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OOC [OOC] 4th SF Discussion

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Rawr. I got some serious writing done for Arkase! I hope it's not an eyesore.

And if it's too much, I'll cut it down. Just say the word.
That's the kind of thing I like to see! Great work!

By the way have a look at your wiki I think it needs some updating?
Man, sometimes not having a life can be good -- I fixed the Bio up quite a bit. Righted some stuff that made it look bad and I updated his Placement and Occupation.

Edit: I also fixed the Rank. Rather an unexpected Promotion,
Well, we were at the IRC an insufferably long amount of time, and they both saw combat. Happy to catch you both a little off guard there if I can to make it a little more interesting! <3
I have so many bios to update, it's not even funny. And yay for surprise promotion! Maybe... if Honoka takes it.... Hm....
Your posts are coming along very well! Good job! Now we just need a Kyoki-monster to post.
Was that "I think you need one" directed at Arkase? (Which is true -- he does need one -- or to Honoka?
It was to Honoka, but feel free to grab one in your next post also. It's a big medical bay.
I feel like I have not much to post. It'd just be like... a one or two liner, and I don't want to do that.
Kyoki said:
Have fun without me if I can't post!

Oh! We were going to anyway, but it's good to have your permission, I guess. :lol:

Have fun, Kyoki. You probably won't miss much here.
We survived. Cough! Not to worry. Anyway, new Engineer incoming!

I'd like to finish this battle at least by the end of August, so let's keep on the posts.
Hope that wasn't too much, but it helps psyche up Arkase and gives me a reason for a few more posts.

Possible run-in with the new engineer?
Hello everyone, I'm sorry it's a bit late but I'm the latest recruit, I look forward to joining the team. While I'm playing here I'll also be assisting Lilly with ship designs and other gadgets. I'll be spending the next few days working on a small concept while looking for a convenient spot to slide my character into.

Speaking of characters, may I introduce Silic Vas, mechanical nut and slight eccentric. Don't beat him up too much.
As stated before -- possible run-in with the new engineer?

Something tells me Arkase and Silic are going to get along very well... Hope he appreciates film!
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