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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

*sigh* I'm sorry folks, really am. I am incredibly busy and will be late in getting out any posts. Fred, I have stuff in my mind as per suggestions made, I know what I want to post but I need the time. It doesn't look like I'll have that time till monday or even tuesday to post something. I really hate keeping you guys waiting, you've all been working hard and there is so much going on that we want to get caught up and stay in the same time frame as the rest of the SARP-iverse.

Maybe if by some miracle I'll post sooner but please bear with in the meantime.
Well Nyton, you being busy could not have been at a better time for me . I've been programming our robot for RoboFest all this last week and have had little free time. We finally had the regional competition today. We managed to win 2nd place in the senior division and now we get to go on to Detroit to compete in the next level.

That will not be until early May, so I should have a normal schedule until then. Team F41lb0t will triumph! :O
Hello, could Fred or one of the co-GMs please PM me, and tell me how to insert my char into the plot? I've been very busy at work the last few weeks but things should get better for a while, but I don't think I'll be able to catch up to the last 30 pages.

I just need to know enough of what's going on to be able to insert my char in a way that makes sense.

Thank you.
What? I thought she was still too heavily injured to do anything other than crawl about.

BTW, Yang, sorry for not messaging, uhm, shoot I have no idea where to squeeze your character in aside from being a former prisoner. Maybe after the raid but that would be a while yet since things are moving, slowly, but still moving along.
Camellia is not irrelevant - but we don't have a great deal to go on with you Chris.

You had Camellia move on her own over Basement 3's 0-g passageway to the medlab section of that level. You then asked via PMs to have Camellia infected by a Mishhu parasite, which I declined.

Why? First, all the other prisoners would have known and pointed it out already before the request (that should have had been asked before Camellia started being posted for in this thread). Secondly, Sumaru might've eliminated Camellia like he did to the previous parasite hosts before. =P

Nyton made it so that seeing Camellia was on the same level as Sanjuro that the good doctor treated her too (remember that Moonman's been tied up lately). That was in order to allow Camellia to be more active so she would be able to contribute soon (and constructively) to upcoming roleplay going on in the hangar.
Thanks for the post Nyton, I really had no clue what to do next. There's no challenge posts towards my character or any action description with what's going around Sumaru. So I just kinda assumed posting that he just stood there and fired off a few more shots would be pointless.
You're welcome 5tar. Still, sorry for NPC'ing Sumaru there, I knew you were around but you were being quiet. I didn't really bring it up because I thought maybe you were out again. I just wanted to settle where things were so that others can continue rolling.

And no Cora, not trying to make you irrelevant but I needed to get Camellia situated somewhere so that she could be more active rather than injured. Same goes for Sayuri being moved to the medlab for recovery. She should be at least able to start moving about some if Exhack wishes and talk to Sora whether I NPC her or Kim returns in time to play her.
Character locations thread updated. Namely, you have the entire textual floorplan of the place now.

Up to Nyton to command his people around now.

(Kel is not forgotten, but there's not much Miharu-side to do for the moment. Doshii Jun might have something going in the near-future though).
Cool, thanks. I'm just waiting for Miz and Kai to post a bit. Also waiting on Tom but if he gets locked up the Assault Team can just keep on rushing. Keep the Support Team's role rolling along though so Sanjuro isn't stuck in the third basement forever. Plus Sumaru needs his direction as well so he doesn't get stuck there forever along with Wazu and Camellia.
Fred said:
(Kel is not forgotten, but there's not much Miharu-side to do for the moment. Doshii Jun might have something going in the near-future though).

Jake, allow me to make a suggestion:

Suddenly, Yukari burst into the Miharu's bridge, cheeks flushed in fear. "I just received word that a Mishhu attack ship appeared out of nowhere, staged a hit-and-run on Yamatai, and then made off with the entire empire's supply of babes and gold! We have been asked to help, but the only ship we have free is the experimental giant dinosaur robot with laser beam eyes that we have conveniently not previously mentioned having! Only somebody with thorough sensor training and years of mathethematics could possibly pilot it! Saito-heisho... do you accept?"

Miyoko stood and nodded stalwartly as she slid on a pair of sunglasses and snapped the necks of two Daughters of Eve who had infiltrated the ship and been trying to sneak past. An explosion backlit her as she reached out to solemnly shake Yukari's hand. "I will do it... for the good of the empire." With that, she punched a hole through the wall and did a backflip into the cockpit of the giant robotic dinosaur.

Miharu and Miyoko's wiki entries have now been corrected to compensate for this oversight. =P
I keep telling Fred to get with the orgies already, but he's a stubborn one. We could broadcast them to the armor pilots and keep them motivated to succeed and get home, or they'd get none.

Every rescued hostage that gets killed is one less orgasm the armor pilots get to have upon coming home. They start out with one.
There we go, a post for a little bit of filler on Sumaru's end. I didn't want any one to think I wasn't still part of this plot.

Keheheh! That makes three times that I read Miharu's return quip to Yukari, and it's made me chuckle everytime so far.
I'd say they are 'in the process of'. Rin is the first character to actually be doing that. Sanjuro and Tom haven't moved since. I figure it'd mostly be up to their narrative to get 'all' the prisoners back up to greenlight Sanjuro and Camellia posting actions in the hangar and/or around Hoshi.

Sanjuro is the medical noncom officer and Tom the team leader... so it's a bit their show to run in this instance.
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