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OOC [OOC] Goban Discussion

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*flashes a feral grin* Oh no, no no no. I have plans for my dear Odori-class ... she'll come back to her crew, soon enough.

But I appreciate the offer, Wes.
I'm not good at this whole military time thing so just im me or YIM me when this is supposed to happen. i'll try to be their ok.
I can't make 8pm. NPC me for the JP, I guess.

Um ... okay. Slight problem, guys. Does anyone have a transcript from last night? It didn't save to my edit file like it was supposed to, and that leaves us up the creek unless someone's got a paddle.

Anthony, mail it to my e-mail address in my profile; should be a yahoo address. I'll take it from there and edit it.

As soon as that's done, I'll be starting up the new mission.
Notes on the latest posts:

Kyoto military base is pretty big. It's more likely to see rows of shuttles and parked Yui 4s than grass, although there is definately a lot of grass and trees around on Yamatai. As for clear skies, they're possible but rare on Yamatai - the Kyoto area is known for being cold and wet. No changes are needed though, if you want to keep it as is. Lastly, I wanted to point out, in regards to the captain's error in naming the shuttle, that Uriel was the name of the NDI's largest, most powerful starship, the Orion D battleship (of which , only three exist - Ragnarok, Cataclysm, and of course, the NSS Uriel). Uriel is somewhat famous for its use in Ayenee-based conflicts which occured during the days of the Star Army's birth. It is famous, and was sometimes deridingly called the "NSS Urinal" by early Star Army personnel back in the days before the alliance with the Nerimians.
Ah, that's a cool factoid, Wes! Thank you for letting us know.

I'll edit the grass part so they're landing farther outside the base than in the thick of it.
Doshii Jun said:
I'll edit the grass part so they're landing farther outside the base than in the thick of it.
Wouldn't it make more sense to land in the landing area?
Meh, I was going for more humor than actual facts. I mean, every hour that my character has been with the Goban, he's been in imminent danger.

As for the name of the shuttle...well, that was what I thought it was, but was too lazy to go look up the real name of the ship. I think it worked out as a good line though, so I kept it.

And I wasn't going to land in the grass or anything...once again...just for humor.

Isn't there the NSS Apolleon too?
Lucas = so totally going to get shot by Kyosuke, rofl.
A note about the awards:

You'll notice none of you receieved any medals that had to do with the mission at hand. There is an IC reason for this, to be revealed later -- but rest assured you will get the medals you earned when the time comes.

Luca is the only exception -- he was so grieviously injured it couldn't be written off.
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