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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Okay, an update:

There are A LOT of NPCs to track here, and I am not confident I can close out this current plot effectively to move on to the next one.

My current option is a full-on timeskip to a new ship; you all would have your character's actions and history in this part of the plot intact, but it will be rather jarring.

Any thoughts? I've got a mission in mind for the next plot that should be a bit less light-hearted.
I think the skip would be best as well, there are too many NPCs to expect any GM to jump in and get them all with the current situation and feel comfortable themselves.
New ship naming contest...?
I'd agree, a time skip is the best choice. As for the mission; I believe you'll do us justice no matter what you do, so go for it.

New ship? Does that mean moving to a new thread, or is this still on this thread?
It's been a long time since I was on here...hi, folks. I hope all are well. I feel like a long gone ghost wandering around, lol...
As long as y'all are willing to stay, I'll have everyone.

I'll try to have an introductory post up by the end of the weekend; this is going to be essentially one giant campaign.
Hey folks, I haven't forgotten you all. It's been challenging developing a plot idea, but I have a working one. However there has been a recent health related issue within the family that has demanded my attention since yesterday, and likely will until friday. I'll do my best to get something up for you all so you can have fun in this faction.
Hello I am your frendly assistant person. While Kampfer handles tough stuff I created a small social thread for you. Everyone and anyone is invited to join in and I would like if you would all join. This will help us with the transition and give Kampfer time to finish his stuff, while we all have things to do. All right? Let's RP!
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