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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

I feel like I'm playing a game of metal gear. You stealth and stealth and then shit hits the fan and the guys with the bullet=resistant riot shields show up, its bad but its a hell of a fight.
Alright Warrior what should our general plan of attack be? Have Max go straight up the middle while Mark hides so everyone can stare at him or do we need somethin' sophisticated? I thought of a plan that involved throwing Terrence again but it would probably go even worse than it had last time.
Mark and Max have the 50mm maybe we could open up with them each targeting one and triple tapping them. That should do some damage to their shields if they have any then have all but two others lightly pepper them with shots to make sure the shields are down while the other two stay stealthed as possible and rush in to finish them with plasma projector blades in close?
I'm totally with you, plus I think it'd be funny. We all realize our short comings. I'm sure Ylfa will be super pissed, but oh well. It's like a bandaid you know? Also if were not allowed to touch anything otherwise they will hear us, how do we stealth past them in the first place? Even if we were in zero g, there is little to no way to float pass them without A: firing a thruster, or B: touching something to change direct/gain momentum.
I already pointed out that touching stuff is fine; sound/vibration conduction still isn't good enough to give you away for the purposes here. They'll have to be close for that to work. Also, since you brought it up, the Mindy and Daisy armors can maneuver without touching something; the inertia system is perfect for that. It's 100% quiet.
Hey y'all! My name's Danny and I'll be your resident redemptive badass. Can't wait to get started! If you wanna know anything about my character he's at [[character:stenos_grimalk]]
Alright, always good to have some extra meat shie- I mean, guns backing us up.

So, Danny, that basically translates to "crazy motherfucker," right? That probably makes... At least, three now. XD
I'll just start firing on the two patrols, even if we go past them, that's just people we gotta beat later or who might get us from behind.