Star Army

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OOC [OOC] Goban Discussion

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On a different note, I'd like to say something about what has been going on for some time with the Goban's crew. I myself am also guilty of it, but I'd still like to throw this idea out as a helpful suggestion rather than criticism. I feel that many of the players ICly lean too heavily on Jake and "Kyosuke" for answers.

It seems that in the last two IC days, our people have had a "mother-may-I?" approach to the story. Asking "what should I do?" or "Where should I go?" type questions aimed at Jake. While granted, some of those questions are okay, you could just as easily talk to the guy beside you for other answers as well. I know that I myself started off in the way I've stated, but I'm trying to branch out and talk to other members. My suggestion is that perhaps we should try to not rely on Jake's input so often. Maybe even talk to the other crew a little more.

Maybe it's just me, but if not, I'd like some feedback on this.
I am quite guilty of this as well, and I agree that some conversation between the crew would help make this a lot more intersting.
Now that you mention it, I guess you're right.
We better be a bit more spontaneous and intuitive, it'll build character and plotline.

Small talk between soldiers; GO!

Heck, Luca and Lucas are just about to go over what happened with the operation room with the doctor! Maybe Galar will overhear it and he'll interject about what he read about! Then Ma'at will get wind of what I would have been saying about how she looked, then all of us bring up where the hell Jason was all night. Then Nick tells of some glory-day stories, then tell us to get back to work...

And so on so forth. Underlying reason: Gossip and Fun never hurt soldiers, sure it formed grudges and destroyed relationships, but it'd make the plot a hell of a lot more interesting.
Oh shit someone sat in my chair. we have taken off? I don't want security patrols coming after us again. That's why I didn't go ahead and go.
*nods* I'm trying to get us to a point where we are all involved again -- security patrols might ask a question or two, but they won't bother us.
ZOMG!!! 0.o Is the pay period every week for us? I just took a look at Kyosuke's Bio, and saw the pay edits...

...Technically...don't we (Luca, Anthony, Zeph, Raz, and I) get paid as well?
Yeah...small problem. My laptop (quite literally) exploded Saturday, so I wasn't able to get on for a while. I notice that the rest of the crew is now on a different ship, so the old plan of entering the plot is shattered.
Well, why don't you just say that you were chilling/asleep in the torpedo room, and just now heard the commotion/woke up. I mean, none of our crew has yet to actually go in there and look. I'd suggest first making an appearance in the medbay, to get acquainted with the folks in there. I dunno. Jake, do you have any ideas?
* ... blink*

What are you talking about, Jack? You're on the right ship, you just kept saying the wrong one. It's all good dude, trust me.

So everybody knows -- the ship we're on is NOT the Goban. It's the Adauchi.
Wait...I thought he was talking about the Adauchi.

Nevermind then...

On another note...are we waiting on Raz to open Ann's message?
I'll be posting today. I would have last night, but 30 hours of awesome with no sleep is bad for writing quality, I hear.
Lol, I was confused as to weather or not it was an open communications line, or simply a waiting message, then weather or not it was an audiovisual message or a text one, so I just figured that I'd make it uber-generic.
The 12 days of Christmas, Goban Style... Me and Zeph cooked this one up.

On the 12th day of conquest our commander gave to me...
- 12 Murphy's Laws
- 11 Calls from Shimada
- 10 Command Consoles
- 9 Robust Crewmembers
- 8 28C's
- 7 Rogue Custodians
- 6 Grenade Shots
- 5 Bloody Uniforms!
- 4 Shrapanel wounds
- 3 Shipstealing Bastards
- 2 D-Cup Titties
- 1 Pirate Attack
And a voyage on the good ship Goban!

(Edit, spelling mistake, thanks Yangfan.)
I dunno, Luca. 7 Rogue Custodians = total party kill. That would look bad on Jake's record. XD

(Psst. You misspelled "consoles".)

Kyosuke said:
Maximum speed, or whatever this thing can manage.

Oh yeah. Your commander is losing it. :D
Alrighty. Time for an evaluation: so close to the holidays, I know, but this is about keeping our plotship ALIVE!

So far, Luca Pavone, Omega724 and zephyrite have posted consistently, despite the slowdown. My thanks to you folks.

Raz already has an exemption from me, and his character is kept at a semi-important role, so he can be NPC'ed as needed.

Blackdragon, TensaiDreamer and Anthony have kept pace well enough, but I'd like to see a little more action out of you folks if possible. Tensai, I vaguely recall you've got some stuff going on. Anthony, I could use an update on what's going on with you, if anything. Blackdragon, you told me you'd be consistent, and so far you're okay, but things are going to heat up soon, so please be ready.

That leaves Jack Greyfox. Jack, you've been inconsistent everywhere at this point. You have not posted in an entire week (15 Dec. 2006) and if you've got something going on in your life, I need you to tell me. If your laptop is still screwed, that's cool -- but I'll have to push your character into NPC status in the meantime. Again, just let me know by any means possible.

Hang with me through the holidays folks -- things will be getting ugly soon, promise!
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