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OOC [OOC] Acadia Discussion

I apologize for being irregular with the posting, which seems to be the reason for so many people losing interest.

It'll be the worst thing to reward the dedication of our players with their characters being killed off. Just remember that there are other plots in Nepleslia.

The 4th Fleet sounds like an extremely interesting plot, and Uso is an experienced GM, who handled missions in the NSS Alliance plot very well. To be honest, his plot is what I've kinda wished for; for Nepleslia to interact with the entire setting.

You would all do well to consider his or MoonMan's plots. Both are extremely capable GMs.

With Ran unconscious, the next highest-ranking PC needs to step up. This is not an abandonment, just a short-term deal with my PC. I'll still be here controlling NPCs.

Luca, you coordinate with Kyoki's PC, and try to get one of the Greenhorns to the squad. Cyber, you're in control of the ground team.

To the Greenhorns: you need to get one of your PCs down to where Ran's group is and kill the Ripper.

Kajiim, for the sake of time, keep it off-screen.
Yup, that's the idea, just write anything pertinent to your character making decisions, even go as deep as narrating their inner monologue line-by-line when they're waffling on something important as heavy enemy fire drops around him and the team he's with/striving to protect.

Don't drop hyper-detail all of the time either, it's engaging to wonder what exactly the character thought to bring about a course of action, like when they do something drastic or seemingly unnecessary that might have endagered other members or the whole mission, and it might prompt another's character to ask that very question inside the narrative, sometimes with a hearty punch to... err, pardon the pun, drive the point home.

At it's most basic, these plots are about having fun playing a fictional character, if something that you're doing isn't very fun either drop it or tweak your responses to make it fun, heck, you might even develop a deeply fascinating character without even trying. I know I've been baffled by the plans that pop into my head when I'm wondering how Anselm would react to some situations, it's really just a lot of gut instincts and narrative adrenline (is it bad that sometimes my heart races and my skin sweats when reading a tense scene?).

When you get to the area of what I like to think is 'good writing' is when you're imagination is immersed in the plot unfolding as your eyes scroll across the block of text separated by silly avatars and your first thoughts are "how is my character getting out of this one?" and then it comes to you in a flash out of the clouds and you think "oh, that's a pretty good idea... but where did it come from?"

Blackbird: in the Marines, they say 'oorah' (quick and stunted for battlefied use) or 'hoo-rah' (sort of a pre-battle verbal fistpump to a good speach by your Chief or whenever Sergeant Johnson says something witty, check out Halo 2 for an example in the New Mombasa section), the Army says 'hooah', I don't know what the Navy or Air Force say. But the Nep Army are Marines, so I say "Oorah!" with Anselm most of the time and it leaks over into regular usage because it's so quick to say.
OORAHOORAHOORAHOORAHOORAHOORAHOORAHOORAH ... oorah ... wait, that's a different ballgame altogether.

I've posted my stuff. Hopefully I haven't gotten the who's who wrong. Skwigleff, go kick some arse and save Henry and Sam's.
Kokuten said:
All marines are to adopt a new battle cry:


Someone has been watching Vandread. And actually. It ain't really bad battlecry!

Hey fellas,

I've been in Argentina for a week and just got back home. Sorry about not letting you guys no. Should start posting again once I get caught up again.
I heard you guys are without a GM right now. Is this true? If so, Fian the Faction Manager should take over as GM. if he can't, I will need to.
Wes said:
I heard you guys are without a GM right now. Is this true? If so, Fian the Faction Manager should take over as GM. if he can't, I will need to.

There in which lies the issue. Fian is gone. He was our GM.
Titus Brutus said:
Wes said:
I heard you guys are without a GM right now. Is this true? If so, Fian the Faction Manager should take over as GM. if he can't, I will need to.

There in which lies the issue. Fian is gone. He was our GM.

...wait, Wes didn't know Fian has been acting in Exhack's absence?

How long have we had Fian's excellent and selfless guidance? Nigh on two years? How did this slip past the site administrator for that long? I assume changes in leadership are regularly reported on.

And just to complete this amusing situation, Wes, Kampfer is acting as GM at the moment, I think we'll be fine without your direct involvment unless of course Kampf will not act as the permanent replacement and we do indeed need a GM.

Frankly, I could probably do it, but I'd rather not be the head of writing new missions as I'm busy for over 50% of the week with classes and I have no idea how things are going up in GMland. I can probably work as an aide to anyone who does have the time, writing skill, and creativity to step up and take this plotship's reins.
Sorry, got a bit confused. I was just trying to go by the SARP "GM failure backup plan" which is like this:

Plot GM > Assistant Plot GM > Faction Manager > Setting Manager

Where if one person can't run the plot for ever reason, the next person in line has to step up and run things so the players aren't left hanging.

As long as there's someone dedicated at the wheel and the RP is running smoothly I'm happy. Acadia is the largest plot on the site and I am very concerned when it has trouble.

However this brings up the question:

With Fian on hiatus and Kampf as Acadia GM, who is the Acadia assistant GM and the Nepleslian FM now?
Wes said:
However this brings up the question:

With Fian on hiatus and Kampf as Acadia GM, who is the Acadia assistant GM and the Nepleslian FM now?

Well this is a great time to shift leadership within the setting because of the moving of the goverment. I would get a hold of whoever has senators as a characters and hack it out with them.

Also, can I get a little bit more of a damage report other than I was hit in the shoulder. Like if any systems were damaged, or if I still have a functioning arm and anything else along those lines?