Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP Ocean Day of YE 41

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"Mastered the art of sandcastles eh ?" he couldn't help but keep his grin. While still holding her " Though I do want to see that i've been dying to get into that water how about we take a dip first before I see my wonderful siege master in works". He held the blue neko's hand as he motioned for them to hit the crisp clear water, it taunting and alluring nature calling to him.

Kiyo smiles at him “I agree let's go!” she said then she moved from his hold and runs to the water, giggling and laughing with glee as she charged to the water her tail swaying behind her.
Kiki Two
Kiki gasped and immediately blushed when Saya touched her wings. She was surprised, Saya was still a stranger to this Kiki, as was Wyatt. The tall bird was shaking a bit because of Saya's position. She was uncomfortable, but she didn't want to tell Saya to stop and accidentally hurt her feelings. "U-u-um... heh heh... h-hi?" she stuttered. She figured she'd better ask now or she'd be even more confused. "I'm... I'm sorry... but... do you know me?"

"Saya? Yeah, sure! She a friend of yours?" Abart nodded, followed up by a casual tongueflick.
With Shasse's question, he looked up once more. "Well, there's ben quite a few transfers since then... people coming and going left and right. I think that i'm probably on of the people who's been on there the longest... guess Separa don't get transferred as often because of the extra facilities involved... rooms... sanitary... Mindy's... But anyways, yeah! There's a good few people from back then on the ship, some of them are here as well!" The tailtip that was casually trailing across the water's surface flicked back and forth slightly in exitement. "Hey did you know Nerai is a Juni now?"



"Geez, always such a clumsy little one~" *As mark was jumped by thecrestedelysian and clanky robot, the long, tanned, scalt tail wrapped around the three of them, Arms soon following. In her sheer teary-eyed joy she might have been squeezing a little too tight, but at that point probably none of them would really care. "Welcome back..."

"Very funny Kiki, it's me Saya. OH! Sorry sorry I'm sorry..." Saya backed a step away from Kiki after she realized she had touched her wings and fought the urge to smooth them out.

"I didn't think you were coming today Kiki, but there are a bunch of us from the Kaiyo here! We should get together for a barbecue or something." She said with a smile.


"Yea! We served together for a bit and I stayed in touch with her when I got back into the YSA. Good girl that one, she doing well?" Datenshi asked as she felt a little tingle at the sight of the tongue flick, but she hid it with a smile. The smaller Neko was in the way, but she didn't want to chase someone off that seemed to be a friend and risk running him off too. She had things that needed to be done.
Kiki Two
The familiar cockatoo relaxed once Saya released her wings. "Saya? I don't remember anyone with that name... I'm afraid there's been some kind of misunderstanding..." From what Saya said, Kaiyō was the only name that rang a bell apart from her own. "The Kaiyō? That one ship I worked on once? You seem to recognize me, but, I apologize, I'm not sure who either of you are..."

"Yeah, Sure looks like it. From what i can tell she gets along real well with the rest of the crew... particularly out SAINT officer, i suppose... wonder what's up with that."

Sure enough, after a couple of seconds that tonguecame flicking out again, wiggling about a bit longer than first. "Water sure is nice today, warmer than usual i'd say! Trust me, i can tell." Flickflick. This tail sloshed through the water some more, creating some splashy waves a couple of feet away from them, giving an impression of just how long that thing mustve been, even when it's not as visible.

"Yea, she always had a way of making even the cold quiet ones open up. Dunno..." Datenshi shrugged and held back the fact that she was currently her counselor and psychiatrist, he didn't need to know that. But the splashy waves and the comments brought her mind back to her task at hand as she smirked. "Yea I'm sure the water is great, but I like sunbathing myself. Keeps me warm, lets me relax, chat a little easier amongst other things..." She gave the Separa a grin and wiggled her eyebrows a little.


The pink haired Neko looked terribly confused as she narrowed her eyes at Kiki and tilted her head. "You're just joking right... I just saw you last night Kiki... We hung out and played games on the VR Deck after I had to steal the coffee pot from you before you hand any." She fidgeted with her hands a little as the situation just got more and more strange to her.

The observant snek picked up on the redhead's suggestive wiggle, blushing slightly as he tensed up a bit. "Right... Some sun sounds nice about now, the water's chill is starting to set in and all.."
Indeed he had been swimming for a while, and while the water was warmer than usual, the coldness was starting to make his body a bit sluggish and uncomfortable. Time to dry up on some hot sand. Still carrying the blue neko on his shoulders, he started to float back towards the shoreline along with 'Tenshi, tail making constant zigzag motions to propel him forward. "Guess i still prefer the hot waters of an Onsen after all... Call it stereotypical, but is snakes do like us some warmth."
Midori nodded back to Hanako and tilted her head a little. "I wish to know what I was like? I am unsure of how I acted or performed in day-to-day duties in my past. I know that several times I... Failed you and my duty in your protection Ketsurui-hime and for that, I truly apologize, but I wish to know what I was like back then." Part of the idea of learning of her past self scared her, but a more pressing part wanted to know the truth.
Hanako paused for a long moment to gather her thoughts and then finally answered. "You were strange samurai and I wondered why they kept sending me weird samurai instead of the typical ones with their black silk hair who stay quiet and follow me around like a shadow. But all all the unusual samurai they sent me, you were the one I valued the most and felt the most attachment to. It was obvious you were giving your best and I respected that. Here, check your mind-interface...if you would like to accept this data transfer, I can provide you with a copy of all my visual memories that have you in them, and you can go through them and see your past self through my eyes."

Midori did her best to hide the blush that rose to her cheeks at the compliments that Hanako paid her. Quickly enough she accepted the transfer request, though she couldn't deny the hesitation she felt at actually watching the information. "I... I thank you Ketsurui-Hime. I will leave you to your day to relax, and take my leave." She gave Hanako another bow before she quickly turned and left. She felt confused at just what she had gained and needed to think things over.


Datenshi grinned and swam alongside Abart toward the shore. She used a bit of gravity manipulation if only to make it easier on herself and thought about his words. "Well, thankfully I got a surefire way to warm you up." She teased a little and grinned all the while. She wondered a little just how they were going to get rid of the blue Neko, but figured he had an idea to get away.

"I got a great spot a little bit up the beach, nice and relaxing, great place to layout and enjoy nature."
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Meanwhile Shasse sat atop the snakes shoulders humming happily, she’d stopped listening to their conversation earlier since she was too busy looking around from her vantage point at all the other people. It was pretty good being up so high for once, the little neko loved being able to see everything around her from above. Among everyone she even spotted Midori a little way away and tried to wave to her, she also thought about using her mental communication but it seemed like literally everyone else was doing that and it was very noisy when she tried.

“Hey I love sitting in the sun too! The sand will be nice and warm too, perfect to have a nap.” She replied, cutting herself into the conversation again, unaware that her old friend would be looking to get rid of her.
Kiki Two
The cloneatoo stared at Saya, puzzled. "No we... didn't? Not that I remember?" She gave Saya a worried look, concerned something was wrong. Was she going crazy? Did she develop amnesia? How did she not recognize these people?
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