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OOC [OOC] Cirrus Station Discussion

Also it's not like we are planning to KILL the reoccurring villains, they could always escape from trail or jail.

Edit: But still, if Cirrus was able to kill some "Pirates" there would still be bodies around, they don't have time to hide them when the cameras come back up.
Cora said:
Apparently she want's to believe her security team, she wants answers. But she also wants to keep her business contacts. Cassifin's suffering from a conflict of interest, and sadily, the stupid interest won.
That's a pretty good guess.

I'm not so sure it's so cement-solid as you think. Plasma burns don't leave any distinguishing marks other than burns. Any plasma weapon could leave a similar mark. With such little evidence other than the (conflicting) word of mouth between two parties, one could understand why Cassefin really didn't have much of a choice.

Once I have time to explain Vinross Yu-Cranker properly in IC perspective, things might be clearer as to why we simply can't just hold them...and it's not just because they have business with the Cirrus Station.

These are all excellent views from your characters, supported by their experiences, and I want your characters to continue acting accordingly. If neither side can come to terms with each other, it's ultimately Cassefin who is out of luck. If your character would sock Cassefin in the face, like, really punch her for her actions despite the possible repercussions (and not really knowing her reasons why in the first place), then I'd like your characters to follow through. I didn't create Cassefin to always be a joy to be around; I created her to experience good character-to-character roleplay.

Just remember your actions could have punishments attached to them. Try and, uh, keep your most extreme actions in check. I would much rather her be well and able to continue through the plot.

Dragonnova said:
There better be a cool-down episode. Claire's going to need to get drunk and laid before she calms down.
It is getting around that time, isn't it.

All very good questions to be asked ICly so that people can actually utilize the information.

Where are the pirate bodies? I'm sure pirates don't have "vaporization on death" technology as well.
They're still on the floor in the docking bay, most likely being collected by the Cirrus crew for...whatever they do with dead bodies.

Cassies "I have my reasons" better be good reasons.
Guess we won't know unless she tells someone her reasons. I'm not giving everyone IC information on the OOC board. : P
They're still on the floor in the docking bay, most likely being collected by the Cirrus crew for...whatever they do with dead bodies.

I knew the BioNutri Snacks' Bean Paste tasted wierd for some reason...
I can't hold it in.

Hey, everyone-but-Moonie!



I believe, but have Tweak in no position to observe, that there is an absence of certain personalities. Any chance these may have been the target of artificial kidnapping?

(No, the acronym posed by my first question was not intentional. Once I noticed it, however, I added the second for fun and because it's three in the morning and I am sleep-deprived ^_^ )
Personally, I think that it's just a red herring. After all, it takes a while for a computer to boot sometimes. And even then, in all the hustle and bustle of repelling boarders, who'd have time to reboot the savtechs?

Of course, it could also admittedly be Moonie heaping yet another mound of shit on the security staff of Cirrus Station. Either or would be in character for this plot.
Called it.

So, are we about done yet? I think pretty much half the squad has left in varing huffs. I wanna get Cyril up and mixing painkillers and booze soon!
Hey Moonie, could I make a request? Could we have an actual cool down plot? For instance, Noboru's planned engine room hoedown? I think that half a dozen drunken marines and a handful of equally or more drunk navy pukes could manage no shortage of hijinks on their own,eh?
I pitched an idea to Moonie yesterday about a "haunted <insert location here>" thing, it might not be involved with the shore leave but maybe the next mission.
That fails to encorage me, somehow... Will Noboru and Keziah still have a chance to respectively wine (hooch?) and dine the rest of the squad? Or should that be handled in a one-shot?
I don't want to reveal too much, but you all will be off the Cirrus for most of the next episode, and you will probably get a chance to do some of that stuff.
Good timing on the end of this episode.

For the next month my internet connection is going to be spotty at best, since I'll be busy traipsing around the UK. Just a heads up to everyone since my activity will drop dramatically.
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