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OOC [OOC] Goban Discussion

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Yukari's basically going to sit and smile politely through this next bit, and raz is going to have to strike up a conversation with Roken, as I have to take my computer in. Glynn, within appropriate bounds (meaning no sexzorz) you can NPC the Doc.

I hope the Geek Squad can fix this thing.

X-posted via Miharu.
UPDATE: Computer still in the shop. For the next two days, however, I will not be on AT ALL, as I'm going to Reno with the girl.

I shall come back a richer man.

X-posted on Miharu.
I'm a bit confused. Who the hell are Yuna and Yoshifumi? Are they the NH-X'es which done stole our ship?

The post you made seems a bit vague to me... what is 'The Ship'?
S'vague on purpose. An outside reader would be left a little confused, and I like that.

But yeah, it's the two NH-X. Think of it as a brief interlude. Everyone's still cool to post!
What's this about a MEGAMI unit? The Goban doesn't have a MEGAMI...

I'm noticing we're missing a couple players recently. We've slowed down some, but that's going to change soon.

JACK GREYFOX -- You're approved to join up for this mission. Is there something you're waiting on? If it's orders, just let me know.

TENSAIDREAMER -- Where did you head off to? Anyone know?
Tensaidreamer is in the middle of a huge project and said she has had very little time lately, she told me after she is done, she will be more avtive.
I'll post something later today. Just got back home after two days of stuff (seeing my friend off to the CHP academy and partying), so Sunday should give me some time after sleeping for a few hours.
Meh Gorts an Idea!
Just to vent, just for some fun and even more comic relief, why don't we go for a few rounds in the new Non-Canon Forum?

I think it's a good idea just to keep skills sharp, have some 'backstage' time and so on so forth.

Anybody in?
THERE YOU ARE! I see you hang around the forums, but you didn't come by. Did you request orders, by the way? I see that you did. Gah, my bad then. Well ... considering you have no orders yet, and your character really can't join the crew officially at this point (TensaiDreamer was technically not supposed to either, but eh!) you might as well be an accidental stowaway.

Sound alright?
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