to himself as he quickly replaced his service pistol back into his belt. Although the sergeant would've gladly put a hole in a non-critical area of his assailant, he decided against it for the sake of his career. The more Rico thought about it, the angrier he grew.

"Court-martial my ass. What the fuck were you thinkin', bashin' me with a fuckin' pipe!?"
Ian quickly extended a finger towards Autumn. "The fuck was I thinking? I was wondering what the fuck you did to her, dipshit." He growled, but didn't move forward, still conscious of the numerous weapons aimed in his general direction.
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