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OOC [OOC] Alliance Discussion

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Next Marine JP is planned for 9:30 pm est saturday due to computer issues on my end.

Also, try and SP as much as possible.
Find the time to SP, people. It only takes like 5 minutes to post something.

It's feeling lonely here.

It doesn't matter if you're on the bridge, on the planet's surface or just on the ship somewhere.

Your character still thinks and interacts with his or her enviornment.

Also, please be aware of the Marine JP on Saturday. (Check the thread for the exact time).
If there is no SP from most of the NSS Alliance participants by next JP, heads will roll! *prepares Mishhu shocktroops for deployment*
Kotori said:
If there is no SP from most of the NSS Alliance participants by next JP, heads will roll! *prepares Mishhu shocktroops for deployment*

Yay! More action!

But really, let me finish my school debate points first...
Please Stop with those threats Kotori, just cuz we're a little slow doesn't mean anything. Life comes before RP.
Why did Fian just commit suicide, kamikaze-style?
Tyler said:
Please Stop with those threats Kotori, just cuz we're a little slow doesn't mean anything. Life comes before RP.

Bwahahahahaha! He took me seriously!

Seriously, guys, if I pay attention to your OoC thread, you should see it as a good sign that your plot, as gritty and swear-word-rich as it is, is entertaining to look over.

That's more than i can say for Nepleslia before the NSS Alliance came around, with situations unrelated to Naraku.
I belive we already established <s>thet</s> that what we had going was good before you started looking in.
Forgive me if I missed it, but where is the Alliance and who are the marines fighting?
The reason I took you seriously was because it was nearly 4 am when I wrote that and I was cranky. And I'm wondering the same thing Wes is. *rubs head*
Well it's 9:30 CT and I have to go get the rest of my possessions from my brother-in-law's house. Where is everyone BTW cause my sorry a$$ keeps showing up. x.x

Wes said:
Forgive me if I missed it, but where is the Alliance and who are the marines fighting?

If you are controlling the Reds, we won already XD.
You can thank WWII for that brilliant idea, although it was thought up much earlier and proposed. The US army basically imposed it so they could get more daylight working hours or something. Prob to justify it to accounting..
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