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RP Ocean Day of YE 41

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
7日 7月 YE 40
RP Location
OOC: This thread is open to all Star Army of Yamatai characters and other characters visiting Yamatai. That's right, crossover time!

Kyoto Prefecture

The tides on the sprawling beach pushed the Sea of Coriolis' waters onto the shore and unhurriedly pulled the sands into the crystalline waters over time, a constant and trustworthy process. Less dependable was sunny weather of Yamatai. Today was an exceptional day for sun lovers, though, as the rays of Yamatai's star shone bright as it touched the planet. The colorful and unfurled beach umbrellas that sat staked in the soft ground contrasted with the pale sand below them and the shime streamers of zig zag folded paper that was strung between any posts and many parasol's tips. A god many boats of varying sizes could be seen from shore and a series of inflatable rafts had been raised to float atop the water a short distance from shore. Some were for lounging and a few dozen Neko could be seen concentrated on each, lounging in the sun like harbor seals basking in the sun, getting tans that their hemosynthetic bodies quickly and easily repaired while other inflatable rafts looked more like bounce houses, inflatable slides, and obstacle courses that were connected with intricate pseduo bridges and rope swings that were open for anyone to use at their own will and governed by their own morals.

Today was Ocean Day, a day to give gifts of aquatic life plushies, eat vegetables of the sea, and spend time at the water. On this day, many captains and commanders of Star Army of Yamatai crews had chosen to come back to the planet they fought valiantly and often for. The Uesureyan Fields had more activity than most days, but the traffic controllers had done phenomenally and a lot of those aforementioned captains and commanders had come to find that they had all had similar ideas to one another. Namely, their ideas all centered around coming to the shores closest to Uesureyan Fields -East of the city of Kyoto.

The beaches here were not overcrowded to the extent that no privacy could be maintained while sunbathing and you wouldn't be splattering watermelon innards upon winning in a game of suikawari on those not in your party, but they were still brimming with life and activity. On top of being able to stroll down the beach and run into an old comrade, friend, or even rival (!), a few local businesses had created pop-up stands on the beach and advertised their special Ocean Day offerings well- to the point that many civilians and tourists to Yamatai had flocked to the shores around the Kyoto as well.

All in all, it was a day for celebrating the life that often comes from the ocean by going in the ocean.
Much to his dismay Miles was attending Ocean Day this year. Normally he would ignore these kinds of trivial things but now that he had to look out for the super soldier catgirl known as Shasse he'd been dragged along. "Do we seriously have to come to this silly day Shasse? There is plenty of better things I could be doing, same for you ya know." The minkan pouted slightly as he walked through the sand, still dressed in full uniform and cross-armed as a small tangle of blue skin and white hair dragged him around the beach.
"YES! We do have to be here, Ocean day is suuuuperfun! And we might get to see the old crew again if we're lucky." The bouncy blue neko was barely paying attention and managed to step on another neko's tail eliciting a yelp before she apologised and kept hopping along the floor as though nothing had happened. Miles shook his head at the little blue creature and just let himself be dragged along for a bit longer, what was the worse that could happen.

At the other end of the beach, Kryss Black. Officially she was on a business trip to scout potential clients for Horizon products and services, though the blonde had taken it upon herself to do a bit of cultural exploring while she was here in Yamatai. Strolling down the beach in her signature black tank top with an open blue suit jacket and black pants, though she had her swimwear on beneath just in case the situation called for some aquatic endeavours.

"Hey you guys interested in some big beefy power armour with lots of guns?" The blonde woman said with a smirk, rousing a couple of minkans from their sunbathing before she chuckled and walked away, this should be interesting.
Sacre for her part was taking the ever so brief moment on Yamatai, and the beautiful day out to sun herself on the beach. She had been doing a lot of running around, entirely too much, she just wanted to be warm and have nothing to do. Also someone feeding grapes into her mouth, but one couldn't have everything. She briefly mused about getting into a eating competition with someone who didn't know the Separa'Shan very well before hearing a familiar voice. Two of them in fact.

She looked up and saw Miles and Shasse. She sidewound over to them. "So why are you miscreants interrupting my nice relaxing day at the beach?" She asked, but they both knew her well enough to hear her brand of humor underneath her words. She was actually pleased to see them.
Nekos were already rather short but to those whose knowledge about fuzzy-eared humanoid species ended there it might just look like someone had left their child unattended - or if you were standing behind her, someone had lost their hat on a golden-brown bush that thought it was autumn, though the short woman under the hat did feel a little lost in all the celebration she certainly wasn't a child.

It was rare, especially nowadays, that a Daur ventured far from their eastern den but Anaska DePolanskaya was rather enjoying herself - sitting down in a particularly comfortable patch of sand that was pushed and shifted around with each movement from her pale legs, which managed to stay within the shadow cast by the small woman's oversized sunhat as she drank up the warm sunlight, a simple maroon hoodie covering up the similarly coloured one-piece swimsuit beneath.

She was enjoying herself... clueless as to why the locals were ruining perfectly good watermelons and squinting a little from the glare of the sun hitting the sand, but enjoying herself nonetheless - having somewhat forgotten that she was supposed to be peddling wares, it was a well deserved rest for the overworked little fox though.

Kryss' twin brother on the other hand was being his usual self~ it was no secret that Donvan liked to be known as a bit of a people's person, hell he was a damn effective head of Galactic Horizon's PR department but some of his... tactics were a bit too Yamataian for Kryss' liking, damn if they weren't effective but currently Donvan had decided to take a break from his advertising and peacocking to catch up with an old friend.

Basically it was his excuse to lay down on a towel with his hands dancing dangerously close to the swimmers being worn by the pink-haired cat-man Donvan was currently conversing with, an unbuttoned floral-print shirt draped over his toned upper body and a heavily branded pair of gold on black board-shorts keeping him decent - rather "decent enough" as he had explained to Kryss.

The small yelp of a Daur who had just lost her protective sun-hat caused the blonde man to snap his head around in response, wasting very little time in standing up and offering his chuckling companion a promise of "Talk with you later, Peyt~" before making his way over to the currently blinded Anaska - her sensitive eyes being overwhelmed by all the bright sunlight as Donvan took a quick jog over.

To his credit, the custom board-shorts had been a pretty good idea - they wanted to make an impact in one of the most voyeuristic places in the entire sector so Donvan figured why not take advantage of all the prying eyes? Kryss was by no means unattractive but his larger frame combined with Donvan's rather vague parameters for a cuddle buddy made it easier to plaster his lower body with their brand, anyone who wanted to cop an eyeful of his anatomy would be met with bright text reading "Galactic Horizon".

It was good for the company, but he'd bet she hated how well it had been working thus far, which only made his victory so much sweeter~

That was all at the back of his mind now as Anaska felt a muscular arm scoop her up, leading to a small eek from the blinded creature who was about to yell for help when a pair of sunglasses that were too big for her small face were suddenly at on the bridge of her button nose - a few confused sounds as the tinted lenses gave her eyes some respite from the harsh sunlight.

"You really should have brought your own glasses, Ana, even if they are annoying~" Donvan informed her with the voice of a stern parent before offering a chuckle, hoisting the fox up onto his shoulders and eliciting a small murmur of annoyance from the Daur before she spoke, words heavily accented with the inflection of a native-tinacen tongue.

"But but but~ all the sand and wind would have scratched them!" was her defiant response before Anaska realized they were moving, sunglasses sliding down her nose slightly before small, pale hands corrected them.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see, Ana~" he promised, striding further down the beach as a familiar scent that tickled Anaska's nose slowly grew stronger, the Daur immediately recognizing it and getting visibly giddy on Donvan's shoulders.

She was no child, child-like when excited? definitely~

"KRYSS, WE'RE OVER HERE!" Anaska yelled out from behind the blonde businesswoman, both hands waving to try and make herself easier to see, as though a giant bundle of golden-brown joy on a rather handsome man's shoulders was hard to spot~

"Oh Sacre, I wasn't expecting to see you here. So sorry we interrupted your precious sunbathing." Miles replied, also quite pleased to see a familiar face again. "I know how much you reptiles enjoy your sun." The minkan continued, dancing with danger as he poked fun at the Separa medic, though he was confident enough that their time training and living together would at least have rubbed off on her enough to keep the deadly snake woman from killing him on the spot.

"OH. HEY SACRE!" Shasse had continued bounding about as Miles stopped to converse with their old shipmate, but eventually looked back and spotted her old friend who'd helped her out with her problem after they got back from the strange other universe. "I haven't seen you in ages! Are you still on Kaiyo healing people?"


Turning around Kryss lowered her own glasses a smidge and smiled, "Well hello to you too Anaska, Donvan. Enjoying the trip so far?" She said, striding over to meet her brother and adorable workmate, putting her arms out to hoist the small fox off Donvan's shoulders and onto her own. "I can tell someone is excited to be out and about, isn't that right." The blonde woman said with a smile, grabbing the fluffy tail and wrapping it around her neck like a scarf.

Looking back over to her brother she smirked again. "Loving the advertising dearest brother of mine, just try not to pick up too many souvenirs, we only have about 100 spare beds on the cruiser you know so you'll have to limit yourself."
Kyoto Prefecture

Elenor sighed, adjusting both the sun hat and the jacket she was wearing. It was slightly larger than what would actually fit her, but that was more because she was trying to cover up what she was wearing underneath it. When she and Lucas had managed to arrange a meet up, and discussion of what to do during this rare chance of them both having leave at the same time at the same place, well, visiting the beach came up. And Elenor admitted she'd gotten rid of that swimsuit they'd found that fit her back on the Hana. Lucas, ever thoughtful, asked what she'd like. She shrugged, and admitted that thanks to the help of her friends on the Kaiyo, Saya in particular, she'd come to find that she enjoyed stuff that was more form-fitting but a fair bit of showy. Well, she got exactly that with the swimsuit he'd picked out for her.

It wasn't really the most risque thing in existence, after all, they were on Yamatai. But the swimsuit was still fairly showy compared to what she honestly was expecting. The diamond cut on her stomach, the sheer panels highlighting the design and giving may a good view of her ass and the drop of her hips was definitely amongst the most revealing parts of the outfit, with a band hanging low on her hips, as the solid white panels pressing against her bust connected underneath it and was held up by a loop behind her neck, tied off with a small bow. If it hasn't been for Lucas buying it for her, Elenor probably wouldn't have worn it, but she didn't want to disappoint him after he'd spent some of his earnings on her in this fashion. Which was why she was wearing one of his jackets over it, obscuring anyone's view of the attire. She may have begun to get more in tune with her personal tastes and preferences, even acceptance of them, but she still had a strong 'shyness' to her about others seeing her in such outfits.

She hadn't even considered telling him what other kinds of outfits she'd taken to wearing between missions and during her off-time aboard the YSS Kaiyo II. She was sure if she did, he'd have had to be taken to the nearest medical center for treatment due to low blood as it vacated from his body rapidly. Sure, that was totally a anime trope, but she had a feeling that her boyfriend would have exactly that if he heard.
The chalk white Iroma had stepped away momentarily to get the pair drinks, a bit different then last she saw him. He had a few more scars, and more relaxed disposition then his usual preacherish overreacting tendencies. Even then, he had to admit his surprise when she answered with her tastes for a swimsuit. He however, worried slightly as usual that he may have gone a tad over board, but here in Yamatai clothing came in extremes. Narrowing it down near impossible almost. But that was forgotten as his mind was just happy to be with her finally, and to have such great news for her too.

Quickly making his way back over, he brought their drinks with a smile, "They had some very tropical options, so I got two different ones. I'll let you have first pick though." He was dressed in a pair of navy blue swim trunks, a gold reef design forming a ring around the leg just above the pant leg's hem. Other then that, he wore a normal white t-shirt, which still hugged his rather toned torso, a side effect on most of his wardrobe from ranger training.

The raven haired human, stared out across the ocean, the breeze felt across the scar down his face. He smiled as he enjoyed the peace, then looked back to the happy couple with a wave. After, he chuckled at the voice of Kyrss, and Shasse, then looked about for other familiar faces. With so many, he hoped ans waited, wanting dearly to see his beloved fiance, his daughter, or even his sister. He wished to see them all, the time apart a sad and lonely one.

The black haired neko with strands of gold highlights, sat in the sand, a crimson bikini that was neither too loud, or at least somewhat showy adorning her toned athletic body. It's all she cared to even drop money on, only buying what was needed, as she felt not the need to show out. The transfer was soon, and she had parted once more from her daughter and sister, both no shortage of tears having to be held back. She loved her Sachiko so very much, her engineer of a daughter having made her mother very proud. Her sister was always a welcome sight, and always worth the hug she got.

A drink in hand, she enjoyed the sights and sounds, wondering where life would go next. Her career seemed set, not that she cared, as she would always perform her best in the field. But on a personal level, as she had let yet another love slip her grasps. At least she understood how her father felt, the man in question somewhere on the beach, most likely with his new girlfriend. Maybe she would find some cute boy here, someone not looking for the usual neko hospitality, but the girl behind the feline super soldier.

The Minkan with the charming looks and the mind of a nerdy tech support, chilled with a drink in hand, waiting to see if Hinata arrived. It was a nice day, and she was about the only person he could think to enjoy it with, but on the off chance she didn't come he would simply lounge about under an umbrella. The water was nice, and it was a nice subject for a painting, so maybe he would break out the acrylics today, and send a copy his mother's way. It after all, had been some time since he had sent a letter, as things were hectic with the war these days. Fixing his white button up summer shirt, her found a seat to sit in his tan colored trunks, before adjusting his shades.
Looked over as Lucas arrived, she shrugged. Picking one at mostly random, she accepted the drink. She wasn't sure what to talk about at the moment, since she was still kind of taking in the situation they were finding themselves in. "So, what now? I never did much beach stuff outside the Ranger training." Elenor admitted, not sure if they should find an unoccupied umbrella or just find a patch of sand to claim as their own. She'd gotten better about a lot of things, but there was still some she wasn't as certain about. "And before you ask, no, beaches were not safe back home. Cerberal borers again." She stated before he could ask why she never visited a beach.
Sachiko to Setsuya

Ocean day, she loved Ocean day as a youngling, and especially loved splashing in the water, but Sachiko had quite possibly missed this Ocean day due to the fact she missed her mother a great deal though her aunt was a good aunt and she would watch over her, it didn’t stop her from missing her mother. So her sempai made her go to Ocean day and have a break from work that she enjoyed, so there she was dressed in a bikini and looking around when she saw her mother there, a grin formed on her lips and she took off running from behind her mother.

The young tech savant hopped up and her arms wrapped around her mother, as were her legs “Konichiwa mommy!” She said happily as she held on in case her mother fell. “I was asked to come and enjoy Ocean day since I was working so hard, I’m happy I got to see you!”
Kyoto Prefecture

If anyone was going to stand out on a Yamataian beach (well, maybe not as much as the Iroma he could see in the distance) on Ocean Day, it was going to be Corporal Menelik Berhane, Nepleslian Space Marine Corps. And his standing out wasn't just because of his species: the 6'8" man could feel dozens of eyes on him as he made his way through the crowds and tried to avoid getting into anyone's personal space, the dark skinned and dreadlock'd marine an imposing figure at his 355 lbs of weight, none of it slack.

His method of dress wasn't so strange, however: simple green swimtrunks, his original fleet number on the right leg; combined with an open button down shirt. The ensemble was completed by the pair of black flexi-shoes he wore. It was simply those unique features of his that made him stand out on a beach filled with mostly catgirls. Especially given how he literally towered over many of them, while they shared a faint catlike coincidence: while the nekos had ears like cat, or many of them did, Menelik's dreaded hair resembled the mane of a lion.

This lion, though, wasn't here for trouble, or for protecting his territory. He was on leave, waiting for transport to the Yamataian starship he had been assigned to as part of the exchange program. That meant he'd had some spare time, and had been able to get some new cyberware installed from his father's company while on leave.

Fighting off the urge to itch at the surgery scar on his broad chest where it still slightly itched, Menelik hefted the items he carried with him as he squeezed by a family and a pair of lovers. It wasn't much, just a cooler full of cheap local lager, a folding chair, and some towels. Just enough to relax and have a good time and enjoy the holiday, right.

Finding a nice, good spot, Menelik laid down one of the towels and unfolded the chair atop it, setting down the cooler as he relaxed into his seat to look out over the ocean and enjoy the view.

... This view surely had nothing to do with the two, busty women splashing in the surf nearby, no.
Kyoto Prefecture

Klaus loved the beach. He loved it ever since he was a boy. Going yearly in the summer to the beach with his family was something he always adored. But now... He wasn't with his family. He called them, but they unfortunately couldn't be there. It admittedly took some fun out of it, but he couldn't let it bring him down.

As Klaus entered the beach, he breathed in the salty smell in the air and smiled. Yup, it never got old. He was wearing his red shorts and his bag, with sunscreen, water, food and other goodies. Walking around trying to find a good spot to set up, Klaus could see some familiar faces, like Elenor and Lucas who he waved at, and some old friends.

Eyes widening, Klaus rushed over to his friend. "Mark! Is that you? I haven't seen you in forever! It's so good to see you." It was, Mark Oaklen had been a dear friend and teacher to Klaus during their short times as crew members in the Kaiyo. He'd learned a lot with him and had been saddened when he heard that he was assigned elsewhere. It seemed unlikely they would ever meet again.

Alas, such is the magic of Ocean Day.
Unbeknownst to Mark Oaklen, as he sat there, the pearly beach sands behind him began to shift, quietly rustling as something erupted from the sands. seconds later, Mark's eyes were covered by two soft tanned hands, and something squishy pushed into his back once a very familliar, coy voice rang out...

"Daaare da~?" (guess who?)


Meanwhile, a few dozen meters away, Abart was quite literally rolling into the ocean like a runaway tree log, not having had a good swim in ages. Sure, the water was much colder than he'd like, but 5 or 10 minutes in this water should be doable. "Wahoo~!"
"Oh hey Klaus, yeah, been a long time. Kinda been running from place to place lately, missing you guys......been rough. Hope everyone is doing okay though!" he said in response, his attitude far more calm then energetic, or excited. He almost looked older, as if age of mind and maturity, had caught up to the body years behind. 8 years of service had a way of wearing down on a person, even more when you were away fro-.....His expression melted into a blissful smile, as if those sudden hands over his eyes, were heaven.

"I must have died, because I feel an angel come to claim my heart and soul. Nerai,....I've missed you dearly my love." Mark said with moistening eyes, before he turned his head to his fiance, happily giving her a much missed kiss in greeting.

The younger neko, may have had an inch on her mother, but Setsuya had the experience and training. The tackle turned into a twirl that landed Sachiko across Setsuya's lap, and a swift and gentle boop on her daughter's nose. "Hello baby girl, did you follow me when I left the station? Or did you just happen to be here for a short leave as well?" Setsuya said bringing Sachi into a hug with a kiss atop her head. "In either case, I'm more then happy to see you. I hope your new CO has been treating you all okay? He knows your grandmother."

"I was going to figure as much, and not much different on my end. Vice doesn't really have beaches, much less any you would want to swim in, for fear of acid burns from waste run off." He said with a chuckle before taking a sip from the fruit concoction in his glass. Looking about the beach he spotted out a unoccupied umbrella, "Could go there, just lay and relax, catch some rays even maybe. I actually have some big news I was hoping to tell you on this occasion."

Sachiko gave an audible gasp when her tackle was turned into a twirl that caused an excitable shriek to escape her lips. Finally, she found herself lying on her back across her mother’s lap with a big grin on her face. Her mother knew that she couldn’t knock her over, heck she herself knew that too. She giggled at the boop and smiled at her mother. “Nah, I didn’t follow ya, so this was the second one’ she said as she hugged her mother feeling the kiss on her forehead. “my superior was worried I was not taking my shore leave appropriately so I was asked to pick a place to have it and since Ocean day was going on I came here, Auntie Suzume might be around I don’t know, I didn’t see her on the transport, but then I was fast asleep. I saw you here when I arrived and now you know the rest!” she said and smiled happily, before her mother’s next question came up” yup so far I don’t have any complaints yet” she told her as she climbed off her mother’s lap to sit beside her.
The usually quiet Soft team sniper had decided to take a day to herself and spend it on the beach in celebration of the day. She wore a simple two-piece bathing suit with a sarong around her waist. She sat under an umbrella, a few drinks in the sand behind her and leaned back against a backrest of sand she had created. In her hands rested a book to distract her from the noise and activity around her.

Saya blinked a little as she wiggled her toes into the sand and slowly over her face a wide smile spread. It really did feel like the VR simulation had the grains between each toe tickled at her skin a little as she couldn't help but giggle. She looked over to Wyatt with a smile and hugged his arm close to her body.

"Thank you so much for coming along with me! I appreciate you coming with, and sorry about all of them..." She looked over her shoulder at the group of SAoY personnel that had finally left them. All old patients from her time in the military hospital where she had helped recover and rehabilitate those too injured for the front lines, and apparently they remembered her well enough.

"So! Should we find a spot to put our stuff?" She asked as she held onto her wide-brimmed sunhat under the bit of wind that came off the water and tried her best to ignore feeling being looked at in her one-piece bathing suit with the Kaiyo splashed over it.

The tall buff cat that was Hinata, multi-hued and brash as she was, soon appeared at Kai's side with a grin. She had a can of something in her hand that had the label scratched off, and as her tail swished back and forth from around her bikini bottom, she looked to him and clapped in on the shoulder. "Wait long?" She asked with a grin still and scanned the beach. Not even half a year ago she would have been scanning for targets to pester and try and fool around with, but now... She looked to Kai at her side with a small glance and used her hand and can to hide the small blush.
Elenor Herrick

Elenor quirked an eyebrow and gave a small smile at Lucas. "Really now?" She asked, grinning as she walked to the indicated spot. "Considering how long we've been apart, I can imagine there being a bunch of things to tell each other that might be important." She continued, moving through the crowd and over the sand with decent speed and ease. Reaching the umbrella in question, she did remember to give Klaus a wave as she walked, though honestly, it could have been anyone he was waving at. Nonetheless, it wouldn't hurt. Sitting down, she wasn't much bothered by sitting on the sand straight on, since after all, she was sure the stuff would get into places it really had no business being anyways. No value in delaying the inevitable. She still kept the jacket and hat on though.
Sacre shifted slightly uncomfortably at the question, "No, I'm not with the Kaiyo right now. I got reassigned to the Severus, but it got shot down on Malthus. So I'm between ships again." Sacre said, with an edge of frustration coming through in her voice.

"You two perverys better keep it PG-13." Sacre said to Mark and Narai teasingly.
"Ding dong! Correct~!" Nerai chimed, before gladly accepting Mark's passionate kiss, hugging him tightly while the tip of her tail wrapped around his calves. The tight dark green separa onepiece was slightly sticky with the sand that she just popped out of, having burrowed over here to surprise the lad. Sacre's comment came as a surprise, but made Nerai chuckle nonetheless. "Oh, whatever might you be talking about~? We're always being family friendly!" Followed by a equally teasing tongueflick.


Abart'huse was floating about in the water somewhere, with just his head and a faint silhouette of the girthy tail poking up over the water. It was a simple delight, but one he was enjoying a lot right now.
"Well, I can see I'm being a third wheel here. Have fun!" said Klaus, feeling a bit sheepish. He didn't want to interrupt Mark's reunion with Nerai. They deserved to be happy. Moving out, Klaus began searching for an empty umbrella. It was always a battle to find a good place.

Luck smiled on the Raltian, nonetheless. Finding a free umbrella, Klaus walked towards it. He noticed that the umbrella next to it was occupied. Looking at the woman Klaus could see she was a true beauty. Long black hair with golden highlights. The young man felt a blush growing as he saw her curves. She was with a younger neko, probably a relative. Approaching, he asked "Excuse me? Is this umbrella here beside you taken?"
Wulf was sitting in the hot sand while holding a beer in his hand. As he sat there watching the waves genetly hit the shore wulf felt abit at ease being back on the home world. Since being on the Kaiyo he had been away for the longest time in his life from the gravity this wonder of a planet had. As he sipped on his drink he couldn't help despite growing up this world between the mountains and the ocean he couldn't help but always been amazed at the natural beauty it possed.

As he sat lost in thought he was hit by surprise by a sphere that broke him from his trance. As he barely prevented his beer from spilling to much into the sand he looked up directly to see one of his first friends he made on the ship Sakura. Seeing her bright smile and her black bikini forced wulf to look away and blush.

Hearing her sit down next to him roughly in the sand he could already feel her peering into him. "Wulf" she said but with that playful voice of hers "Your honestly boring, your here on a beach away from work and you sit just watching the ocean". Wulf looked back at her her face's smile faded but her eyes still showed that catty playfulness. Looking back he put up his hands "Well as my instructor said, in peace reflect on your warrior self and watch the world before you fade".

Knowing his words would irritate her he felt the punch into his shoulder as she then looked into the blue ocean. "Wulf that's boring just to watch when you can live and enjoy the peace we are granted". She paused as they both looked into the sea as she carried on "Honestly I thought after getting a girlfriend you'd be dying to see her on the beach".
Feeling his cheeks go red he tried to explain "Well you know...". As Sakura quickly cut him off " Seriously why aren't you out here with her hrmmmm?". She chuckled as she went on "I mean the whole ship knows you two dance in the moonlight in mindy's so why not spend some time with her".

Wulf couldn't help but feel the heat rise in his cheeks. Stammering and abit loud " YOU SAW THAT!". Hearing her laughter "Oh my god wulf yes I mean everyone on the bridge saw that cute little display". Staring into his drink he didn't know what to say. Sakura gave him a one armed hug " Oh come on wulf any woman would love that, heck I thought some of the crew members were going to start sending love letters to you after knowing about that".

Pushing her away "Oh please stop it, you jest to much I can't take it". Again her heard sakura's contagious laugh " Fine fine fine, but seriously why aren't you on the beach with her instead of just having a few drinks on the beach". Wulf thought on it as he stared off in space. He could feel Sakura's eyes bore into him trying to get some insight.
Finally thinking of something he spoke "I don't know once leave happened we both didn't get a chance to talk". Looking at her he could see that expression that said do tell more but adding "Other then that I don't know". Sakura moved her mouth in disapproval of her friend as her tone shifted in disappointment "I mean did you message her". As wulf thought he simple went "ermmm no I didn't know if I..." he then got caught off.

Getting punched a few more times "Baka! Baka!Baka! Why didn't you message her she was probably waiting to hear from you idiot". Wulf threw up his hands in defense " Oh I don't know these things I'm new to this dating thing". He saw sakura lean on her hands as she rested he arms on her knees " Well then message her silly".
Wulf then stared into his little commutator not sure what to do despite the encouragement.
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