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OOC [OOC] Bounty Hunts


Inactive Member
The Wiki is here.

The Roleplay is here!
(Has not started yet!)

Welcome to OOC! We have cake! (Possibly Evil Cake too!)

This is the Titanpad that might get used

If you are a bounty hunter and have a good idea for a plot, post it here or send me a PM.

If you are an owner of some kind of corp. or faction with a bounty idea, send me a PM since that will be a little more complex.
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Re: Bounty Hunters At New Aio, Kohana OOC

I've been scarce myself, Family/Job stuff, but I should be around enough to keep up, been really looking forward to this. If something comes up, Scot, I totally understand. If I'm forced away for a bit myself, I'll be sure to let you guys know as well.

As for starting areas, sounds neat. I figure Sam would work out of a cheap hotel for the most part, given she lives bounty to bounty, cheap is the way to go, heh heh. As for a starting "Job", whatever you want to throw at her. 8-)
Re: Bounty Hunters At New Aio, Kohana OOC

Because each bounty hunter acts alone, each character has their own intro to make them unique and awesome.

They are color coded so it's easier to recognize who I'm roleplaying towards.

The first plot will be about the Mayor's daughter being kidnapped with a 50 thousand KS bounty on her safe return. The intro is finding information that regards to her location.

You find a lead to a seedy tavern, “Greased Wind,” a popular hangout for bounty hunters and criminals alike. When you walk in everything stops as everyone takes a glance at the door and a few seem to be ready to arm themselves, only to seem disappointed when it's just you and go doing, most likely gambling away their drinking expenses.

The decor was simple Nepleslian style with tables and chairs made of wood and spare metal as a sign of a low budget. The beer was also crap here, and only by reputation kept the local law enforcers away was enough for most of the residents to come here.

On a wall is a holograph display displaying the recent bounties, the newest ones naturally was for Takashi Rin's wellbeing. You came in search for a lead, after hearing from a source that a relative of the hostage taker is a leader of a small time gang likes to hang out here. His name was Roger Mittens, a man unfortunate enough to have a mother who decided to use her maiden name when her son grew up with no father. You identified him sitting at a table with his gang of mohawk buddies, with himself being bald. They wore black jackets and pants an looked to be in their twenties or thirties playing cards.

You arrive at the Freespacer's gambling casino “Coin Love,” a very bright castle building and probably the second largest gambling casino in New Aio if it wasn't for it's rival “Cat House.” While owned by a Freespacer, the building was built in a hexagonal shape without anything random poking out of the infrastructure.

“Coin Love” had a rather large sign with it's name on it, though what draws the eye would be the female Kohanian outlined as neon lights. The lights resemble maybe some kind of dog... but also could be a bird. These neon lights surround the building and the many signs around it becoming onlookers to spend their money here not only for the gambling but the many events that are ongoing. Entering would welcome you to a very bright room full of gambling devices and the sounds of people playing them. Unlike outside also was the random placement of objects along the walls while the gambling devices and the floor in general remained true to Nepleslian style, as though certain sacrifices were made so prevent the odd Freespacer look from keeping customers away while still looking exotic enough to keep it unique. You have made arrangements meet with T3 thanks to your previous contact, and headed to the back room. You know you are being watched by the security guards as you make your way in, however you are not yet faced with resistance.

Your memory serves that the owner goes by the name of Travis Takeda Tamin'larc, a Freespacer who chose to have a name from three different species, though sometimes just called T3. You trust the information that one of the people possibly funding the hostage taker is probably T3, and makes sense considering the scandals with funding groups that go with his interests, such as a scandal that involved a group of former reds attempting to bomb the “Cat House.”

Your are searching for a gang that had helped in the planning of the kidnapping or at least was what the source indicated. Although while searching for the group you find yourself hopelessly lost in the back alleys of New Aio. You hear a scream of a woman and decided to check it out, if not at least to see if it's the group your looking for causing the ruckus.

Four or six Mohawk Nepleslian punks dressed in black biker like attire are harnessing a very nice looking Yamatain woman. You first notice the punks are exactly the ones your looking for, blue Mohawk with black vests with the sleeves ripped off and black baggy pants. The woman had a red kimono with yellow flowers and sandals worn, her kimono is a bit ruffled and was obvious what the intent of the Mohawk punks was, though they haven't noticed you yet. Regardless you need the leader alive, the one actively harassing the woman who also had a crescent shaped scar on the right side cheek.

You have arrived to New Aio via shuttle flight from the space station orbiting New Kohana. The trip was decent, you had the chance to meet the Kohanian's on the station before arriving, and the in flight movie introducing the planet and the city was pretty boring. On the way down you had heard from another bounty hunter about some of the recent bounties, namely of a certain girl who's rescue alive is worth quite a lot.

The crowd on the way off the shuttle was troublesome, finding your luggage was itself its own adventure, and you wonder why they didn't use a more advanced system like the last shuttle port you had visited while heading out to a place you can sleep at. However you begin to notice that a group of mohawks are following you and eventually your surrounded.
Re: Bounty Hunters At New Aio, Kohana OOC

I think I'll take the "Greased Wind" with Sam, seems right for her. Should we expect to see an IC thread up soon?
Re: Bounty Hunters At New Aio, Kohana OOC

Scot said:
Ya once SR gets himself on the wiki, workin' on that now.

Excellent! I think it's just his ship that needs finishing, as far as I know.

Any word on Dracus? Or did we lose him?
Re: Bounty Hunters At New Aio, Kohana OOC

Pretty much, yeah. Also, I think we did lose Dracus.

Ah well... it would've been weird anyway. Here are two perfectly modernized Nepleslians and then out of nowhere comes a NAGA WITH A SPEAR, OH SHI-- HEADSHOT.

Hopefully more people will join when they hear of our exploits.
Re: Bounty Hunters At New Aio, Kohana OOC

I'll go save the lady in distress, then. Normally I'd choose to go to the casino, but I can't just let that girl get raped or whatever. Could my character have been on his way to the "Coin Love" when he stumbled into the gang members?
Re: Bounty Hunters At New Aio, Kohana OOC


I have posted!

Sorry for the long wait, among distracting myself, watching a movie twice, and being nit picky perfectionist that I sometimes am, I finally have it up.

I made some clear edits and added some conversation.
Re: Bounty Hunters At New Aio, Kohana OOC

SentientRace said:
Hopefully more people will join when they hear of our exploits.

Indeed, the more the merrier! :)

Scot said:
I have posted!

Sorry for the long wait, among distracting myself, watching a movie twice, and being nit picky perfectionist that I sometimes am, I finally have it up.

I made some clear edits and added some conversation.

Very nice! No problem on the wait. Boy, I haven’t Roleplayed in a while, hope that post makes sense. I implied her source was an off duty cop who'd had a bit to drink. Figured she could strike up a conversation with "Yeah, my uncle was a career cop back in Funky City," or the like.

Curious to see what Mittens will do next, heh heh. Best hardened criminal name ev-ar! :D
Re: Bounty Hunters At New Aio, Kohana OOC

I don't know if a 3+ paragraph post is "a little rusty" lol

A post should be coming sometime in the next couple of days.
Re: Bounty Hunters At New Aio, Kohana OOC

Ok, I think I finally got something and I will probably post it within the next two days.
Re: Bounty Hunters At New Aio, Kohana OOC

Hey, Scott, is Mittens keeping Sam's "Little Killer"? :lol: The Lady-goon took Sam's gun and tossed it to Mittens before she fought Sam. You stated Mittens never brought guns into the bar in an earlier post, if I remember correctly, so he had Sam's gun. She told him to slide it over to her after she beat Miss Mohawk and had her at blade-point. Think you might have missed that part. I hope it's not too much trouble for you, :oops: but can I get clarification on what happened there after Sam told Mittens to return her gun and disarm?
Re: Bounty Hunters At New Aio, Kohana OOC

It certainly NOT a plot hole!

But yes I shall edit real quick!

Should look good now, sorry for my hasty post.
Re: [OOC] Bounty Hunters At New Aio, Kohana

I can still take on 2+ players, I post about every five days, and if you get a guy ready I can fit you somewhere in the second half of the episode.
Re: [OOC] Bounty Hunters At New Aio, Kohana

Almost done my character. You won't mind a heavy weapons/leader type guy will you?
Re: [OOC] Bounty Hunters At New Aio, Kohana

Not really, we have two light weapons guys and lack an obligatory Rambo type.

BTW I SHALL POST TOMORROW! Sometime in the evening I swear!