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OOC [OOC] Cirrus Station Discussion

Kevyn said:
The one leading into the observation room.

Ah, alright. That would put you within earshot of Tweak then, she's around that area as well.

As for the servo box...just try your luck and I'll post the results. Couldn't hurt to give it a shot.
We waiting until the door gets opened to work on a plan or should we start scheming to deal with the Uniques now?
...Erm... Moonie... Can I please make a surprise "venterance"?

It's not impossible that Scarlet could have gotten herself seperated from the rest of her squad, and the situation with Cyril and Keziah is just perfect for her to sneak up on. :3
She may be pretty tall with a few awkward bulky bits, but she's also perticularly dumb, reckless and skinny. I'm not saying it would be combfertable, but half a meter would be plenty of space without her CSS armour... Well, plenty in Freespacer terms.

Plenty in the terms of a character who would've been shot by now, if they were involved in the hostage situation.

Unless her comrades are currently pinning her down, it's just what she would do. :x
Go nuts Reg. Cyril and Kaz have done what they've set out to do, for better or for worse. Boy do I hope those two picked right...
If he gets shot, Cyril is not cleaning up the mess. Just think about how much blood the guy must have...
Oooh, it looks like Stovaa might have some competition! You going to take that lying down, big guy?
The "sole female occupant" in my post is Claire Winters. Decided to pick on Dragonnova since interrupting Tweak's interrogation would'a been awkward... and because this option was so much more humorously disturbing. XD
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