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RP: NSS Alliance [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Storm

Seeing the sudden nearly violent turn of events, Trey decided to attempt a silent escape, holding as still as possible while slowly floating to one side down the hallway, so as not to set off someone with footsteps. Although his 'foreign' body would be able to take a few hits without any permanent damage, Trey decided he'd rather not get himself hurt in such a stupid debate.He mentally cursed himself for being so brash in his attempt to help Autumn.
Sergeant Sanroma started to visibly quake with anger in his sitting position, back still against the wall and women still planted firmly across his lap. The audacity of the cadet was really starting to boil his blood.

"Her arm's fuckin' broken or some shit! I was takin' her to the fuckin' medical bay 'till you bashed me, you ignorant fuck!"
Harrison sat slack-jawed at the bout of linguistic sparring that was taking place.

"Yeah... While you two go at it; would someone consider getting Autumn to the goddamned medical bay before I tear both of you a new asshole?"
Indeed, the Armorer's left arm was looking worse by the second and her skin on the rest of her body was starting to look pallid. The damage dealt to Autumn's arm during the battle was getting aggrievated by the lack of a splint and the uneasy, though thoughtful, handling by Rico.
Rico growled and glared venomously at Harrison as he made his comments. The sergeant was just trying to get through the day...he certainly didn't think he deserved all of this flak for trying to help out. As such, Rico quickly got to a knee and stood up straight, walking over to Harrison and giving him spiteful smirk.

"Alright jackass, why don't you do it then?" Rico said as he (as softly as possible) shoved Autumns body into Harrison's chest. He then back up a bit, shooting a few glances at the other occupants in the corridor as he straightened his uniform out and adjusted. Rico checked his shoulder, around the area of impact of Ian's blow...although nothing appeared out of order through his green-jacketed uniform, he couldn't be sure until he checked it closer. And he certainly wasn't going to do it there.

"I don't have ta' take this shit from some psychotic fuck-up and a low-rank jerk-off. You two take her there, if yer so damn concerned. I got better shit to do than this," Rico spat as he abandoned the conversation and disappeared behind the nearest hallway corner.
Coming back down to the Shuttle Bay from her barracks in a new set of clothes with a look of content on her face, her hands in her pockets thumbs hocked over pulling at the waist showing off her well toned body in a shirt a size and a half to small for her. Her long black hair up in a half ass pony tail, small strands over her bright blue eyes making her skin look all the more pale. She sighs looking at the ground as she turns the corner not entirely certain she wants to go back but figuring it'll look better if she at least attempts.
“This day just won’t end” She mumbles to herself coming around the corner. She looks up at the last second to see herself on a collision course with a (quiet handsome looking) man looking slightly ticked off.
A clean change of clothes in his hands, Gyles simply walked down the hallway, ignoring the scuffle going on. He was heavily soaked with sweat and his muscles were sore, so he had decidedly stripped off his pullover shirt and was left only with a tank top and his khaki uniform pants. Along with his visor, of course. Noting the female marine about to smack right into Rico from behind, he gave her a strong, but gentle nudge to the shoulder. Just enough so she would wing Rico's right arm instead of smacking into him. "Watch where you're going, marine. Don't want to make a bad situation worse, would you?" He said, before moving ahead of her.

Deciding not to bother with the rest of it, he simply turned up the loud trance music on his visor and continued on to the showers.
As Rico stormed his way down the hallway out of sight of the others, his attitude could only be defined as furious. As if getting assaulted by a pipe-wielding ID-SOL wasn't enough, now the lower-class soldiers were getting mouthy with him? All Rico knew was that particular marine should be glad he was in another squad...were he in Epsilon, things would not have turned out so pleasant.

As he turned another corner, Rico turned his head and looked over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't being followed. He really wanted to blow off some steam. Perhaps an Epsilon squad member to harass..but no luck at the moment; the corridors seemed fairly bare. Maybe he could check the mess to see if they were serving alcohol...but he doubted they were. He'd have to hit up a planetside bar for a good drink anyway, most of the swill they served in the mess was much less spectacular than Rico would've preferred. Then, Rico's thoughts turned on one of his more enjoyable pastimes, just as he himself turned his head back around to see where he was going.

Rico barely had time to notice Cheza or Gyles. With an unintentional heave, Rico's right shoulder clipped Cheza's left, causing his body to swing to the side slightly. The sergeant was a bit broader than his peer and was able to maintain his standing composure as he collided with her.
It took a couple seconds for Cheza to realize what happened. She had heard loud trance music and turned her head to see where from, she felt herself being pushed to the side by another marine. She stumbled over her feet a little before colliding with Sergent Sanroma, the almost simultaneous bumps caused her to shift to the side, quickly looking for a way to maintain her balance she reached out and grabbed hold of Rico's shoulder, and she stumbled but quickly regained balance and stood up taking her hand off him. Cheza then looks up at Rico and in a tone, completely unlike her mutters. "Sorry Sir." Her eyes met his for a moment and she stopped and cocked a brow. “Are you ok?”
This made her feel kind of stupid because … she doubted anyone was really ‘ok’ after the events just taken place.
A sickening crunching noise that was most likely bone grinding into bone could be plainly heard from Autumn's left arm as she was rather rudely shoved into the arms of another marine.
Ian growled as Rico left, and then looked to Harrison, a wrathful look evident on his face. "Fuck you." He grabbed the unconscious armorer away from him. Had he been a more considerate soldier, he would have made sure his hand had stayed away from her obviously damaged left arm. Unfortunately, he wasn't, and it did not, and his fingers clamped down on it rather tightly as he pulled her away.

"Stupid fuckers." He growled as he slung Autumn's body over his shoulder, still not watching out for the bruising. He then quickly set off for the medbay.
Autumn made a soft groaning noise as she was slung over Ian's shoulder. Her hair swung as she was taken down the hall. Her eyes fluttered upon in a red haze as she felt all of her blood rush to her face.

She had a hard time making out what she was looking at and suddenly came to the realization from the irritated stomping footsteps of boots against deck grating that she was being carried and.. she was staring at some very muscular Marine ass.

"..n..nice ass," the Geshrin woman commented hoarsely. Her entire body throbbed in pain as her left arm dangled over the large ID-SOL's shoulder. She carefully moved one of her legs to give the man the impression she was in fact, awake and not a sack of potatoes. She lightly winced in pain, she hadn't remembered hitting the deck in the Armor Bay so she assumed she must have hit the deck pretty damn hard to make her feel this displaced.
Ian jumped at the compliment directed to his buttocks, turning quickly and scanning the hall for whoever could have said it. He then realized that Autumn was awake. "Heh. Why thank you."

A moment later, he pulled her from his shoulder, and moved her into a, hopefully, more comfortable position in his arms. He then returned to his quest for the medbay, and, with the reminder that his cargo was now awake, actually careful to avoid damaging her arm anymore.

Moments later, Ian caught sight of a long line of marines, many of them quite injured-looking. He looked down to Autumn. "We're here, but there's a bit of a line."
"What happened? Last thing I remember I was yelling at ya and then I was falling towards the deck. My brain feels like it got scrambled when it hit the deck and... my arm feels like my legs did before they got amputated at the knee," Autumn commented with a soft sigh as she leaned her head against Ian's chest. "Unless you can do field surgery, I don't think a splint is going to cut it right now, unfortunately. So why the caveman tactics, did you think I was gonna run away?"
Ian shook his head. "No idea what happened. I lost you in the crowd back there, then saw Sanroma dragging you around. Thought he fucked you over or something. I persuaded him to hand you over, and here we are." He looked down the hall and bit his tongue.

"Afraid the kinda stuff I need to fix you up would be off in that room down there, through the shredded meat wall." He looked back down at her face. "We can work out what's wrong, though."
"Okay," Autumn nodded with a bit of a forced smile. The pain was actually starting to really make her uncomfortable as she looked up at Ian's face. "So what, do I have to rate the pain 1 thru 10? 1 being no pain and 10 being the most painful thing ever? Cuz, you know... I have a large basis of comparison and.. I don't think I have a scale to 10.. maybe 20."

She looked towards the other injured Marines and pursed her lips together for a moment before reaching up with her right hand and pushing her hair out of her face. "I hate feeling this hot and not being able to take off my clothes," she commented quietly.
"We'll try to get that fixed soon enough," He whispered back before stepped into a side corridor, away from the eyes of the marines in line for help. He sat down against the wall, Autumn still in his arms. He touched the discolored arm in a manner that, for him, was quite certainly gentle. Not so much for a woman around half his size and body mass.

"So, anything you want to talk about?" He continued to rub the arm before reaching for her wrist to move the damaged appendage away from her side. "Heh, I know this hurts and all, but bear with me here."
"Hmm? What do I want to talk about," Autumn responded softly as she titled her head to one side to watch Ian's face for a moment before looking down at her very abused arm. She shivered lightly as he moved her arm.

She moaned softly as she felt the grating of the bones against each other and heard the crunching from the minor rotation of the joint in its socket. "Oh God," she muttered into Ian's neck in a soft, throaty, echoing moan. "I..Ian.."
Kokuten had, for the most of the time, preoccupied himself with the body movement in the bays. Now, it was time to mend up the wounded, tag the dead, and clone a few Marine bodies. With that, he started with a brisk pace to the Med Bay, slipping and sifting inbetween groups of marines and other crew. He gave a few "Excuse me"'s and "Pardon me"'s as he went.

The Medical Officer took a look at the marines going by, side-stepping as he scanned up and down the corridors.

"C'mon! Keep moving!" He called out to them, gesturing those who stopped or slowed down to the Med Bay. With that, he resumed his run to the Medical Bay.

When the medic arrived to the bay he found some Marines already awaiting treatment, with Suku already tending to a few of them. He was about to break his gaze out of her direction, when he noticed something. Tears were sliding down the nurse's cheek, as she bit her firmly, attempting to fight them back. Her eyes met with Kokuten for a moment, then she looked towards the operating table, back at Kokuten and finally back at the Marine she was tending.

Kokuten couldn't understand what was going on for a moment. He looked around some more, spotted an unfamiliar Uso, yet also found that Adrian hadn't arrived yet. The Medic approached the operating table, seeing that a dead Marine had already been planted on it. Kokuten took a look at the Marines face, and as quickly as he could blink, his face turned pale. The Medic turned away, breathing uneasily. His hand came up to meet his forehead, and a lump began to form in his throat. He was almost sure he would've cried if it weren't for the fact he didn't have tear ducts. Though, one thing burned his insides, the fact of why Adrian hadn't arrived yet.

The dead marine on the table was Adrian.
Re: [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Stromm

Uso watched the Kokuten turn around.

Uso waited a while.

Uso tapped her power armored foot on the floor.

Finally she reached out and tapped Kokuten on his shoulder. “So, How long is it going to take to put him back together?”
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