Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: NSS Sledge Mama [NSS Sledge Mama] Ep. 4 - Schadenfreude

"Yes...Shit." Jaime muttered after each of the missiles did what they had done. Dropping the launcher, Jamie took a running leap towards the now breaking pods. His target was the closest one that was turning almost towards him as it peeled away.

"This one's mine."
"You want me to fly around? FINE." He snapped irritably, as he flew up and attempted to land on one of the Battlepods aND fire fron pking blank..

"How is this, Ylfa? How's the circus now?"
Edgardo, now aware that his suit could fly, jumped for cover behind a boulder high above the battlefield. Making sure his position was secured, he dropped onto his stomach, and began sighting in the remaining targets. "I'll handle the stragglers, you two-," seeing that his comrades had already acted, Edgardo let the sentence hang as he began firing.
Mark stared at the place from the auto-rickshaw almost in disbelief at what his compatriots had said. "So you mean to tell me that this place, guarded by a militant is just fine but a cat girl is where you draw the line? That hardly seems right." he complained. While Amold claimed this place was good, he was having a hard time believing it by looking at the patrons filtering through the door.

"Oh well, let's get this over with," he sighed as he hopped out of the vehicle and started making his way to the door. "The sooner I get alcohol, the better in a place like this."
Sledge Mama - "Rumble Room"

Leaping off the ground at tremendous speed, Jaimie became a blur to the unassisted human's eye as he made to chase down the retreating battlepod. However, the light and fast dedicated fighter peeled off and sped away from his slower power armor. Unable to catch up, the marine had little choice but to either break his pursuit or fire on it with his...empty hands. The very same story repeated itself with Stripe as the young man was abandoned by the remaining fighters, left behind to curse and scream at them as he fired at them in rage.

Just as Edgardo's shot streaked in from behind and slammed itself right up the ass-pipe, breaching the reactor of one of the battlepods in a fiery display.

Despite this small turn-around however, they weren't going to just take it. Wheeling around, the remaining battlepods joined up with the incoming flight and fanned out in a broad crescent. Gunning their thrusters, white contrails streaked out from launchers, their tips arcing inwards towards Jaimie and Stripe before tracers leaped after them. Caught out in the vast open nothing of space, there was no cover for them as they desperately tried to dodge the fusillade. Shields quickly failed as mini-missiles slammed into their hulls and detonated, the armor being chewed apart by autocannon fire before the two literally disintegrated under the assault. With a loud *POP*, the two reappeared on the asteroid with nothing but their uniforms.

Ylfa appeared as well, seated in front of a wooden table with an opened bottle of whiskey, hunched over in thought as a single dim light-bulb illuminated her.

"Well," she started, dour and depressed. "I really don't know where to begin." Without any care, she waved a hand, the gathering fighters drawn out into the distance by the dead-then-respawned marines instantly smashed into oblivion as the Sledge Mama itself exploded out into the scene, ramming them into dust as it burst out of hyperspace. "You did OK Edgardio, but shit. That was. Special. Short bus special."

The sergeant quickly knocked back another shot in one go before shaking her head, blond hair bobbing as she did so.

"Providence" Asteroid Colony

Kelly snickered at Mark.

"Geeze, your head full of fat or something? You don't know us well, do you?" the mini-war machine asked. "Militants like me are fairly common with all the shit that's gone down with the cats. I mean, look!" she pointed. Walking down a sidewalk towards them was a cheery young child, possibly five years old. Though dressed in messy, random clothing and covered in what looked like all sorts of bizarrely colorful and geometric tattoos, that wasn't the most notable thing. A third, cybernetic arm was jutting out of his back; though it carried a heavy bag of spare parts, the kid skipped along, singing a tuneless song as another militant - more used and rusty, with crayon doodles across its chassis - followed close behind, laden with much more. As it neared them, and started to pass the squad, its head turned and fixed right on them like an auto-turret's latest target.

"CONSCRIPT ME," the machine 'whispered'. "CONSCRIPT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" it suddenly begged, the Militant's owner oblivious to the outburst as its sensors continued to track them, its body marching on, forced to follow the child around a corner and out of sight.

"Poor guy. If he gets any more peace, he might die!" Kelly lamented. Shaking her head, the faint sounds of servos in their ears, she pointed at the bouncer. "This guy though, he's new, so there's definitely no ghost in the machine yet," she explained, specifically making note of the fresh paint job and unresponsive silence. "Anyways - onwards to fleshy, unsanitary debauchery!" the Freespacer lead the way, throwing the door aside and leading the way in.

Right into something that made their minds hurt.

Cobbled together, the interior was like a mix of anything and everything the owners could get their hands on to build it. And considering how it looked, likely was. The floor itself couldn't decide whether or not it wanted to be polished wood, ceramic tile, cement, metal plating or linoleum, alternating between them all at random. Meanwhile, the tables themselves varied just as much, with some looking like they had come out of a diner, while others...well, one was practically a coffee table with bean-bags around it. That wasn't what took the cake though. The fact of the matter was that several of the tables and chairs were on the walls. And the ceilings. Along with the various patrons and waitresses, all walking up and down or seated on every single surface of the place.

"Hello down there," a vibrant, seductive voice greeted them. Standing directly overhead them all from where she was on the wall, a crimson haired woman with dark skin leaned towards them to reveal plenty of cleavage. Despite wearing coveralls tied around her waist and a white tank top, the way she wore it all immediately told them that she was a waitress here; there was plenty of skin tattooed in that strange, gorgeously geometric pattern that they saw on the child from before. Of course, the name tag made it a certainty. "Would you all like to have seats at the bar, or maybe a table for yourselves instead? The name's Sherry by the way," her luscious lips formed a smile. Looking at the other waitresses, the Nepleslian Marines soon realized that the clothing they all wore was just as eccentric as the place itself - ranging from swimsuits to what had to be a secretary getup, it was as random as it got. There was even one who was wearing a provocatively torn and damaged Star Army uniform as a jab at the cats.

"W0o00o0o0o0o0o0w," Kelly's voice warbled.
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Jaime felt...weird as usual. A little disoriented but mostly okay his thoughts came back to him. He went to his default sense of humor as some kind of way to alieviate his thoughts of, 'I just jumped into a fighter and died explosively.'

"In my book three marines, two of those being designated marksmen and yours truly with a double barreled launcher, were screwed head over ass from the second the second group came in."

He then looked around the asteroid, "Shit, no Coronas, Tanks, or counter fighters. Three marines, two of which are squishy in my book, stood barely a chance once shields went low and another group came around. Give us a squad with launchers, assault rifles, and maybe a DMR or two, we'll beat the living shit out of the squids."
Once the high of combat wore off, Edgardo put back on his cheerful expression. "Well mates, at least we took out the first group! We'll do waaaayyy better next time!"
"Alright, we fracked up. What could we do to become better?" Stripe asked tiredly, leaning against the nearest wall. Turning to look at Jaime , he added "With what we had available."

He gestured outwards, saying "There is pretty well no chance that we are ever going to have the perfect solution to everything , so let's learn how to at least have a possible solution."
"Providence" Asteroid Colony

Terrence was greatly amused by the traveling Militant. As much as he would've liked to liberate the guy from his ill-fated peace, he didn't think he had the facilities, equipment, or expertise for that to be a realistic thought. Then again, even if he had any of those things at all, he doubted the MPs on the Sledge Mama would allow him to bring a Militant on to the ship. He returned his gaze to the establishment they were about to enter... He knew they were eccentric, but the colonist didn't think that the Freespacers would go so all-out. He'd already seen some houses given the scavenger treatment back on Delsauria. Hell, he lived in one of those houses. But he couldn't walk on the walls whenever he pleased! Then again, mother dearest would probably yell at him for making the walls dirty. However, in the present time, Terrence was focusing very hard to look Sherry in the eyes. "I must peruse your walls." He said with the utmost clarity. Then promptly turned to the nearest wall and attempted to try to join the "Walks-On-Walls" Club.
"Providence" Asteroid Colony

Confused was a word that could describe Richard as he looked around the bar. Everything was just thrown together and you couldn't take a picture where even half of what you shot matched. But the icing on the cake was the apparent same amount of indecision as to whether or not gravity was something worth caring about. "This interesting place.." Since the sergeant was not present, his eyes roamed more freely, taking note of all the waitresses. He chuckled under his breath at Kelly's reaction though "That's about what I'm feeling too."

He then looked up to Sherry once more "I think a table would be fine...on the floor, unless that works for everyone up there."
"Well," Edgardo began scratching his chin in thought. "Jaime likes to blow stuff up, and I do best with a sniper rifle at long range. Me and him could get up high and find cover, while you distract the enemy. That way, we'll have clear shots, while you run for cover."
Sledge Mama - "Rumble Room"

The look that Ylfa gave them all said, "Hang me now," or something along those lines. Though, the fact that a noose and stool appeared from nothing all but confirmed that as she stared back at what they had just said.

"Aaaaaaaaugh!" With that cry of agony, the table flipped before the three marines watched a six and a half foot tall woman fall to the ground and start rolling back and forward in frustration like a child. "But most of you were just standing there waiting to be shoooooooot!" she loudly whined, finally petering out and flopping onto her stomach. Lying there in the asteroid-dust with her chin on the ground, the way she lay there was like a kid who had run out of steam pouting. "And you guys even had the whole menu of things to choose from too. It's not like it went away for good or anything," Ylfa whined. "And don't think you get off scot free either Ed - you don't need me to babysit you around into shooting." After a moment, she finally turned around and sat back up to look at them. "As marines, it doesn't matter if you like to do things one way or another, because you all like staying alive a lot more," the Sergeant pointed out. "If they're in your face so you can't snipe, you pull out your damned gun or your knife if it's too close for even that. If you're out of ammo for your launcher, you get more, or - again - grab another gun!"

Crossing her arms under her bust, she did look upset, but something told them that she wasn't too upset. However, It was hard to tell what that other bit was exactly.

"For your information, a marine in a Hostile has to be worth at least three battlepods at once, if fresh out of boot," the corner of Ylfa's mouth tugged up ever so slightly. The classic question of 'How many X a marine is worth in combat' was always a consistently present joke, but also something to seriously think about. She didn't need to say what the ratio was this time around. Getting up from the ground and dusting off her front, the woman added, "You guys gotta think on your toes if you want to go anywhere - here, we're in an asteroid field with lots to hide behind. It's not like you got orders to hold fire either. And hell, I'm sure there's at Least two or three space worms hiding from space whales or or something." It was hard to tell if she was joking.

"Anyways, you guys want to give that another go, or try something a little different?" Ylfa asked them. Brushing aside a few stray strands of blond hair, she had the menu of prototypes show up for them, with a side tab for the regular gear too.
  • Hyper Induction Bayonet
  • Hyper Induction Folding Axe
  • Hyper Induction Longsword
  • Wrist Mounted Gauss SMG
  • Heavy Penetrating Designated Marksman Rifle
  • 20mm Fusion Assisted Railgun
  • Heavy Penetrating Minigun
  • Light Assault Ordinance Weapon (disposable)
  • Medium Assault Ordinance Launcher
  • Light Nerimum Shield
  • Medium Nerimium Shield
  • Heavy Nerimium Shield
  • Shoulder Weapon Station (Mount Weapon)
  • Durandium Stealth Armor Set
"Providence" Asteroid Colony

"Are you sure you didn't mean to say you'd peruse my wares kind sir?" Sherry winked, quickly playing the role to the hilt with Terrance. Watching him take a step forward, the young man soon felt the pull of gravity on him shift the moment his foot neared the wall. The constant tug started to emanate not only from the floor, but from the wall as well, making his transition far easier. Moving over, the pull of the floor faded away until he found himself standing up straight and tall. And right besides Sherry. "It's not hard at all once you get used to it - why, take a look!" she motioned with a hand. True to her word, there were waitresses who were moving up and down the aisles between the tables and right up the walls. Each doing so with ease, each dressed just as scantily as Sherry. Each as alluring and seductive in their own, unique way. Each -

"Wow, gravity plating pulled off of ships - far out!" Kelly exclaimed, grounding him.

"Mmmhmm!~ We're particularly good at parts hunting in old battlefields. Though, I'm glad you both like what you see," she spoke to both Richard and the machine-girl. Leading them over to a booth as she said this - the seating seemingly stripped out of an old-school Nepleslian diner with its colorful, plush seats - the waitress started handing them several hand written, scribbled menus. Though the handwriting was quite flowering yet legible, there was an abundance of crayon drawings depicting everything from cute animals to spaceships blasting each other out of space. "Do you see anything that you like?" Sherry asked again, this time pulling out a pen and note-pad as she leaned forward in what the innocent would think was anticipation.

Though, if they weren't looking at her wares, they'd notice something strange. The menu.

It sported...well, everything. Everything from what claimed to be high quality A5 beef and ribs to lobster and sushi down to bacon, green eggs and ham, nachos and even Delsaurian menudo. The menu selection itself was completely and utterly bizarre in how eclectic it was. Looking it over, they even saw several Abwehran choices such as weisswurst and sauerkraut for an example. In the desert section, the oddly named 'Dondurma' ice cream was even present too.

But what did this all mean?
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Edgardo, a bit surprised by the Top's tantrum, put up his hands in a placating way. "Don't worry, we'll go at it again, and see how we do. If we are allowed more than one weapon, I would prefer the HPDMR along with Medium Nerimium shield. If not, I shall stick with the rifle."
Jaime walked back away from the group and thought himself an suit. A Hostile appeared with a Shoulder-Mounted 20mm Railgun and a Heavy Penetration Minigun and folding axe on the hip. A Heavy shield also shown on the readout. Along the Railgun read in block letters, "FEEL THE HEAT" and the Axe was sharpened with a comfort grip. Jaime then moved the armor and minigun onto him and along the neckline armor another engraving that reads, "Bad Case of Marines."

He gave a sick smile and revved the barrel just out of of the group. The armored marine then lowered the minigun and walked back towards the group, "I decided to put a little spin on it if that works," he then turned towards the other guys, "Bring the thunder, boys."
"I'll take a Medium Neridium Shield and a wrist mount SMG to go with my previous loadout, I guess." Stripe said cautiously, as he walked back to the simulation.

He looked back at Ylfa with a contemplative look in his eyes. "Are there any options to increase my speed or maneuverability so I can draw enemy fire while these two pick them off?" He queried as he prepped for the fight, then turned to his comrades. "What's the plan?"
Seeing his team get their shit in gear, Edgardo suited up in similar fashion. He set the shield on his left arm, and thinking it would be a good idea, gave himself a Hyper Induction Longsword to hold in his right hand. He walked over to Stripe as his rifle materialized on his back, "Well seeing as Jaime is eager to get into a fight, I say we let him be the bait. He'll draw their fire, you can jump around from rock to rock taking potshots at the pods, while I find a high point and snipe. If they catch on and start closing in on me, I'll use my sword to take out as many as I can."
Stripe chuckled in amusement. "In that case, I'll take the stealth armour. As to a high point, if you also grabbed a stealth armour could you not sneak up to a suitable vantage point?" he commented as he checked the specs on the gear he was going to attempt to use- he noticed all sorts of interesting details in the designs that he'd look into later.

Once a tinkerer, always a tinkerer.
"Providence" Asteroid Colony

Upon taking Sherry's advice, Terrence nearly attempted to throw himself to the opposite wall head-first. He decided it would be more prudent and less expensive for Sherry if he simply returned to the floor his squad-mates were standing on. He reclined in his seat, keeping his eyes glued to the charmingly all-over-the-place writing on the menu. "Delsaurian Menudo? Oh Hell yeah, I gotta see this." The colonist stated in another rare display of clarity. A faint sense of longing shot through him, but he suppressed it. No need to think like that when he was trying to have a good time with his colleagues. "S- s- so, what are y- you g- gettin', Mark? A l- l- little bit of ev- everything?" Terrence asked with a shaky smile, though it did manage to convey amusement well enough.
"Providence" Asteroid Colony

Richard was rather surprised when Terrance made his way up the wall. He came to the same conclusion as Kelly and smirk, after seeing it in practice he could only wonder now why so many other places did not do the same, it would save on so much space. After sitting down with the others it took a moment for him to turn his attention to the menu, someone was being distracting, but once he did he chuckled at seeing it. It was a nice touch to the madness and if he didn’t know any better he’d have pictured a bunch of kids working the kitchen trying to cook up everything people ordered. “I’ll take the ribs.”