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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

It was pretty late last night, sorry. Go ahead and post in Demo - also, I point out that he's got basic console commands. Respawning is an option.
All right, I know what I want to do, but I don't know how. So I'm going to Plan B, C, or D:

B: Summon Anti-Fighter Rifle/Weapon of some kind.

C: Stealth up, Grab the doofus who smashed himself up, and hide in a opening the drones can't touch while taking potshots

D: Go looking on the wiki for a NEP Aerial Combat Drone that can be remote controlled.

E: Some sort of combination/other.

Which would my comrades prefer?
Blarg. I meant to say, everyone has access to the console, which means Ed can respawn if he doesn't want to try fighting damaged.
@Syaoran @Semjax @Compouds117 @Talonis Wolf @Warriorx1 @HAMnJAM @FearTurkey @Shadow

Ok, post is up in the main thread too. I would suggest making it a two-part post where you RP some of what happened in the past, since it would net you more knowledge of what the Cyber Nekos can do, but on the other hand, it's more work. If you guys decide not to and instead stay in the now, I'll have exposition go through Kelly on what happened be slowly given over time during conversation. Meanwhile, how they all react to that laugh, or not, depends entirely on you. More importantly, how this all turns out in the end is all on you too.

Do you want them to notice? Or stay blissfully ignorant?

And if they do figure it out, should they even act?


With Demo-Copy though, keep in mind Ylfa's advice. You guys are going to have to use the right weapon, the right way and against the right enemy and all that jazz if you want to get some good effect. Though, even if you're wounded bad, you can keep trying again since this is a learning experience where it's ok to goof around. After all, when you have infinity +1 amount of lives, you become disposable!
Posted. I thought the Rifle I had would have enough punch, but since it doesn't I'm going to grab Edgardo, regroup, rearm and come up with a better plan.

@CadetNewb what weapons are most effective against battlepods? I do not yet have a great knowledge on the weapons in this setting.
@Talonis Wolf

Well, the battlepods are fast moving, so single, precise shots are out of the window, right? That means something that's faster in its rate of fire, or with a wide area of effect would be ideal.
To keep the pace moving, I"ll post again tomorrow, most likely around 4:30 or 5PM PST. In hindsight, there may have been too much to handle at once despite the outcomes being expected. Also, I do want to reply to each of you about your thoughts regarding the plot, but I just haven't had time, for which I'm sorry.
@Syaoran @Semjax @Compouds117 @Talonis Wolf @Warriorx1 @HAMnJAM @FearTurkey @Shadow

Though I stated a post would be up to keep us moving, I've decided to postpone that until I get a better picture of things. In the Asteroid Colony thread, it feels like things have come to a halt. Meanwhile, with the Simulation thread, the moves that are being pulled are really, really anime, which has thrown me for a loop. Because of that, I gotta ask again, what is the direction that you guys would like? Or even, what would some of you even like to happen next? Please give me some more feedback so I can keep the plot enjoyable for you guys.
Sorry I forgot to reply to you here or in the RP thread. I like the direction we're going in and will work on being less scatterbrained and forgetful so I'm not gumming up the mystical turning plot wheels.
That's a little bit of sweat off my brow, thanks - have you made sure to watch the thread and the OOC? Some changes Wes made to the site has a little red indicator pop up on the tab in mozilla if there's movement in a thread.
Yeah I have the thread watched. The issue is that I will check it and forget to post so while I know you put something I will somehow convince myself that I did as well.

What I do is leave the tab up, and even if mozilla closes, use the restore session feature so it's still up as a reminder. Maybe this will work for you?
If you have the forum open, I've changed it recently so that the site's favicon will update and you'll see a red box with a number of alerts if you have any.
Yeah...sorry about that. I wrote the aside post while on break from work and just now got back form a trip. Next posts I will make Jaime regret thinking about it.
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