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OOC [OIF Atuan] OOC Thread

I wonder... when will they get promoted? it's been an awfully long time since that's happened.
Yes, they get paid. XD

The problem with promotions though, is that IC, the amount of time that's passed so far in this plot is rather short - it's just that our plot moves slowly! I want to speed up, but, I'm not comfortable at all skipping over players.

And the more that I look at this stuff, the more I think I should just hunker down and study. I'll see if I can post tonight, but it's looking more like something for tomorrow - I'm really sorry for keeping you guys waiting. :(
Well guys - have a gander at this.

It's just sitting there patiently, waiting for you all in the next plot after this - we're two chapters away from being done guys, so hang in there!
It shouldn't be a problem for Origin's tech guys to upgrade Blitzkrieg to the FATE-IES, though.
Damn, hate double posting.

It's a rather minor heads up, but the special DR Rule for Atuan is put down for the time being until I figure out something that would better, more accurately represent how things work (or should work) in regards to frames in the setting. I say it's rather minor, since it doesn't even affect anything in RP at all - continue on!
Rules about things that have no bearing on how you play, but govern the way the GM figures out how your shooting hurts the badguys.
I can't decide whether Mark is Shaft or Will Smith.

"Aw, hell naw! You did not just shoot that green shit at me!"


"You best watch your step, Muthafucka. I'm gonna eat you jive-ass whole."
Just to let you guys know, I've been shot in the foot, though not literally - the final for my class is Thursday, so expect a bit of a delay. However, if I can manage to get out a post in the meantime, I'll try and do just that!
Hate posting twice in a row, but it can't be helped - right now, I heard Lam is busy, so that's ok. It's better now than never that I learn how to move about when some can't or won't post to keep a plot moving. I'll be wrapping this chapter up soon and then move us onto the final story arc of Atuan momentarily - because of that, I'll only delay for 2 days at the most before moving us along.

In other news, I think that this is finally done. The beauty of it is that, well, hardly a thing changes for you guys! Isn't that wonderful?! The only things to really note is that 1) Weapons ADR 4 and below do reduced damage 2) Specific firing modes and dedicated anti-armor weapons will do more damage this time around, so watch out for RPG teams! 3) I helped define shield regen times - you'll have to make more use of taking cover to recharge. 4) A weapon's damage rating is done in one second.

So yes, DPS matters. :3

Still got some red links though, but, I'll get those soon too. Give some feedback, will ya?
Damn, sorry guys - I got wrapped up in several things and am being drawn thin. I'll be posting later today however.

That's a surefire promise!
How exactly is this elevator shaped? Like, is it being pulled up by a wire on the top, or is it being pulled up by one at each corner, or what?
I'm imagining it as an elevator going up a slightly inclined shaft, rather than going straight up. The mechanism that's bringing you up is not cables, but instead a pair of electrical motors on the underside of the elevator platform.

I hope this helps.