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OOC [OOC] Acadia Discussion

Cy83r K0rp53 said:
Kajiim said:

@ white&titus, ladies ladies there's plenty of kajiim for everybody

Free suovenirs for all the nurses!
Careful now; one of the medical ladies is just crazy enough she MIGHT take one of those souvenirs.
Fian said:
I.. I just cant post anymore.

Sorry guys.
Well it was a great ride, Fian, and I hope you come back strong.
Rookies, that means you'll have to get creative unless Koenig takes up the mantle. As always, you have the rest of the player base to draw upon if you have questions.
Well if we cant find a plot then i vote we start a new one. Isnt that what they did to the Alliance? Lets blow up the Acadia and go out with a bang. Then we can start a new plot and transfer the characters. Personally this gives our characters a chance to really move forward and junk. A new begining.

I've been working on a new line of unique PA's called the Titan Series. Its not finished yet, but there will only be three of them. If I can find a GM for a plot that would use these suits then we can use some of the Acadia members to pilot these three. Anyone can join and in the mean time we can have a plot that trains and selects the three that will recieve the suits.

Just an idea, but this is the opportunity that I can use to get the Titan Series into a plot with Chad.
Sounds interesting, Titus. You should share your ideas further, possibly spark someone's interest.

In the meantime, we just need to make that steady push to wrap this up neatly; I for one have no desire to see it cliffhang.
Kampf is just a little busier. We should finish senate thingey and let him say what he thinks about future of Acadia. Maybe he will be willgin to take it. Also chad before you even start thinking abotu Titan plot, create them and have them approved.

Also blowing up Acadia would make me really really sad. Saving senate and fighting zmobies should be good for moving forward as it is. You know how they say it, too many cooks spoiled the soup.
Well, great, just when the prospect of finally getting character art renews my interest in the plot, it falls apart.

I think I'm beyond caring anymore, I'll continue playing if someone steps up to the challenge of being GM, but I won't really mind if everything dies in such a horribly inapproproate way. (hint: I don't actaully want the Acadia to die off, I'm just feeling a bit melancholic since Fian, who took on the plot after Exhack abandoned it or whatever, has left so suddenly and there's nobody to fill his shoes)
Koenig has done a great job during Fian's absence before, but maybe he doesn't want the responsibility heaped on his head suddenly. I know I wouldn't.

Cy83r K0rp53 said:
Well, great, just when the prospect of finally getting character art renews my interest in the plot, it falls apart.
Wasn't Tom the one organizing the commissions? In that case I don't see why you wouldn't still get art for your character.
No, Tom is not getting Anselm art, Fian is (bless his Zaku-shaped heart), it's already mostly completed and totally awesome. I did have a commision with zairyo thanks to Wes, but that's taken ages to materialize and completely fell through.
I don't have an excuse for not posting. I've got the infantry squad's post up, so unless another GM wants to take what Fian was doing with the greenhorns, I'm gonna need a summary of the situation.
Update for Koeing,

We fought this seriously awesome battle with 4 rippers for control of senate building. 3 lame ass ones, and 1 really bad mofo Commander type. The Co really messed up Kajiim and i just got him to the hospital for intensive care. Jack is pissed at Chad. Havent had a Lucas post in ages.

Chad just attempted to contact your group from the hospital, so if u have any specific questions you can probably just ask Chad IC.
I figured I should put in my two cents worth as far as the future of the acadia goes. I think this mission should be concluded and if the acadia plot was to be dropped then the mission should end badly or valiantly something to make the name ring on and give closure.

Now for Kajiim, should I rp whats goin on in the hospital or keep it "off screen"?