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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

This is embarrassing; for some reason I can't fathom, I have writer's block. I'll get one out today though, that's for sure. In other news, Semjax is currently taking a break from SARP for two weeks, so we'll be without him for a bit.
Question, in the post just put up, how are the militants arranged? I don't know if I'm reading wrong or what but i just can't grasp their formation.
It's a rough line formation that's going parallel to us, since they were all closing in on one combatant and initially had their backs turned to us. Once the fighting started with us, they haven't had much room to do anything fancy.
@Syaoran @Shadow @Warriorx1 @Compouds117

I'll go ahead and post today and move the combat forward; right now though, there's another IC event that I'd like you to take into consideration. Basically, "We Switzerland nao" in the words of Mein Kampfer. To sum it up, all military personnel got to own and maintain their own rifles. There's a discount on the M3 assault rifle too, though I'm not sure if a different rifle would also meet the criteria for the order. @Koenig808 would have to answer that.
The M3 is exclusively discounted, though payment options exist for all NAM firearms so your character isn't forced to dump his entire paycheck on a gun.
Well I've got my end taken care of on that. At this rate Mark will be a walking armoury. The man has 3 handguns and an assault rifle. If he got a bigger paycheck he might be able to afford fancier and cooler looking ways to kill stuff.

EDIT: Apparently last night when I was making all my posts and joining another plot, I forgot to make a post for the Mama. I really need to get my shit together I suppose.
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Target Count: 4 Enemies Remain
I killed one in the last round so that leaves 3.
1 is bearing down on me(Max) from my last position.
1 is beating Ylfa which is being shot at by Terrance...
1 is in hand to hand combat with Richard

So I will be ripping the Militant that's advancing on me a new asshole. I think it shall be glorious.
Hello all, figured I would introduce myself. I will at some point be your new shipmate on the NSS Sledge when the gm gets me in.Look forward to rping with you all
Maelstrom actually just PM'd me last night - they're still working on their character, but considering this is wiki-code, it can be tough for some people.
That I can believe. It takes me forever to create a halfway decent character let alone the week to a week and a half to make changes to barely get to the acceptable level.
Alright guys, pretty much anything a Daisy I or Daisy II can use is on the table right now. Take your pick! Also, you'll have to make your decisions in what to do next as well. Keep in mind though, that there will be less action if the choice to leave is taken, and there may be other repercussions as well.