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OOC [OOC] Alliance Discussion

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Access to files on the Street War, due to their incredibly delicate nature, would be limited to members of High Command.

We're talking about one of the major reasons Kennewes ended up as a rebellious planet.
Alright, I assumed as much.

I also assumed that Wazu's medical records wouldn't be classified any more than anyone else's.
Guys, please reply here with any NPCs you've created so that they may be added to the Wiki.

Please include base stats like race, gender, age, etc, as well as a snippet describing their personalities.

After I compile the list, it's going to be the "official" NPC list for the Alliance until we get new crewmembers.
The only NPC's I know of are Ally, Cadet Willis and Suku. They're the only NPC's that show up regularly enough to mention in the wiki.

Everyone else I've seen are mostly filler characters, that won't be used again, that don't really need to be mentioned. Unless I missed one.
Ok, we are getting tons of use out of the med-bay.

Should we create a list of basic medical procedures or something to help out the medics? Or maybe more text added to the med-bay? Swedish mattresses put in the bunks? A lava lamp?
For the medbay:
Lava Lamp. And a hookah. Dry bar. (List non-exhaustive)
Come on, the two guys running it are Kokuten and Adrian. It's gonna be some weird shit.

And a list of medical procedures would be extremely useful. My most formal medical training is the First Aid course from Freshman year physical education and the medic slideshow/ test in America's Army. Which I failed three times, by the way.
Heh, 10 years in cub scouts/boy scouts: first aid is second nature to me.

Oh shi- I made a pun.

Oh also, does Gran need a check-up?
WATER2 Pilots be sure to check out the new eru-be-ar.

All LBR-01a's has been replaced by this weapon. If you need further insight in its use, also be sure to check out the NAM Landside testing thread at a later time.
The NSS Alliance left before this was approved but I'll back write in some crates of weapons into the forward storage bay.
neinman3: Would Focus work?
Yisern Looi: whatever.
neinman3: Go with that
neinman3: super concentration on limited items
neinman3: So actually, no
neinman3: Go with Calm
Yisern Looi: calm!?
Yisern Looi: I cant enter SEED mode with Calm.

Hi, my name is Kira Vel Steyr. Nice to kill you.

So, in which thread are we posting in again? The one in Elysia or the one here?
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