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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Yeah I just really don't want my character throwing attacks at friendlies around in his second post haha. Plus when I read it I didn't realize it was Kelly, I thought it was one of the empty suits.
Just a heads up guys, I'm going to make the next post tomorrow to keep us moving. I honestly would have found it funny if we stuck with Stenos taking a swing at Kelly though. X D
@Warriorx1 @Syaoran @Compouds117 @Semjax @Shadow @Briggs @Wyld @Sigurd @1punchman @Stenos Grimalk

Right now, our characters are in the elevator atrium. To our backs are several entrances to them, including the seldom used stairs to either side. Given that time is now an issue, we're going to go up the shaft. That means someone needs to slice or break into the doors to check if it's clear for us to fly or not before we can advance. Meanwhile, the rest of us are basically either hiding behind the main raised bed with the tree, or one of the smaller ones with flowers and fountains to either side. Straight ahead is the corridor we came from, but to either side at the center of each wall is another passage the enemy can come from however.

Left 4 Dead, Mercy Hospital, Waiting for the Elevator.
I hate space stations. I hate Daisies. I hate Yamatai. LASRs. Fifty-Mils. Mini-missiles. Cloaking. Aether.

You know what I don't hate? You know what I don't hate? I don't hate Nekos.

Heheh. Left 4 Dead aside, there's something I should point out, or more accurately, revisit. Though power armor has made melee a viable option again, it's only during certain situations. Not only that, but the weapons being used and the enemy it's being used on are also important. Aether typically kills everything, be it a wristblade or beam saber rifle. Plasma follows after that, and various forms of powered blades are next. Normal blades are dead last in effectiveness of course, but are the cheapest and easiest to get. As for enemies, well, I already covered Mishhu, but looking at this chapter in particular? Using melee on droids is a bad idea in general.

Unlike human beings, battle bots don't have conventional vitals, and all their important parts are located away from where we can reach! Terrance would have had to go through a possessed Daisy's chest plate, through it's back plate and into its pack, which contains all the goodies in order to kill it. A very tall order, which is why someone had to finish it for him. Even with a powered weapon, like Stenos had, it can lose momentum and end up crawling through the body. Aether however, kills everything, but in Quentin's case, missed the vitals.
Gotta love the L4D crew. :)

So then... They are like zombies! Anyways, I was under the impression that they were a bit tough on melee users. Believe me, neither Terrance nor myself wanted to go Assassin's Creed on that Daisy. We just so happened to be thrown at them by the force.

So, if one was to use an Impacter instead, would that be more effective against these guys? Of course, we've already set down the precedent that it's better to cap somebody than it is to go Medieval Warfare on their asses, I was just curious.
Well, with the Impactor, it really depends.

In this case, the Daisy's vitals are all in the back, so that's where you'll have to start caving in the armor at if you want to kill it. Disrupt or breach the reactor, or destroy the processing unit and its supporting systems basically. If you start damaging anything else, be it arms, legs, head or chest, it'll still be able to move and function. In general though, it's really recommended to use the impactor last unless your character is a mace fighting expert, because that's basically how it's used.
I haven't updated the stats page quite yet, but I'll do so tonight before I turn in, that's for sure.

Right now, there is something I'd like to turn your attention to though; it's basically about the setting as a whole. As you may or may not know, Yamatai is the most powerful military force in the setting, and while that's normally not the problem, the degree to which Yamatai has power is. In short, they're too powerful. There are no pirates, there are no terrorists, there is no crime. From a GM's perspective, this makes things harder since less options are available for figuring out or making some sort of conflict for the players to come in and save the day from. Not only that, but as it has quite often in the past, it's also made many other factions simply not want to associate or interact with Yamatai, knowing that there would be no point.

We basically didn't even get to have little border squabbles with them back when we were in a Cold War with them, or at least very, very rarely at best as a result of that; more importantly, each faction became its own bubble, sandbox or playground or what have you, mostly disconnected from each other.

How this affects you is pretty simple though. In a sense, I broke the rules to even do what I'm currently doing in the plot. Terrorist attacks on Yamatai were forbidden. And the sad part is, any good GM will find themselves considering doing exactly what I did so that players would get what I gave you. Here, I wanted to show you first hand what Neko are like, how our characters in our faction look at them and let you interact with them too, but perhaps most importantly, also have you guys do something that had some actual impact and consequence. Not just be limited to a little game and some try-outs in the simulator. Nation/faction level, it's nothing, but for your characters, I intend for this to be the start of quite a story.

At the very least, take a look at the thread I've made and comment if you feel like it.
"Imperium of Man."

FOR THE EMPER- Ahem, shit, sorry. Anyways, love you forever because of that reference, but those guys would steamroll the galaxy. @_@

But seriously, try not to get your GM rights revoked or what have you, brother. I do enjoy hanging out with Ylfa and the gang, and the galaxy does need it's helping of 'Murica, even if it isn't actually 'Murica.
Shadow if anyone is going to be yelling for the empress it's going to be Mark or the cats. For some reason they both seem to like that type of government.
Sorry, I was in no way busy but completely forgot to check the site or the thread to see if I was missing anything. I would say it won't happen again but knowing me, I'm just going to go with it won't happen again any time soon.