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OOC [OOC] Goban Discussion

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My time-chart is really chaotic, me being a Year 10 student with exams around the corner and all.

So I might not be able to add my two cents to the JP...
zephyrite said:
mon-thurs 21:00-23:00(GMT)
fri 21:00-4:00
sat-sun(thru oct 1) 1:00-4:00
sat-sun(after oct 1) anytime, Im open

Cripes!!! Im off by an hour! this is the actual schedule.
mon: 20-22
tues-thurs: nope.
fri: 20-3
sat-sun: anytime really. speech will be coming up, so after that starts I will update. (sat and wed will change)
Really sorry about not being able to get my post up as promised, but this week's been pretty hectic, and something came up. I should become more regularly active again very soon. Again, I'm sorry for any holding up of the plot that I did.
Note: The light on the Type 28 NSP is not dim, it is a legitimate tactical flashlight that shines about 300 lumens - very bright, bright enough to blind someone temporarily if you point it at them in a dark or dim area.
*nods* Thanks for pointing that out, Wes. I'd tried to catch it when I turned on the SMG's light.
Ah, I finally got something posted! Sorry for any grammatical mistakes that may still remain, or if its quality was not up to snuff; I was (am) pretty tired when I posted it, but really wanted to get a SP up. As was recently posted, it'd be cool to get a JP going sometime soon.
Everyone's schedules updated? I'm going to try and organize a JP here, but I want to make sure we're all looking at accurate schedules.

If there are any hitches that could occur in the next couple weeks, post those too.
I updated my schedule. If you were to set an earlier time, tell me beforehand and I might be able to work something out.
Har har har.
-Bows to everyone-

Do visit my webpage if you want to see other things I've done or what I can do.
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