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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

They're all carrying something high powered - I gotta double check. Some of them also have designated marksman rifles, and there's a few LAAW style weapons amongst them too.
Details are sketchy, but,

- Jaimie has a HPAR and shoulder mounted railgun
- Sawyer has a railgun, shoulder mounted minigun and a combat shield on his arm
- Richard has a minigun
- Alec has a LAAW style launcher and a HPDMR (HPAR style DMR)
- Stripe has a combat shield, shoulder mounted railgun, induction axe (heat hawk) and
- Yuriko has a HPAR, underbarrel UMD launcher, combat shield and an induction sword
- Mark has an induction sword and HPAR
- Ylfa has a HPAR and an induction sword

One thing for certain though, is that they all have some sort of mini-missiles. I didn't compile everyone's inventory like I had done previously due ot how hectic classes were, but damn. We're more heavily armed than Astartes.
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Reactions: Wes
After a short discussion with CadetNewb about posting order, posting frequency, etc., here's what we're going to do.

Every 3-6 posts, I'm going to make a response post. I realize that this does not cover all actions, but, I'm going to say that it's about as long as a 'combat round' would be in D&D or in similar systems. There are a lot of you. I've got notes on all of you now, sat down and made them this morning, but it's difficult to keep track of more than 4 or 5 posts or actions at a time.

In the end I just want to say that as long as you post, you're going to get represented, and have a say in what follows. Cadet and I are going to do our best, so please bear with us.

Thank you. <3
Missed all the post that happened in this thread this week <.<. I'm okay with all of it through
My fair ladies.

I might not have been clear before, but let me be clear now; posting order has just been picked up, weighed, and tossed directly out the window. It's first come, first serve, and my last post was somewhere near Friday morning.

It's Monday morning, and we've got only two posts (thank you, by the way) out of 8 participants.

This is partially to re-enliven the slow posting speed of this plot, the last Neppy plot, so please, don't be shy here. Fast and loose, gentlemen, just like the fuzzy-eared meowmix corps who got onto Nepleslia Prime somehow.
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Get the Hype Up? Also, I think Jamie has a shield on his back that he forgot about (And me for that matter)
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Just as a heads up guys, there's several clues regarding what's really happening - if any of you guys didn't get to come along in our previous combat mission, I suggest reading up the part towards the end too.
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