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OOC [OOC] Alliance Discussion

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Anyway, what's happened is that the marine team went down to the planet, got their asses shot up and shot up some Red people and came back.

Right now, we've got prisoners on hold in the storage rooms, the medical facilities are jam packed with injured marines, and the captain is talking with his XO.

The caretaker staff is split up between helping take care of the dead bodies of our fellow marines or assisting in the makeshift medical bay (where Valo and Adrian are)
Regarding stimpack or stimulant injectors in the armors:

I'm not exactly sure if they're standard issue on the armors we're using, but since Nepleslia is pretty drug-oriented, I don't see why we couldn't use them.

Any of the tech heads have an opinion on this?
I'm sure even if the NDI doesnt let us use their precious White Tears, we should have some generic stuff in there, heck, even the Demons have stim injectors.

( I regard Demons as the lowest member of the Power Armor food chain )
If I remember what I read on all those NDI suits we used during the fight, mostly Golem MKIIs and Phalanx/Super Phalanx, they all have the stimulant injection utility in them. Whether or not we use it though...I mean, it's there, why wouldn't we use it?
Any idea, when there will be open positions for the NSS Alliance? I know it's crowded, but it doesn't harm to ask.
The Alliance, if I remember correctly, is going back to Nepleslia in a bit. Once that comes along, it will be pretty easy getting onto the ship if Tom gives you the green-light.
I'll address all this stuff shortly. I've been a tad busy and am just catching up. Real life stuff.

Give me a day.
After we dock, the new recruits can RP receiving orders and preparing to join the NSS Alliance crew.

Rock on!
Yup, but feel free to 'skip ahead' a little if you have a hankering to RP immediately.
Wes, stop splitting hairs, we just couldn't figure out a nicer term for them other than Cafeteria staff and that sounds like you're back in school.
It's simply a matter of semantics, really.

Nothing more, nothing less.

But it does bring up a good point and I will update the Nepleslian army occupations section of the CCG tonight.

It REALLY needs a good rehashing (in the vein of slashing and burning).
There wouldn't really be much to change if we did have to fix 'em. Caretakers just an occupational name as far as I'm concerned.
Sent Wes the updated CCG info via e-mail. I think it'll make it look less painful.

Anyway, waiting on a few more of you to post before I continue with us docking at Star Base Ayenee.
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