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OOC [OOC] Alliance Discussion

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Hurrahgh.... *Starts devouring Adrian's brain*

Though, are we just gathering in the mess hall now?
Are we still docked on Nepleslia? Or have we lifted off to a space station or something?

Ran! Sarge! Get back here this instant!
Poor Benji... being ignored with a broken nose... not a good thing....

Look out CO's 'nother rampage on ze way...
Also, we may be bringing in an NPC neko for the medbay. If this does happen, all aphrodisiacs, tranquilizers, and all other sorts of mind-altering drugs in the medical area WILL be locked down and accesible ONLY by medical staff. Under penalty of death.
That could be a problem, seeing as Nekovalkyrja are forbidden from entering Nepleslia by Nepleslian and Yamataian law.

Wow. Stuff's moving really fast.

When I get my computer back, I'll need to have a chat with you, Uso. Nothing bad.

By the way, previous topic locked. Please move your characters to the new thread for the briefing.

I wish I could post more, but, again, this isn't my computer.
Well, with things looking as they are in the VR Sim thread, I think most of the major issues have been resolved...

Perhaps it's time to actually start posting in the new thread Tom so generously started for us?
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