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OOC [OOC] Alliance Discussion

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The new guys should just post on the new thread I will be making tomorrow. It'll be a shore leave thread and you'll just do your activities until it's time to report.

Hell, you may even run into some of your fellow crewmates!

Also, the marines don't HAVE to do their training during the shore leave. The captain isn't THAT cruel, guys.

It's time for you all to clear your minds and have a good time.

You all wanna JP some time since we are all getting drunk together?

I say 9 PM EST Sunday as usual.
That would be 10 am friday for me, I'll be in class then so no go.

Unless its 10pm EST, which makes it 11 am for me, I have an hours lunch break at that time. But then again too risky.
9pm EST Sunday I can probably make.

About time, too! We've been walking to that bar for about a month.

We might have to go knock on a few e-doors, I'll bet a few of our regulars have gotten into a cozy no-post attitude since Tom took off for the holiday.
Yes, I know this is a double post, but in the RP thread we seem to have smashed ourselves into a continuity error! 'Twould appear that Ran is in a time several hours past where most of the rest of us are! How do we fix this? Cuz I don't think a time machine has been approved for use yet... but I can fix that right away!
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