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RP: OIF Atuan [OIF Atuan] Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Mark was too busy going over his notes to reply to Kelly, aside from a low grunt of acknowledgement. On his datapad, the former journalist was acting a lot more like an active journalist. He was making organizational charts, bridging related events and people, drawing possible correlations, and also playing a quick game of 'SquidSweeper' in another tab.

Mark's beer sat in front of him, begging to be drank as it gushed tears of disappointed condensation onto the bar. Mark ignored this and continued his plying until suddenly he spoke up, looking at the cieling as he did, "Hey. When exactly is the new ship supposed to be ready, again?"
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Viki held her second beer. She downed her first one instant it was set on table in front of her. Now she really felt like getting drunk. Maybe even having sex with someone. But that could wait, since now she was curious. She looked at newest member of the crew. The white-haired nekovalkyrja. "Well hello ther. I am Viki adn you can call me Viki." She presented herself to newcomer. "So who are you now?" She asked not holding back at all.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Lucien's life (as planned on a barmat) seemed to have the following things on it: "Start, Try to Relax, Get Drunk, Get Shit Interrupted, Have Meddling Bitch be Responsible, Harbour Feelings of Revenge, Repeat until dead."
Given that the Scotsman was drunk for at least half of his waking hours, this vicious cycle was set to repeat itself, and it seemed as though he knew more skills while under the influence then out of it.

His liver was more or less accustomed to it by now, the steady cycle of sleeping, waking up, the first drink of the day, work, the afternoon pick-me-up, lunch, more work, drinks with the team after work, going home and falling asleep, repeating the process.

However, that delicate cycle had been interrupted by today's events, and his barmat scrawled cycle only seemed to make sense to the as-of-now happily inebriated Scot.

"I..." He started drawling while looking at everyone present in the room, "Love every single one of ya..." He was wholeheartedly referring to the Atuan team present, before he swivelled towards Camellia with a slight lurch, "Ecschept you... erm... wots yer name?"

Naturally, the drunken Scot was making a marvellous first impression on the professional. The only excuse the Scotsman had was that of being Nepleslian, and stressed out by the day's events.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

The nekovalkryja in question, previously unconscious, found herself staring into the eyes of the walking machine intelligence, but felt like she could not do much about it. Her body still felt a bit unresponsive, and would need a few minutes to 'reboot' or so to speak.

"Where am I?" Taela finally asked once she felt confident enough to speak without failing miserably. "Last I remember. . . you were. . . Weren't you the one driving that car or something?"
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Camellia narrowed her exposed red eye at the drunken scotsman, she's met her share of drunks at bars and dealt with them too, but she wasn't in the mood to tumble him, so she did the next best thing and ignored him to respond to Viki.

"I'm Camellia," she replied, "Ex-star army, Ex-SAINT. Freelance." She said off handed as she took a drink of beer. "I'm a powered armor pilot."
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

"Powered armor?!" Mark guffawed and butted into the conversation in one move, "I thought this was a Mecha unit? Then again, it's nice to see someone else who doesn't pilot Mechs. I was starting to feel stupid being the only person not to know how."
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Viki looked at woman sitting nearby. So she was ex Yamatai soldier? Spy none the less. "So let me get this clear. You are ex-soldier of nation that stick dicks in everyone elses bussiness and soldier of unit that sticks bussiness in bussiness of pretty one everything there is right?" She asked then. It was very very insulting. But Viki planned it to be. She looked Camelia straight in the eye and took big swig of her beer.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

"I was apart of the Fifth Ex fleet." Camellia said with no short sense of pride. "We were the nicest fleet in the military. Until they defected and became the United Outer Colonies, but that was after I retired from Military service and joined Saint." Camellia said, tiling her head to the side, letting her drape of hair fall away from her covered eye, but it was closed, so her heterochromia was still hidden.

"And the only thing I remember from Saint was trying to hook the former sky marshal up with a YSE Taisa." She said with a shrug and a sip.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Okay Viki had to admit that it seemed like lady was no stuck up bitch. WHile she listen to Camelia she typed a message to Kelly.

"Hallo, ich want a little something from me. Could you found out who owned that mecha Ged stole for me today? I want to go and enschuldigen to that alt man."

She then raised her head just in time to respond to Camelia. "Oh, and how did that worked out? That would be one föhlich pairing." VIki said and chuckled.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

The semi-solid volumetric image that Zophia had watching over Taela gave a faint and pleasant smile. "You're in your living quarters aboard Dawn Station right now." The AI's smile only got larger however as the small Neko pointed out with a question how she was the instigator of the earlier mess. "Yes, I was behind that whole mess, but I didn't mean anything bad by it at all." she honestly replied. The AI's hand moved to brush aside a few strands of hair on Taela's face, the volumetric fingers flickering slightly as they made contact. Though they appeared to be roughly around the same age, the AI displayed an almost motherly expression as she bent over the Neko.

"I'm just trying my best to make it up to you all. I had to figure out a place to begin though." she started to explain. "If you're curious as to where your friends have went though, they're right here." Zophia spoke, transmitting the crew's location directly to the Neko.

"I suppose you'll be wanting me to leave soon, but before I go, there's a few things I need to tell you." The AI spoke, stepping back. "First, Ged will wake up soon, and it'd be nice if you were all there for him when he does. Second, I'm shipping you some new weapons that R&D had been working over that was meant for the new series coming out."

"You'll love them, I'm sure of it."


"I'm not sure when the ship's supposed to be up and running yet. We did kinda bail on that AI before she could tell us." Kelly replied to Mark. The relatively young man wanted to blast the newcomer to small bits with questions, but he held back. He was the team leader after all...but the itch! It just wouldn't go away! "I suppose they're assigning us power armors now because of what nearly happened last we sortied. Remember how they literally swarmed over us?" he added on tentatively.


Camellia then spoke of one of her previous missions, matchmaking a SAoY Taisa and the Sky Marshal. She had succeeded in breaking Kelly's resolve, something that was very difficult to do.

"Objection! I'm calling bullshit on SAINT playing Matchmaker with people unless you got a kickass story to go with it!" he exclaimed, pointing a finger at her in a hammy gesture. As soon as he challenged her to tell the story, the dark skinned Nepleslian reached into his pocket to view the message that Victoria had sent him. "Oh, sorry, hang on." His moment busted by the Abwehran woman, he viewed and thought his reply over before sending it her way.

Long story short, I got no idea. We'll have to ask Ged, since the AI Zophia is definitely out of the question, and she did mention something about Ged being actually offline or something too.

As he finished, he looked up and at Camellia again. "So yeah, tell us about it."
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

That is what I meant. Ih thought that Ged might not answer me, but I bet he would tell you.

VIci quickly responded to Kelly and looked at Camelia expecting to hear a sorry. She also finished her beer and ordered new one.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

The Neko simply was a little unnerved by the display of the AI. Perhaps it was the fact that she looked so humanoid, or perhaps it was the motherly fashion in which she was being treated, but something didn't sit right with Taela about Zophia. Ironic, considering that she is a synthetic being herself.

"Er, right then. Thank you for telling me," She calmly whispered, rubbing her eyes as she pulled herself out of the bed woozily. "I'll inform the others right away."

Five minutes later, a cab had arrived and was already taking Taela down to the bar where the others were located.

"One thing that is good about having a cybernetic brain, for sure. . ." She mumbled to herself on the ride, examining the map that was transmitted.

Another ten, and she was at the destination. She put the fare on William's tab. Again.

And then the Neko entered the bar, spotted the others, and smoothly slid into a seat next to them.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Mark was exceptionally glad to see Taela coming in through the door, and he made it known by clearing a space next to her and sliding in close enough to whisper to her a brief overview of the situation without disturbing the others. Perhaps it was the beer, or perhaps it was the fact that he'd been apart from her for most of the night and had been using her as his security blanket before they seperated.

"Hey there, Kitty." He whispered softly in a voice deep enough that others at the table probably still heard a low murmur, putting a firm hand on one of Taela's shoulders, "Welcome to the party, baby. This bluebird was just lettin' us in on some wild stuff she did in the 'sowie' before signin' up with Origin. She's a power armor specialist that's taggin' along with us startin' today. How'd ya sleep?"

If she'd looked back at him, Taela would've found herself uncomfortably close to a smiling face and a completely overbearing array of metal piercings arranged into a jolly facade. Truly, if Mark hadn't been whispering to her, it would've been downright innapropriate.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

ShotJon said:
She then raised her head just in time to respond to Camelia. "Oh, and how did that worked out? That would be one föhlich pairing." VIki said and chuckled.

"It was all psudo political mumbo jumbo." Camellia said, polishing off her beer and ordering another one. "High Command noticed a little chemistry between Sky Marshal Davis and Chijou Ember at the first Intergalactic peace conference after the Mishhu's delegates were insulted away from the conference. " She said while sipping the new beer. "The entire crew of my unit took over an eatery on the station called "The Velvet Room" and were planning to host a privite dinner date for them. The whole nine yards, invitations, fancy drinks and food, everything." Camellia paused to take a drink. "Then it was called off and we were sent... Somewhere, my memory's fuzzy after we went back to our ship..."
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

To be quite frank, Mark was slightly creeping the Neko out. Mostly due to the beaming smile that she noticed when she turned to respond, but also partially due to him sliding in so close. She sighed lightly wistfully, and simply responded in a quiet voice, "I slept fine, I think. That AI was there waiting for me. . . and speaking of which. . ."

Raising a four-fingered hand to interject into the conversation everybody else had in progress, and regardless of how they reacted, she told them, "Before I headed over here from the apartment, Zophia told me two things. One, Ged will be up soon, and two, we're all getting new weapons from Research and Development."
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

As Kelly finished sending his reply to Victoria, he finally caved in and ordered himself a simple bratwurst on a rye roll.
He probably would tell me, but I can't see any reason why he wouldn't tell you. Go ahead and ask, and if he doesn't tell you, I'll ask myself.
As Taela came in, Kelly simply smiled and nodded at her presence before turning his attention back to Camellia as the story started. As glad as he was about his crewmate's recovery and return, the Nepleslian couldn't help but be more curious about the Sky Marshal and the lady SAINT tried to hook him up with. She had to be quite a character to catch Davis' eye. As Camellia went on with her story, Kelly's Bratwurst arrived on it's roll like a hotdog, topped with stone ground mustard. He bit in recklessly.

"Hot!" The dark skinned Nepleslian quickly grabbed his beer and washed down the surprisingly strong mustard before realizing everybody was looking at him. "Er, I mean, the mustard. Not the story. I mean, yeah, the story's great. Just, er, could you tell us more?" he asked. "There's got to be more to it than just that. His mind traced back to previous thoughts, which he then voiced. "Chujou Ember must be a real character if Davis was interested in her." he remarked. Kelly took another bite.

Which he promptly choked on as Taela told them about Ged and the new shipment of gear, thumping his chest to clear it.

"Why wasn't I told of that?" he asked incredulously.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Mark smiled over to Kelley from his position of creeping out Taela. He let out a slight chuckle before correcting his boss.

"You're supposed to have this one with schnapps, so the mustard doesn't taste as strong, mein herr." Mark joked along, a thin Abwheran accent developing, "Otherwise, you'll hurt your tongue or somezing, Herr Kelly."

Just to make sure Kelly had the appropriate beverage for his meal, Mark ordered in Abwheran for him. "Aye, Kellner bitte ein schnapss,Und zwei Bier noch einmal!"

After the waiter brought the appropriate drinks and two new beers for Mark, the former journalist leaned forward to introduce Kelly to Abwheran food properly, dropping the cheesy accent.

"Here ya go, Farms, drink the clear shit first, then try to eat the roll. That mustard will taste as sweet as candy with that peppermint schnapps on your buds."
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Kelly eyeballed the strange clear liquid with unguarded suspicion. "Er, you sure about this Mark? It's not going to knock me on my ass or anything, will it?" he asked his coworker. As he looked from the crystal clear depths of the drink to the grinning face of his friend, the Nepleslian couldn't help but worry just what this strange Abwehran concoction was. Kelly needed an expert on booze for this. Someone who had a lot of experience with alcohol and was credible.

He looked at Lucien.

"Er, hey man, you ever try Schnapps before?" the team leader asked the big man.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

Viki looked at dark-coloured team leader. "Well it won't knoc you on deine arsh." She said drinking big gulp of her beer. "Unless you are pansy," she added and smiled at Kelly.
Re: Episode 6: Once More With Feeling

"You don't know about it because Ged still isn't awake, and I was only just notified of this minutes ago myself," Taela bluntly stated to her Nepleslian captain, flagging down the waitress and ordering a brat* for herself. Her interest in the conversation was minimal at best, so she sought to keep herself busy with eating.

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