Star Army

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RP Ocean Day of YE 41

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"Midori!" Hanako called, spotting her old samurai from the Sakura days. She got up and returned the bow, as did her bodyguard. "It has been too long since I have seen you!" Hanako grinned and gave Midori a firm hug around her midsection. "Midori is one of my old samurai guards," she explained to the uniformed Samurai. "Midori, this is Airi, she is from the Kyoto samurai house. How are you doing? Are you living on planet Yamatai now?"

Nerai smirked at Klaus' words, intrigued by the thought, but sticking to her earlier statement on keeping it family friendly. She was about to shake his hand in return, when from seemingly nowhere, she noticed the yellow birb and clanky robot both flinging themselves at Mark. With her tail Nerai quickly hoisted him up and to the side, preventing the giddy chlorate from steamrolling into her own adoptive father and potentially breaking a bone here and there. "Whoah! Nownow Chlo-chan, i know you're exited but lease do be careful with your father here~! You only have one!" She also turned to Kiki, glad to see the colorfoul cockatoo complete their little family of misfits. "Heya Kiki, look who i found~"



Floating there with the blue neko now sitting on his chest, Abart listened to the verbal waterfall that spewed out of that tiny mouth of hers, not even sure where to start. "Well uh... like.... i don't...t uh... gahh!" Growing tired of Shasse's constant rambling, the lower end of his tail wrapped around one of her feet, and with a quick swipe yanked the kitty into the water. Even with her inertia control, the snek had a good few hundred pounds over her to snag her under the water pretty easily, distracted by her own yapping. "One question at a time!"

Only now did he notice the redheaded neko slowly floating nearer,visibly interested in what was going on here. He gave her a quick wave, secretly hoping she wasn't as much of a blabbermouth as the blue companion. "Hey!"
For his part, Menelik was... still there, and not drunk! He could hold his alcohol pretty well, and that aside, he'd been merely sipping his beers as he watched everything going on. Which, well, was probably a good thing. It was probably a good thing too that he hadn't been noticed yet, the tall dark and handsome man looking left and right, up and down the beach... and wishing he'd chosen a better spot to relax.

Oh, sure, he wasn't in any danger or anything, and the human( and Neko) scenery was very nice to look at... but anyone would be worried when they realized that the cute girl with the blue hair they'd been admiring was a princess, and had just met a samurai.

By the creator, just how many high ranking or politically connected people were there on this beach? And how long until he got noticed and drug into some kind of problem?

Midori was shocked when she was acknowledged, much less hugged. Though her face betrayed none of the emotion, Hanako would feel the Samurai's body tense for a moment before she tried to relax. As the woman released Midori, she bowed again for a moment to both Hanako and Airi before she spoke.

"I am honored by your gesture Ketsurui-Hime, it seems I left your side in good standing to receive such a greeting. I am glad to see you well, but no I am currently stationed on the YSS Shiroyama over Terra Multa at the moment. I am just here on Yamatai for Ocean day, our crew received time off for the... holiday." Her tone and expression would remind Hanako of when they first met all those years ago on the Sakura when Midori had threatened Nei over a misunderstanding.

"I would appreciate if you have the time and are not busy to ask a few questions of my past? Records can only tell me so much, and unfortunately I do not remember much of my time as your Samurai."


Datenshi saw the Separa fling the Neko so casually off into the water and couldn't help but laugh a little and the suddenness. As he waved and spoke up, Datenshi swam a little closer with a grin on her face.

"Hey to you too big guy. Pretty impressive to fling her around, how's it going? I'm Datenshi." She offered up, not wanting to be a motor mouth like the Neko who had just been chucked off.

Midori nodded back to Hanako and tilted her head a little. "I wish to know what I was like? I am unsure of how I acted or performed in day-to-day duties in my past. I know that several times I... Failed you and my duty in your protection Ketsurui-hime and for that, I truly apologize, but I wish to know what I was like back then." Part of the idea of learning of her past self scared her, but a more pressing part wanted to know the truth.
Mikael being on world at the time, decides to head to the beach everyone else was heading to. Though being the person that he was, he kept his distance from all of the festivities. He insteads decides to just set up a big black umbrella and a beach chair under it. Once it is put together, he pulls out a speaker, plays some Nepleslian metal at a comfortable audio level, and flips some sunglasses on to commence the people watching.

He could have sworn he saw his old CO Hanako for a moment, but he dismisses it as his mind playing tricks on him.
Shasse had been about to launch into another round of questions when she was rudely shoved underwater, of course it was no issue for her to simply hold her breath and then unwrap the tail from her leg before yanking the snake into the water as well. "Payback time!" She cried while she pushed his head below for a moment and saw Datenashi. "Oh hey nice to meet you. I'm Shasse Emiko!" The little blue neko said to the new neko on the scene, smiling broadly and floating over to shake her hand.
"Good, The name's Aba-BGHLAG-brblrlbrlblblblbl....." *Shasse wasted no time in returning the favor to the snakeman, giving him a facefull of well deserved ocean water. Not one to be outdone quickly, he dives under a bit deeper, whole body sinking underneath the gentle waves, before rising up to the surface again. With some careful aiming, his hiead pokes up out of the water again, and as the rest of his torso follows along, Abart takes the sassy blue neko right up onto his shoulders in one swift motion, leaving her to sit there.*
"..Abart'huse Theisilis, nice to meetcha. And sorry about this cheeky one here, she can be quite... energetic." *With both hands preoccupied with holding the blue kittycat's legs, he extented his tailtip instead.

The Neko couldn't help but smirk as the two roughhoused and played in the water though she made sure to keep her distance so she didn't get dragged into it. As things were seemingly brought under control and the tail tip was extended out, 'Tenshi took it and gave him a little shake. "A pleasure to meet you." Her hand didn't let go immediately, but instead lingered on the tail for a moment and grinned.

"Gotta say, never been around your kind to much so you are a bit interesting to me. You in the military?"
Abart Shrugged and grinned, still holding on to the energetic blue neko straddling his shoulders. "Eh, i get that a lot, but yes i am. Star Army Infantry, Nitô Heisho, stationed on the YSS Kaiyô. This little one here also was stationed there for a while, so wer were just catching up on things..... i think."

Carrying the "little one" in questionmade his deep tanned and well-trained physique stand out more, glistening in the sparkling sunlight. Underwater the bright orange and blue striped waistwrap clung tight to his snakey taint. "What about you? You look like a tough gal yourself."
"I've already gotten a taste of it from my last unit. sigh Even a few sparring matches to settle some disputes. That Kai fellow has a surprisingly vicious right hook, and all over the matter of my ex-second's wild behavior and bull headed nature." He said with a chuckle before turning to her, "Let's hope I don't get such wild characters of personality in any amount of more then one this time."

As her question came through however, it made him pause and think, "I don't think it would have changed you much as a person El, as you are always going to be you no matter what body you're in. I also think it's more of a matter with being comfortable with yourself, and even no one else sees it, I already know how beautiful you are. How much you freely show it, is just something you'll have to decide as you go, but we can figure it out together with no rush." He placed an arm around her to draw the neko into a hug, "But let's worry about the now, and save the later for.....well later."

The man looked behind, then up before being yanked out of the way of sudden impending collision. "Hey sis, hey chlo, I missed you guys! Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, the whole family is here now! Come here you two, I need hug you both." Mark exclaimed as tears of joy as the family he long missed, was now all before him.

"Well, I'm very flattered Mr. Black, but Sachi here is my daughter, not my sister." Setsuya said with a giggle at the misunderstanding, but had a sly look at the compliment. "I do however, had some plans to purchase some of your company's products, at the suggestion of my mother who lives in the NDC. If you wish to leave your contact info, I will be sure to call you at the earliest convenience given this rather fortunate encounter."

Giving Sachiko's head a pat, she commented further. "Seems I am rather lucky to have two such handsome men coming over to greet us. Mr. Kurogame here was just asking permission to sit nearby. But what do I owe the pleasant meeting to Mr. Black?"

"Well as a flyboy, I say wing it. As a man with best luck, to have gotten the most beautiful woman as a girlfriend. So maybe a little secluded corner of the beach, where no one will interrupt a bit of fun in the sun. Unless there's someone you want to go see? I talked to Sachi and Setsuya earlier already, so I have no one to visit with." Kai said with a cheerful smirk as he placed an arm around Hinata's waist.
Kiyo watched as her actions had caught the attention of the man she loved. Her smile grew as she watched the two approaches, her tail swayed behind her as she recognized the girl he had been speaking to, Sakura she remembered her from the Kaiyo II Kiyo couldn’t help but smile at Wulf’s response, and so she turned her attention to Sakura as she gave her a big hug. “I missed ya girl I am happy to see you’re ok” she said, smiling at her before she looked over to Wulf feeling Sakura’s arm over her shoulder.

“Wait, lovebirds?’ she asked, blushing, so Sakura knew then about her and Wulf, and how they were in love with each other. She watched her leave the two before she turned back to Wulf “so she knows then?’ she asked then she listened as he spoke “yeah, I wanted to make sure the issue I was having with my Mindy was taken care of before I left so I didn’t need to worry during this.
Shasse laughed as she was hoisted up into the air, grinning down at the other cat and waving. “Yeah! I was on Kaiyo for a while with my friend Miles, hey is the rest of the crew here too Abart?” The little neko folder herself down so her face was directly infront of his with her hair hanging down below her.
Chlorate and Kaiyō Kiki
Not expecting Nerai to pull Mark out of the way, Chlorate made and audible confused beep and tripped, faceplanting into the sand with a clunk and sliding a couple feet on her plastic-plated belly. "Chlo!" Kiki gasped, running over to help the AI girl up. The tall bird brushed the sand off her android body, the crash landing had gotten her front covered in it. "I-I apologize, I did not think that would be considered dangerous," Chlorate worriedly said. The orange-haired bot and the sulphur-haired bird both hugged Mark at once, having missed him every day since he was gone.

Kiki Two
After idling by the water for a minute at most, Kikios started walking again. Soon, she came to walk near Saya, but something seemed off. It seemed like she didn't even recognize her, despite being... Kiki? Those wings, that build, and that hairstyle made it totally obvious this was in fact Kikios Leka, yet, she barely noticed that Saya and Wyatt were there?

The Neko still had her grin as she was asked about her background and she nodded. "Nito Heisho here too, a PA pilot over on the Sakura II and one of the best in the YSA, but wait you said Kaiyo...? You know Saya? Pink haired cutie medic?" She asked her newly found companion. It may be a bit boastful to think she was the best, but in Datenshi's mind, there was no one better.


Saya smiled by Wyatt's side as she looked out over the water and everyone gathered. She couldn't help but spot her shipmates strewn across the sands. She saw Abart speaking with one of her old friends Datenshi and she couldn't help but giggle a little as she knew what was more than likely on the redhead's mind. But next to her a pair of fluffy white wings appeared and the crest of hair, Saya couldn't help but get excited as Kiki appeared next to her!

"Kiki!" The medic shouted excitedly as she leaped forward and wrapped her arms around the Elysian woman, wings and all. She buried the side of her head into the crook of one of her wings and gave her a hug. "I didn't think you were coming today!"


The buff Neko looked first to the arm around her waist, then to Kai as she smirked a little. "Awful touchy huh?" There was a hint of unease in her expression that slipped in, not used to public displays of affection since truthfully the man was her first boyfriend, but she let it slide a little and tried her best to relax. "I spotted an old friend of mine over there..." She nodded toward a pink-haired Neko with her chin in the distance who stood next to a man with orange hair. "Wouldn't mind going to say hi to her, but otherwise I don't see anyone, so a secluded spot wouldn't be a bad idea."

"Check, nekovalkyria repellent seems to work." Mikael says to himself, referring to the Nepleslian music being played. Being at a decent audio level, no one could make a noise complaint. He watches the nearby people as he starts playing an air guitar in his chair as a solo section starts with the the music.
"It's quite alright, Saya~ cannot keep me hidden away from your friends forever, and I hardly mind getting to know them... I just hope their eyes wander a bit less than Datenshi's did~" the ginger operative offered with a frown before smirking slightly, running one large hand through the top of Saya's soft and oh so pink hair fondly before speaking again, "...that being said though, any more we should attempt to~ oh," he murmured a little as Saya flew off to hug-tackle the Kaiyo's crested Elysian, moving over to follow her and offer Kiki a nod.

"Kikios, greetings~ it is indeed a surprise to see you here," he greeted their crewmate with a reserved smile as he stood beside Saya, though he couldn't quite place his hand on what seemed off about her~

The Daur stood there a few moments with a soft huff, damp sleeves covering her hands as she shook them about a little, holding onto some false hope that it was't entirely damp - only for that dream to be crushed as the wet, heavy material clung to her frame, Anaska beginning to slowly wade over to Kryss as the water came up to her chest. "It's... it's alright~ but I'm going to need to get it smelling like you again once it drys out~" the fox's face screwed up a little bit before she let out a little giggle.

"It's dumb... don't worry~ uh, maybe I should leave it hanging out near my towel?"

"Ah then I am sorry, Ms and Ms Itatski, you are both such radiant beauties that I figured sisters was the only possible answer - though I stand pleasantly corrected," the suave blonde bastard offered with a slight bow, one hand across his chiseled abdomen before he stood upright once more, reaching somewhere into the asset-hugging board shorts he was wearing to produce a small metal case - with one flick of his wrist Donvan opened up one half of it to procure three of his business cards before the thing was stowed away, the otherside adorned with a blue, pink and purple stripe.

"And of course greetings to you as well, Master Kurogane, you seem to be quite the specimen indeed so I'll have to agree with the statement Setsuya here gave~" the blonde man trailed off with a seductive wink in Klaus' direction before moving to offer each of them a business card with his contact details, taking a few steps back to regard them all once more.

"I do remember hearing from our advertisement personnel about a bright young Sachiko now that you mention it but... sorry, I am getting sidetracked - I am here for the same reasons a lot of people are here today!" Donvan exclaimed, gesturing to the rest of the beach with both arms before interlocking his fingers to continue, surprisingly shapely hip cocked to one side.

"...though in addition I am here to socialize, advertise and do a little bit of networking if the opportunity arises- though less suits at a board meeting and more just being around with the people who so eagerly buy our products, it's the best way to figure out what the customers are looking for next afterall," he chuckled again, smooth colonial accent dancing around the physically gifted human's deep voice, goddamn he knew what he was doing and the intelligent glint behind his playboy blue eyes spoke of it.

"How about the lot of you, hrm? anything in particular you are looking forward to today?"
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Wulf couldn't help but grin with Kiyo every time he saw her. Keeping up his cheerful demeanor "yeah Sakura knows, she kinda of outright was bursting with joy when she heard about us". As he listened to Kiyo talk and feeling ashamed he thought it was somthing else, while also feeling relieved what kiyo was saying about her mindy. Chuckling "Kiyo I swear I know who you love more and its your mindy, a man could get jealous hearing how much you enjoy her".

Keeping his smile as he walked up and held his beautiful blue angel. Keeping on topic "Hopefully shes all good so we can enjoy this beautiful day?"
Kiyo tried to remain calm, after all it was a time for fun! “Ah, well, not much we can do about it now,” she said to him then grinned at him when he began speaking of her Mindy. She stuck her tongue out at him because she knew he was teasing her and that she also knew he knows how she feels about him. She watched him move up to her, and she hugged him close to her. “Yup, she’ll be fine, I left her sleeping like a baby, now I do believe its Ocean day so we simply must have some fun here. I have mastered the art of sandcastles so we could do that if you want to, or we could go in the water?
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