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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

While I want to help Leo, it's really mostly going to be up to Kelly, and Leo himself on how long he can last. I don't think Max and Richard are going to be able to do anything to help him themselves unless he can keep himself alive for 2 combat turns. I think that's the minimum we're gonna need to get an opening from this Mindy.
Max isn't horribly concerned with helping Leo like the rest of the team. He seperated himself to do his lone-wolf thing and now he has to deal with the consequences. I doubt 1 marine is going to be super super useful against what 3 or 4 Nekos. I'd rather see us kill the Mindy and then go even the odds against the other Daisies. If I am reading the situation correctly it appears as if the Mindy is on a suicide charge to try and kill you(Richard). So I'd say you have much more pressing concerns lol.
Well if we're going for mindy kill then the best option is probably to bat it around some with PPG instead of holding it. If we hold it and tear at it, and it escapes before we finish it, the Mindy will probably retreat, unless it is actually specifically a suicide charge, but that doesn't seem to Yamataian. I think they're just over confident in thinking they can win.
Yeah probably a little bit of column A and a bit of column b. I just think a two directional smash with the PPGs will throw it off balance and screw up its "cat-like reflexes". This should give us an opening to drop the firepower on it. I just want to score a hit with the Red missile, that seemed pretty effective, I think that might take it down and we can finish it close range with rifle fire, you know, just be to sure.
Into each other? Nah, since you positioned yourself diagonally with me, we shouldn't be lined up at all, and the hostile should accelerate considerably faster, especially in a thruster dash. As long as something doesn't interfere we shouldn't really crash into each other...I hope XD
Well, the thought process was that since a revolver doesn't fire very quickly, he can control his fire and not shoot Sawyer. But then I didn't think about what would happen if the projectile went right through Freia. If all else fails, vibrosaw is ready to go. Regardless, it should get her to fuck off if we can't land anything on her.
I'm really sorry for not being on for the past few days guys - I've had a lot on my plate. Right now though, I'll wait for one more day before making a post since we still need some from @Semjax , @Compouds117 , @Foxtrot 813 , @Centurion0507 , @Morbius and @Oscar_Geare to post. Also, I know I brought it up before, but if you guys can, please give some feedback on the possible rank changes. Do we want ranks from IRL, or made up ranks for an example.

Also, got that fixed Wes.
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Reactions: Wes
I understand. Still, it makes it tough to run the plot. If any of you guys don't think you can post consistently right now, send me a PM so we can hash out details. Or hell, I'll probably do that myself. At the very worst, your characters will just sit it out until you're ready, no questions asked. It's just hard when a firefight starts and a few characters are technically just standing there.

Anyways, moving on. First, what did you think of the fight? Ups, downs, drawbacks and things I could have done better? Second, the transition is meant to be jarring, like a reset. Find your bearings!


On the aside side of things, it seems that 'this and that' is the Japanese euphemism for hitting a home run. :3
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My only question is if everyone is in a chair and a bodysuit, where would our weapons be because Mark goes nowhere without his silenced 10mm.
My only question is if everyone is in a chair and a bodysuit, where would our weapons be because Mark goes nowhere without his silenced 10mm.
At first I had no idea what that Navy fella was going on about and how that started pertaining to Mark and his beloved 10 mil... Then the guy talked about placing a hunk of metal in his ass and I lost it.

I'd like a clarification about it, actually. Were we starting to lose to the Yamataians? Because it seemed like there was a bit more delicious dismemberment on our side than theirs.
Reactions: Wes
And that, was probably my most favorite scene in Pulp Fiction. I especially love how the kid just grabbed it right away.

And in regards to our situation in SARP, we're not in bodysuits, but just our standard uniforms. Assume there was some sort of helmet over our heads and maybe an uplink to our standard cybernetics. Also assume we have our weapons on us too. As for the battle itself, no, we were not losing. But at the same time, we weren't winning either. What I was going for when I wrote it up was that it leveled out, things went to hell, and could quickly go in either direction from there on. Some of it was due to decision making, while others were more rule of cool since I knew we were scene transitioning anyways.

Wulfe and Lisa for an example, would have won their encounter, if it weren't for the fact that the Demi-God in charge of their story decided he wanted things to look good before pulling the plug on the sim. Meanwhile, poor Terrance ignored the cannon drone shooting him in favor of its very flexible and limber owner. I can't emphasize enough that it was a Cannon drone. Not a piddly little MG. I was kinda shocked that everyone ignored those things instead of trying to suppress or shoot them down. They're basically as powerful as a Mindy's aether shoulder cannon.
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