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OOC [OOC] Bahram Wing Discussion

Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

I.....may not be there. Because of the Snowpocalypse, one of my tests was rescheduled. It ends at 8:30EST + 10-15min walk. I should get out early but, you never know....
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling

NEXT JP AT: February 10th, 8PM EST

We're getting +90% participation or it'll kill me.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling: February 8th, 8PM EST

NEXT JP AT: February 10th, 8PM EST

We're getting +90% participation or it'll kill me.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling: February 8th, 8PM EST

Kokuten said:
NEXT JP AT: February 10th, 8PM EST

We're getting +90% participation or it'll kill me.

-Is the one holding the gun to Kokuten's head.-
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling: February 10th, 8PM EST

-Is the one who suggested it should be Soresu's new custom.-
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling: February 17th, 8PM EST

Well, I'm just giving you guys a heads up that I'll likely be late; I've got a doctor's appointment that starts an hour before the JP, but with luck, I won't be too late.

Go on without me! (if you feel like it)
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling: February 17th, 8PM EST

It's a no-go for me, I've got school and work, no way I can make it, probably. I /might/ show up for the beginning but that's iffy.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling: February 17th, 8PM EST

For the forseeable future, my only 'free' times are Monday and Wednesday nights after 6:00 PM PST.
Hey everyone. I figured that my abrupt and un-announced one-month vacation is just about over, and this would be a good time to restart the plot (although I'll gladly delay for exams or whatnot). If you're reading this and have the means to reach someone who hasn't been on in a while, please inform them that we're going to be back up and running soon.

Once I know who's still in, I'll get to setting schedules and start involving people again.
Re: [OOC] Bahram Wing Scheduling: February 17th, 8PM EST

If people's schedules have changed recently, please post them here. I'll edit the first post to include everyone's effective JP availability to make scheduling easier in the future.