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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Right now, she has that hand grenade which you guys have no clue what type it is, a 10mm pistol, her sealed helmet, body armor which is a cool image on the page but without an article, and smoking hot body covered by said body armor.

And since you bring up a good point, I might as well clarify. You may all ask your checks in here, so that posting is smoother. I won't always give it, or all of it though, depending on the circumstance however. Still, I should be checking more often now, which means faster responses too.
Delmar was set and ready to shoot. If he took two in the face the weapon in his hand would be squeezed and would surely fire. What got shot?
Not really. If he's blind he can't really fight and needs medevac.
I also fail to understand why a man with his finger on the trigger and mind made to shoot wouldn't just fire since he was already locked on. Pulling the trigger would be instant, either an involuntary muscle reaction or a result of the backwards force on his face. Additionally, when holding the proper firing position the shield on the Hostile's left arm deploys, so both of those shots would have to be incredible for both to nail the same target. In terms of realism the explaination for why he would just miss seems underdeveloped at best, seeing as both the shooter and computer were aimed and set to fire. That's assuming were reaching for realism. If were trying the Hollywood approach where people flail around when they get shot then its fine
How its unrolling right now it kinda reminds me of an action movie. I don't know if that's what we were going for but that's kinda what we've got.
Most likely thing is he missed because of eitehr being hit in the head causing a flinch at the same time as his firing, or the neko being displaced by the PPP system. Also the shield of the Hostile on it's left arm does not 'deploy' it's just the plating there and while it does provide some protection it's not really meant for shielding at close quaters. Nor does it protect your head too well either way due to size and position. Mainly because if it did, you wouldn't be able to see either.

While it does protect against general fire to the body, if they have the ability to aim at your head they'll probably still hit it.

Also since your shields went up I don't think Delmar himself is blind, simply his suit's mono eye got hit.
It's times like this where being a demo specialist is not helpful to the situation. I should have had Mark learn the art of negotiation.
No demo specialist in Nep is like one of the most awesome jobs, mainly cause they like blowing things up XD. But from my experience there aren't enough people with specialized knowledge.
I had been thinking more along the lines of doubling up on the knowledge if possible. Maybe he could find the time while on the ship to pick up new skills.
Well, it's supposed to be similar to an action movie, but not quite one either. I'm going to show things somewhat realistically, but I'll obviously take license here and there as well.

And honestly @Rizzo it's as the others are saying. The post originally stated your character's fine, and even compared it to stepping out of the house and into the bright sun. A particle beam just hit the shields right over his monoeye, and it automatically prevented any harmful damage to his eyes. But the display inside the helmet is still going to light up before it compensates. As simple as it is, that's something that would have a good chance of causing anyone to miss their shot. The reason she fired on him though, was because he was initially first in line when events unfolded, before Richard stepped up next.
@Syaoran your right about the armor, I must have misread it. Thanks for correcting me.

Still, the unit is seven feet tall, probably 7'6" with Delmar inside, and has a guard around the neck. A Neko is only 4-5' so by default she'll be aiming up. She's also at the end of a hall so there's distance to consider. Put two arms and a gun in the way of that and there's quite a bit of stuff between the Neko and his head. Focussing would be difficult from all the noise and to get off two shots before Delmar could fire would mean she wasn't taking any time to line up the shot.
That would be two Hells of shots. Tougher characters is one thing but this is something totally different. They just killed Sonic the Crabhog, now Annie Nekoakley is sniping off he hip.

Edit: Delmar was second in, he followed Ylfa

Edit: and why would anyone charge haphazardly at an armed opponent? How would Compound's character be trying to reason with her while a charging down a hall? Why wouldn't the team just point guns at her and tell her to surrender while moving in slowly(like SWAT teams)? Why does Ylfa not open fire? Why did Delmar's TC randomly fail? How did the misfire not hit the guy that rushed out in front of them? Why are we assuming a Marine with IPG commando training is incapable of figuring out when the only enemy in the room is sighting him up? Why are we assuming a man who has commited 11 counts of murder wouldn't pull the trigger and an attacker the second she even thought about taking cover.
He's not an idiot, he had more training than most trainees have before boot camp and had the highest level of training available to a Marine, training given to only a select few.
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When I made the post, I was already aware of the difficulties in making the shot that she did, but I still had the Neko do that anyways. As for Ylfa, I decided that she would choose not to do anything special for a reason as well. In both instances however, if you're left wondering how or why it was pulled off, or why it was done, then ask. Especially since they're both present right now. IC, your character might get a bit of a rebuke, but you'd have your answer. So, go ask the Neko how she was able to pull off that double-tap, or Ylfa why she didn't lift a finger. I actively encourage your characters to ask about anything that they don't understand, and the same for you guys as well here in the OOC.

I already covered his shot going wide; anyone suddenly having a bright light shined into their eyes without warning would likely flinch. It's a very human, instinctive reaction. But with it not hitting a teammate? Did you want it to? A very messed up, Necromorphed version of a tan colored version (Mishhu like pink or tan apparently) of what players saw in Halo 1's Brig was what I had in mind. There should have been been plenty of room to miss his teammate when taking this into account. The crab keeps on getting brought up though, and I thought the matter was settled. This is the reasoning that went into the post; if the thing lived most of its life floating and flying through the air, when it eats way too many rare candies and evolves, it's likely to still keep the ability, but just be too heavy to actually fly. So why shouldn't it be able to charge like a bull, leap like a lion and do a barrel roll across the ground (and a marine)?

Honestly, I won't make it easy to win, but I'm not going to slaughter you all either. The former just isn't fun in the long run since it gets boring fast, and the latter is flat out not fun.
A flashlight to the face won't give anyone a sore neck given the armor and shields involved - but most of all, the dice roller god smiles!

Now, I need to ask you all something important - would you all like a little bit of comedy to lighten the mood up before we get back to killing things, or just get back to killing things?
Comedy is always welcome over here. You got any Jay Larson?

Thanks compound but I think I broke the Yammie Neko. Oops
Comedy is great. If the characters don't think its funny then it'll be something they definitely be something to remember.
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