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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

God, you guys are making me feel old. Graduation? The thing I'll remember forever was feeling like I came out of Harry Potter thanks to the gowns and the wind. Have fun with that. Also, that's why we click the watch button Compouds. XD

Anyways, I'll post sometime tomorrow - I just got the brilliant idea of using a DnD map maker or something like that for this.
I have it watched, I just sometimes don't get notifications for whatever reason. After all I occasionally somewhat know what is going on.
"Okay, I reloaded!"

Terrance will just be hanging around down the shaft so that Ylfa doesn't get nailed when she rushes back.
Hey sorry for not posting in a while I was expecting better internet on my vacation. I'll get a post up ASAP
So is the beam also like an AFK wipe to any one who doesn't respond?

And do we have any daisies that need to be lifted and thrown out of the way?

Final question, who wants to try and collapse the ceiling ontop of the mechanical spider even though that probably won't be as effective as i imagine it to be.

... beware the cave demon.
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For now, we're all mobile IC, but you're also right. People that aren't mobile are more likely to take hits. You've all got several options on the table, such as trying to cripple its legs or bring the roof down on it. But also keep in mind your objective is to try and get to the computer room. Retreating is not a bad option either, but like anything else, has to be done right.
That's exactly how I remember that battle going Cadet with some name changes to protect identities though.

Addition: Damn internet problems making me play catch up. Hopefully it shouldn't be an issue any more though.
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Wait, did someone besides the red shirt meat shields get seriously injured? Now I'm confused, I thought this was the plot where we're all bad asses that only take minor cosmetic damage. I might have to put a little more thought into my posts now and remember to fucking reload.
I think that if we increase the pace, do it slowly so people have a chance to get used to it, we don't want them(or myself) missing posts.

three to four days sounds like it would be about right to me personally, not sure about everyone else.
I'm fine with a bit of a faster pace. I consider this a 3 day post RP for figuring out when I should post anyway(even if I do miss it sometimes)
@Warriorx1 @Syaoran @Compouds117 @Semjax @Shadow @Briggs @Wyld @Sigurd @1punchman @Stenos Grimalk

I realized some things. First of all, I'm replying to this OOC as though I'm taking turns in a RP when I really shouldn't. Embarrassing. Second, that the post I just made feels like something any person would make if they spent a day or two or the eating nothing but MREs. It's huge.

Anyways, to answer questions....yeah, someone other than a redshirt got hammered, and it's happened again. Second, I'll slowly step the pace up until we're back where we were before. In regards to recent events however, good moves are rewarded with good results along with retribution from the enemy if they're able, while not so tactically valid moves will result in bad touches. More importantly though, if any of you have questions as to what's happening in the situation, speak up ASAP.

@Stenos Grimalk - Hey, you still with us?
My only question is; Is the giant spider bot of doom's frontal sheilding facing my way, or some other direction? I have a stupid ill thought out plan involvoing the use of Too Many Explosives.

edit: to be clear i was using the 'boosting of a single sheild emiter at the cost of the others' trick and not a metal daisy type sheild on a mindy.
I know it's a lot of ask, but is there anyway we can get a visualization of positions? even MS paint? I'm really having trouble figuring out where everything is. I don't think I'd need it every turn but just once would really help me out.
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