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OOC [OOC] Goban Discussion

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That's okay. We're starting at the BOTTOM of the barrel.

That means you're up first, Jasmine. Lucas and our former Jack Greyfox man will be used too, but intermittently.
Whazzzzzup all my favorite Gobaneers!!! Okay...so, this is just a "look-who's-graduating-tomorrow" post, but still...this is the first access to a computer since I left home. I just wanted to drop a howdy to everyone here while I'm on base liberty. It would be nice to get an update on the plot in a PM or something...or just a summary of what I've missed.

I can't wait to get my computer in tech school. Only one more week.

*checks time*

Damn BX internet....alright then...I've gotta go.
Peace y'all!
I'll be glad when you're back!

Oh, and sorry for landing on top of you in the plot.
If you want to do my JP, I'm available now, as well as all day tomorrow, on Saturday after 10 PM, and on Sunday before 8-9ish PM.
My apologies for not paying more attention to you guys for these past two days. I'm going to remove myself from the drama going on recently so I can redevote myself to this ship. Again, my apologies.
Hey its cool Commander. On a funny note thanks to a buddy for dropping my name i got a 400 dollar ticket because i supposedly gave him Weed.
Anthony said:
Hey its cool Commander. On a funny note thanks to a buddy for dropping my name i got a 400 dollar ticket because i supposedly gave him Weed.
How do they give you a ticket without them proving it? :-(
Cause i was in the room about 10 minutes before the police went into the room to bust it. and since my floor is full of druggies they took his side and gave me the ticket. I'm going to court in a few weeks to fight it cause i think its a BS ticket if you ask me.
A study on how to have your character do nothing in 320 words.

Sorry for the lack of play time...I'm still computer-less. *SIGH*

But...who wants ta see mah rank and ribbons?

Air Force Training Ribbon

Small Arms Expert Marksmanship (I got it with an M16)

Global War On Terrorism Service Medal

National Defense Ribbon

Yeah, I know I'm all freaking out and stuff...And all the other military members here are like "Pssshhh...frickin' weirdo." but still...It's all exciting for me.

Anywho...I'll try to get on more often...if I can...oh...and where do I get a spiffy-cool picture of Lucas like all of the other characters I've seen on the rolling banner? They're ridiculously sweet!
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