Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [OOC] Goban Discussion

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I could do it, but I might still be at work when it starts. Might not join up until 0100 EST.

Now you see why I don't schedule JPs!
no can do, since my laptop is broken, I can't post later than 11:00 CST.

EDIT:I might be able to make it, but if I am, it won't be for long. An hour max.
I can make it by 0100 EST as well.
Whoo...well, since no one besides Nick and I were on tonight/last night...I think I'll just ramble for a moment.

Uh, let's see...Oh. Three more days 'till I ship off to Lackland AFB for basic. I'm a little anxious, but I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll post any pictures I can eventually. But, unfortunately, that means I'll be gone for a good six weeks. So, I expect you all to at least finish out the day ICly with that much time. ^.^

I kid of course, but Jake, I just want you to...I dunno...NPC Lucas into a officer training course, or something. Something where he will "better" himself for benefit of the Goban or whatnot. That is, of course, after we get the Goban back. Maybe shack him up with the Doc. ~.^

Alas...That's it for now...I'll try to keep updated after my initiation into the armed services.

I'm writing from another computer.

Sorry I havent been able to post, because the internet at my house has just taken a nosedive since the 3rd for unknown reasons and it's driving the whole house up the walls.

So can somebody NPC Luca 'till I begin to post regularly? I'll trust Jake with NPCing him.

By the way, good luck at Basic training, Omega. I wish you the best of luck. *salute*
Yeah, good luck and have fun, glynn. It was great RP-ing with you and I hope to see you back here.

Luca, if you really need it, I can NPC you as long as Jake has no objections.
I'm back...finally. I'm having issues with my ISP right now, so i'm just going to drop out of existance for a bit until I get things cleared up.
Re: Takuma

Yagen said:
Character Name: Takuma
Character Occupation: Technician/Engineer
Link to character bio: Takuma's Bio
Link to character orders: Takuma's Orders
Link to character inventory: No Inventory Exists
Player Name: Yagen
Player YIM: DDRin2fast4u
Player Timezone: PST, West Coast
(OOC) You should probably check out the Miharu. Hit Kotori up on YIM.
Sorry for not being on. I've recently had a family member die so iI've been busy with packing their stuff and the funeral and what not. i'm back again. sorry for not letting you guys know.
I got some goud/bahd neous.

I'm heading up to Australian Sorrento for a few days, I'll be back on Saturday or Sunday the 20th or 21st. I might come home earlier, but we'll wait and see.

For now, can someone NPC me... again. I'll trust that to Jake-Dan.
Oh, and if the radar beeps, Luca Wakes and responds accordingly!
Wes: I'll get to it next week, unless my players wish to add to it. I'm working too much to get to it this week.
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