Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [OOC] Goban Discussion

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Ugh, my friend and co-worker quit last week, so I've been given half of his shifts. Here's my new schedule, all times not listed can be considered open for RP:

Sunday: Open
Monday: School
Tuesday: School/Work
Wednesday: School
Thursday: School/Work
Friday: Open
Saturday: Work
Way sorry for not posting, but as I said in the sheduling thread, I've been busy with work. I'll try my best to get something up, but with the recent posts it seems like we're going to "DEFCON 1" and the time for talking with the Custodians is over. Oh well.
Raz and Omega completely rock ass. Thanks for sticking around, guys.

I'll be posting tonight, probably, only because I just woke up and I'm not very coherent. No fear however; we'll be getting underway.
I just want to run this by people before I do it, so I don't disrupt anything.

Can my character join this ship as a manual labourer shifting the crates and other unskilled tasks for a docked pay (Half/One Quarter) and basic hands-on Army experience?
Fwen yo, dude. You don't have to get half pay or anything; you'll be Santô Hei, which means you don't get paid jack anyway!

I'll tell you what. If you would like to play here, I've got no problems with that -- I'm going to remove a player here in the next two days anyway. I'll have you waiting for the Goban to arrive when it gets to its destination.

Sound good?
I like the sound of that. PM me once it happens and I'll sign up.
(Because I'm currently in school with the homework and whatever.)
SAPM said:

Santô Hei Luca Pavone (Bio/Inventory)(Orders)
Technical Sentry
Player: Luca YIM: luca_s_pavone Timezone GMT +10 (Melbourne)
Notes: Most recent edit: Orders added and cleaned up.
Sorry just got up and i see that i'm up here. Sorry guys if i held up the rp or something. Ummm don't mind me if my grammer is bad i'll try to get it down right. but english is a tough language to master and all.
I'm avaiable most of the time. However i just started a new tech serivces job as such i have no clue as too what my offical hours will be since its a 24/7 on call position for now. Just tell me when it is and i'll do my best to e their with bell and whisltes on.
Anthony said:
Sorry just got up and i see that i'm up here. Sorry guys if i held up the rp or something. Ummm don't mind me if my <a href="">grammar</a> is bad i'll try to get it down right. but english is a tough language to master and all.
I disagree, you've got the language pretty good from what I've read.

And yes, the english language is a cruel mistress. One will never truly be able to tame her.
I'll get something up on Sunday the 29th.
Okay, so I was looking at everyone's schedules, and it seems that most everyone is available Sundays. I suggest that we set up a JP for next Sunday at 23:00 EST until whenever Jake ends it. I'd think that it would actually be better this way so that we can get through this hunt with little to no wait time on crucial events (I HATE goddamn suspense >.<).

((Edit: Whoa...that's weird...this post is exactly 12 hours from Raz's last post...freaky))
23:00 EST will not work. I work until 01:00 EST.

The idea however is sound; I haven't remodled the schedules yet after we dropped some players.

I'm going to reformat that schedule this weekend, along with my own, so everyone's got an accurate idea of what I'm doing. While JPs might be preferrable for this, I've done SPs before and I'm not afraid to do them again with this. So we'll see how it goes.
Doshii Jun said:
...I've done SPs before and I'm not afraid to do them again with this. So we'll see how it goes.

All hail the fearless leader!!! :D

But okay, I didn't know that you worked so late.
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