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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Wow it seems like we are totally outclassed by these stupid mechs. Also did Ylfa just get vaped? There is a lot happening and I can't keep track of where everyone is in relation to everyone else. It is rather confusing.
Answering questions first, Quentin is looking right at its rear right now.

As for adjusting energy barriers or shields on something, its mechanics have to do with a threshold that they have. Weapons that hit hard enough will pass through in a diminished state, while those that aren't powerful enough won't. In both cases, the defenses lose some of their charge, regardless of being pierced. However, if someone wants to prevent the force field from being pierced, they can reduce the effectiveness of one location to boost the other. Against the autocannons, there's no point in messing around with shields, but against that Aether Gatling or Plasma Cannon, it'll save a lot of your skin.

Also, it looks like Ylfa got fragged...and it's not 'mechs' plural. It's just one Überkoma.

  1. Middle Left Astrometrics Station/Pit (Ylfa?)
  2. Front Left Astrometrics Station/Pit (Richard, Max , Stenos and Kelly)
  3. Front Right Astrometrics Station/Pit (GTFO'd)
  4. Middle Right Astrometrics Station/Pit (Quentin and Tatiana)
  5. Main/Back Astrometrics Station/Pit (Terrance and Mark)
  6. Entrance (Takahiro, Brigs and Rachael Nearby)
  7. Bigass Hole in the Wall/Where We Need to Go
Right now, the TASHA, the Red Diamond, is facing at #1, where Ylfa was at, but is bringing its Aether Gatling to bear on #2 , but isn't advancing on it.
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You said Ylfa was at 4 but you tagged her at #1 in your pictogram. Thanks btw. So what is preventing us from just EMPing the damn thing and making a break for it? Last time we fought a mech it was the one with the big claws(not this squad by my other one), and I think it took a tank or something to actually knock it down...

Of course, if we all concentrated our fire and started picking away pieces of it, that might work too. How hard is it to blast off weapons mounts? You know, videogame boss style?
I said she was at point 4? I can't find it, and if I did, my bad. She really is at point 1 though. Terrance moved out of there while she stayed IIRC. As for EMPing it, the weapons will weaken the shields, and if strong enough even knock them out, but the machine as a whole will still keep working. Like any properly made war machine, it's not going to just roll over thanks to one of those. Though, we can just make a break for it into the hole in the wall. However, that'll take some teamwork to pull off.

As for picking off weapon mounts, well, I won't say. What I will say though, is all the evidence for figuring out how well it would go is right in front of you guys.

EDIT: Ok, I saw the mistake now Warriorx1, my bad! Edited the orientation in the OOC post.
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@Warriorx1 @Syaoran @Compouds117 @Semjax @Shadow @Briggs @Wyld @Sigurd @1punchman @Stenos Grimalk

Are you guys able to post? If there's something wrong, let me know.

Other than that, there's a few things I'd like to get started on though. I'm getting ready to make a new batch of weapons to go into our inventory, but, to get an idea of what I need to make, I gotta get your character roles. I know that for many of you we discussed it during their creation process, but to be honest? I never wrote them down. It's a little embarrassing, but it's the truth. I know I'll need to come up with some better Demolition tools than what we currently have, and the same for combat engineers too for an example. Snipers are currently out of luck as well, since the 30mm rifle is just plain anemic too, so that's likely another thing to put on the to-do list.

Additionally, if you guys have ideas for these new weapons or tools, speak up. At the very least, I'll take them into consideration as I get to it.
I apologize, I recently had a large increase in my workload that's been sucking up my time and motivation. I'll see what I can do, but I can't guarantee that I'll meet that three-day deadline. Sorry.
Not making it in 3 days is ok, but as long as we're not pushing it to a week, I think we're good. Speaking of, I'll be posting tomorrow.

Seriously though, character roles? I'd like to chart that down and then get started on new tech for you guys.
Sorry, I've been thinking on what kind of role Richard would be and well I guess something like 'forward scout' would be the most 'specialized' role he would be at the moment.
I think a sniper role will work for Terrence, thanks. No advice from me, I'm afraid, I'm no good at anything technical.
demolitions/combat engineer would be queintin's role likely. He has some skill in engineering, science(phycis/chemistry), and demolitions.

by new tech do you mean like all new things that haven't been used in RP before or simply a new collection of shiny weapons and tools for us to use?
I'm really sorry guys, I've been having a rough time on my end. Despite that, I'm going to do my best to get a post out today.
@Warriorx1 @Syaoran @Compouds117 @Semjax @Shadow @Briggs @Wyld @Sigurd @1punchman @Stenos Grimalk

Post up guys.

The last few days weren't good ones, and I've just spent almost 24 hours awake to try and get my sleeping time back into something that looks normal. Because of that, the post I made may not be the best quality, so please, please let me know if I missed something. Despite my circumstances, I feel both guilty and embarrassed about you guys having to wait on me. Double so considering how I wanted us to get into a slightly faster pace. Because of that, I'm thinking of getting a Co-GM to work with me and catch things whenever I fumble. Also, regarding what's happening IC, what did Rachael manage to grab from Briggs? Can you tell me @Semjax ?

On another topic though, it sounds like I'll have to make stealth gear, a sniper rifle, and either improved det-charges or some sort of field construction tool based off of your feedback. The stealth gear, I'm thinking would be advanced systems for the Hostile, including new armor plates which include a Zanarium coating. With the sniper rifle, I'm thinking of taking the HPAR's operating principal further so that not only will it hit hard, but will also splatter the enemy with white hot, sticky and viscous alloy should it fail to penetrate. It's the combat engineering stuff that I'm most uncertain as to what to do though. Maybe something that lets people quickly move and erect crude field fortifications or something.

Replies always appreciated everyone!
What are Mark's chances of not getting crushed if he slides under the TASHA in an attempt to damage the under belly while he makes his escape?
Well, when I run enemies, I usually try and think of things from their perspective. If you were the TASHA - a heavily armed and armored four legged spider walker - and a guy tried to slide under you, what would you do to defend yourself? That is, what could or would you/it do to defend itself/yourself? You only have four strong, heavy limbs, and only the front two can grasp large objects. The rest only have mini-hands for delicate tasks. You also have a pair of massive cannons sticking out of your front. As it's shown moments before, raising and lowering the main guns are easier than turning the main guns side to side, which it must do with its body. Like with Ylfa, it has to resort to more drastic measures to bring them to bear when it comes to side to side movement.

Of course, when I wear their shoes, I also gotta avoid being hyper-lethal, but that's the gist of what I think. You can still do cool things against the enemies you face of course, but there's both your characters' and the enemies' limits to take into consideration. Think tactically.
About that feild engineering thing, possibly. Of course with a weilder of some description(possibly plasma based) and a convenient source of nearby metal one could put up some fortifications fairly quickly, and maybe even good ones if they had the proper engineering skills! Maybe some kind of multi tool device for everything from the crude 'cut the metal strut in half so i can move it' to the more 'delicate' stuff like being able to patch up armor/equipment, which generally has relatively delicate wiring to rework when broken.

Of course that is if we aren't including things like nano machines, which can do anything any way.
If you need any help designing gear Cadet I can always help out. I would love something kind of akin to a 'scout rifle' in the arsenal too. Imagine an Air2 Lancer using one as it darts around taking pin point shots at things :3
I'll consider both ideas, though I point out that the VOID has a plasma cutter weapon that can be improvised for creating barricades and fortifications. A repair tool more flexible than what we currently have would likely help. As for the 'Combat' part of a CE, I might as well put more emphasis on it by making better explosives and possibly deployable mines and such. Maybe even some sort of deployable mini-turrets.

Regarding the scout rifle though, the Hostile apparently moves just as well as the AIR 2 does already. It just doesn't have a plasma lance. Which reminds me; I need to make melee weapons for you guys too.

Anyways, I really got to ask; are any of you interested in being a Co-GM?
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