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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

I grabbed some equipment for my Mindy already and @CadetNewb I prefer a Heavy Weapons specialist role. Anythingnwith a big gun or gattling gun to lay down massive fire on the enemy.
Got it Syaoran.

And she's recommending the Aether Cannons to Briggs because they're the biggest guns in their arsenal - the Mindy is like a glass cannon and has the energy to run them. Though, turning her down can be entertaining too. Rifle wise, grabbing a LASR or one of the plasma rifles would work fine. If you decide you want an Aether Saber rifle however, just say your character is searching for one, and I'll roll some dice to find out if he found one.
Since were going back upstairs I figured we could bring a duffle bag full of guns to fries and company. Make those damn Cats fight
That seems plausible, though, guns alone won't have them be very useful. They'll need PA in order to use anything really worthwhile, though, their suits typically come with decent wrist guns.


Are you thinking of bringing them suits?
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Double posts...oh well!

This is what I have so far on the inventory page guys. I'm still working on it, though. Anyone that's already mentioned their loadout IC or in the thread, I'm keeping in mind to continue adding, such as Quentin's boatload of explosives. Briggs needs to make a call In-Character on whether to stick to the 50mm cannons he wants, or go with the aether cannons the catgirl is suggesting.
I was thinking that we could either call up to Freia and say, Hey armory is secure come get some guns, or we could bring them some assault rifles. I'm thinking option A makes more sense, with our Cat Friend providing escort. They could then link up with us or something later.
That about nails it - if you guys want to get anything out of the way, now's the time to do it. I'll be posting sometime tomorrow most likely.
@Warriorx1 @Semjax @Wyld @Briggs @Compouds117 @Syaoran @Shadow

Post is up guys - I'll post again much more quickly than this time around, since it's very literally just a pause for everyone to catch their breath before the storm starts. If there's any chatting or actual questions wanting to be asked, now's the time to do it. After that, we're diving straight into the action.

EDIT: Also don't forget to do a final check of your character's weapon loadout. Depending on how well this goes, we'll either keep or toss it.
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Oh, I missed it - the swearing is at level 2 not because the plot is rated to consistently be there, but because that's the highest it's ever been. Also the highest I'll likely let it go too. As long as everything is appropriate for the situation, it's good. This reminds me of something though, and I just noticed it. @Wes - is there some sort of auto censor going on? I notice certain words are censored while others aren't, even in old plots and posts. Is there some option in my account to turn that off?

EDIT: Post up! Pick your adventure!
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Well, it seems odd saying these when not in anger, but it seems Fuck isn't censored while c*** (C U N T) is. It's so rare that we swear to that degree here that this only caught me by surprise now of all times. Checking the forums, even the older 18+ areas are affected by this, not just the new ones.
I hate getting writer's block. Post is up guys, sorry for the wait! Right now, you're going to have to make a call; it'll determine how things are going to go from this point forward as well, so you may want to discuss it as quickly as possible here in the OOC.
If we try to sneak by them, knowing our clunky asses we will fail. So we might as well take them down, and perhaps get some answers out of them before slitting their throats....
Well, if they start scanning for aether, or one of us even touches a wall or floor, it'd be an instant failure right there almost.

There's the impossibly small possibility that they could be cats too.

The 'safest' option would be blowing them to kingdom come with aether cannons, but a higher risk higher reward thing would be trying to sneak by. Personally I'm for attempting to sneak by, but it may not be all that possible.
Speaking of Aether, passive scanners will pick it up very easily since it's that huge a signature. Typically, there's no hiding it when an aether system is active. However, in this circumstance, we can assume the station's aether system is hiding us with its much larger signature since we're in engineering. Once we move outside of the area however, anyone with a Mindy will have to shut down their aether tap and run off of capacitors/batteries until combat starts.

As for them hearing us through the floor, I just realized something. We can't hear crap right now, but engineering is still fully functional. Though it's dark and flooded with red emergency lighting and some light from the main energy system, everything is online and fully operational save for life support. The thrum of the aether tap and the faint light coming from it will also prevent them from 'hearing' us through surface conduction.

Sneaking is viable, so long as they're not doing an active scan. Outside of this area though, there's the extra hurdle of not touching anything.