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OOC [OOC] 5th XF OOC Discussion

In terms of the minor alteration:

I figured the process utilized would be simular to that used on Star Army ships for minor alterations to bodies. Knowing what I know about the Mishhu--I derived that they would have some kind of simular hemosynthetic network on their ships as we do.

They say the eyes are a window into the soul; well while we dont recognize that kind of metaphyiscal state--I seen it a fitting change to villanize Tonsho further as she begins her adjustment into SMX society.

My aim with her and Angelica is to perhaps pry open a window into the lives of the Mishhu; to go beyond the "HU HU HU" and show that the Mishhu are just as intelligent as nekos (which I have been told over and over by Wes and Fred).

Also oddly enough I am providing a view into the goings on and the interior of these ships. Indeed I perhaps am taking some liberties through the fact that not a lot has been described.
Er, the interiors were described pretty vividly in the various Sakura JPs where my PCs boarded Mishhu ships. You definitely want to read the one where they met Melisson over Lor.

I'll try to find it for you.
Alright, this isn't the standard Mishhu interior, but it's a more modern one.

Useful stuff highlighted in yellow.

Source: Mission 7 Part 2 (page 3)
I will take some from this. Thanks for the help Wes!

The ship Tonsho is on right now is one of their Battleships.
More SMX ship interiors, standard type:

From Sakura Mission 3
Very helpful.

Something Fred said that may help too is that there is some room for variation as that there are different faction/groups within the SMX.

Both of these transcripts will be a big help Wes. Definately will be taken into consideration. When I am done the Ascendancy it is my intention to do a SMX Battlecruiser.
Awesome! I'll make one too, so we have some variety.

Maybe we could create some wiki articles for both of them (and other SMX ships), like standardized interior compartments, or ship systems.
Good idea...

First I have to finish the Ascendancy...it is Xbox huge in size and in detail.
Ah, the little Asteroid Base you have your guys checking out.

I would go for the more organic type look. You and I can discuss this some tonight.
Hey all,

I am going to be away tonight thru Sunday morning (11/16-11/18) for work and will not have net access while I am away. However I do plan to work on some pending projects when I am gone. See you in two days.

Keep up the RP!
Hey, does Hotaru have a TTD? And if so, isn't there authorization codes (similar to IRL nukes) that need to be entered prior to its activation? Also, projected energy beams are fired from the station's distortion shield. They don't exist until the shield fires them.
The TDD issue was something we already brought up if you recall, it was an inconsistancy that was supposed to be edited out.

As for the operation of the projected energy beams that can be fixed with some minor editing.

That battle is long over...I think its more Toshi and CB forgot to do the edits.

So CB, Toshi....could you guys please take care of these issues?
Sorry. I figured out what happened. Someone was using the StarArmy.net domain instead of StarArmy.com so the post was still marked as "new."

I'm really close to redirecting stararmy.net to some other site or something because of stuff like this.
Edited to remove references to TTD and TDD (I found both spellings), replacing them with fold drives, and edited the reference to the projected Energy Beam Wes spoke of.

Also, did we get rid of the Quantum Detonator? I remember something about removing or renaming it due to it being in a different setting/game...was that retroactive?
Yeah, the QD was renamed.
My online time is going to be kind of irregular for the next few days. Travelling to visit some friends for the weekend.
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