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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Just to clarify, Ylfa and Alex see the Cyber Neko, but the rest of us are clueless since you haven't openly reacted to that yet and we are still wearing our helmets. Which means that I have to somehow write as if I don't know when I do know?

This will be good.
I've gone ahead and edited my post and had Ylfa yell it out. Anyone with a helmet can't see her, but might hear her.
So, been busy with this housing BS IRL. Which has cut into my attention, hence slower response rate. And it has finally come to a head. I've managed to snag a place. Two bedrooms, on my old side of town. I'm not certain when I move, maybe next week, or a month from now. But it has had me scrambling to get everything situated and ready to go once I get the call.
Reactions: Wes
Gallant asked for what we had earlier, I looked back in the thread to find it.

This is my current load out, I believe, with the addition of a LAOW I picked up in the hanger earlier:
Primary: Heavy Penetrating Designated Marksman Rifle

Secondary: Hyper-Induction Axe, Shoulder Mounted 20mm Railgun, Light Nerimium Shield, I want to add "Standard Hostile Secondaries" but I don't think I'll remember them anyways,
@Centurion0507 @HAMnJAM @Syaoran @SirSPT @Talonis Wolf @Soresu @Compouds117

I hate to admit it, but I had actually Lost My Mojo for a while guys. Sorry about that. Right now though, there's definitely something going on, and its up to your characters to put the clues together and figure out what's happening. The Cyber Neko isn't magic, but smoke and mirrors, so it's all a matter of figuring out what's so special about this trick of hers. Remember we're trying to catch her alive and intact though!
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