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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

The title of the page is about as blatant as Mark's breastplate right now, it's the Daisy alright.

Oh, alright, didn't know that. Thanks.
Ah, I see. The reason the article is written like that is because it was originally meant for the Mindy. By having a capacitor, it's like having a free shield recharge or teleport, assuming it has the teleport module. The Daisy can mount the capacitor to instantly refill its shields if you guys want, and even the teleport module. However, it will take a long time to get enough of a charge to teleport again, unlike the Mindy.
Ok, I'll be posting today guys, but if everyone's got the time, can you also tell me the military role you'd prefer your character to take in the squad for the new page? Just posting here would be fine, and don't be shy if there's someone else with it too. In other news, @Wyld is looking to join us as well - I hope everyone has fun together.
@Wyld - I just realized something. You should go ahead and post, since it's right before combat anyways. Otherwise, it may become confusing if you join in mid-fight. We'll keep working on your character profile in the meanwhile though.
I believe I've edited the post to more appropriately reflect my preferred suit load-out. I'm going to stick with rifleman, especially for the situation right now. Terrence has a hunting background though, so if you ever need or want a sniper, just holla atcha boi.
Why didn't you have him get sniper training as a speciality? @CadetNewb why does the plot have a 2 in language? I might have to kick up profanity.

EDIT: Also it doesn't really seem that anyone has any useful specialities for the task at hand. If we could just blow up most of the space station it would be easier.
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Well Quentin is a demolitions expert. Unfortunately he is also the size of some smaller ID-SOL clones despite being a more ordinary Nepleslian, so he can't exactly fit in the power armor currently available.

I don't think blowing up the station is something we should be conssidering as an option however, thats probably what the militants are doing, I mean, bringing in troops and going room to room killing everyone seems inefficient, They'd either plant a few nukes or kill the engine room.

Unless they have some kind of religion against that.
Mark is 8ft tall and got a suit of power armor. You shouldn't of been so slow to arrive. Also, most freespacers are extremely against violence and the IWL doesn't normally do shit like this.
Mindies and daisies are too small for even 6ft+ and thats all that's left in that armory I think. Quentin is 7ft 5in.

Also Quentin can double as a combat engineer if we need one. I'd set a link to the page but its currently a WIP as well as links seeming to ail when I try and link one to that page.

edit: I know the free spacers in general don't normall ydo this, but it isn't hard to understand the concept and it seems a bit more violent and personal to go room to room.
Because I'm an indecisive person, I suppose. And I didn't know if sniper schools are the same in Nepsleslian (or any faction, really) military circles as they are IRL.

Easier combat-wise, yes. But holy political temple of doom, Batman! And the money to make a replacement for that bitch! ... Oh yeah, and the surviving crew being turned into space dust, but we don't worry about that kind of stuff.
Let's see. Hope I'm addressing everything;

Though a person can receive specialized training, you don't have to right off the bat. Being a rifleman is perfectly ok to the point that I haven't even had Ylfa specialize either. It's also ok that we have more than one person specialized in the same thing as well. The old motto of "Every Marine a Rifleman(or woman)" is still relevant here.

In regards to being too small for a suit, the MCAS is fully adjustable, and is basically a "Build Your Own Yamataian Power Armor". Following the Mindy's update though, I do point out its basic armor for a Mindy-Like config hasn't been corrected. Typically, people configure it in a Mindy or Daisy setup though.
So I can get a suit?

Well somone should probably correct Quentin in character then, clearly he hasn't studied Yamataian technologies, he can't know everything :p
Ok, I've posted. We're not in combat, so I won't wait for a full turn once everyone's armed and ready to move. Still, don't hesitate to RP with each other during the brief lull. @Briggs and @Wyld , you two can grab the equipment you want - what's being offered IC is just a suggestion. Also; @Syaoran , I think @Semjax is having Rachael address Richard.

I'll finish the loadout page today in time for when combat starts, but, baking the salmon comes first. X D
Oh I forgot to put that Richard was keeping his shield since it's not destroyed yet. And yeah Rachel is talking to him, I was was gonna wait to reply after the GM post(cause I didn't know when it was coming)