Star Army

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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Yeah it actually makes my job easier if you guys go ahead and move out. I mean, there's really not much to write about in regards to an empty no longer hostile hallway so its cool to roll that ball.
Not to mention Wazu doesn't float. :)

Tom, Moonman - that's your show there. (I suggest pestering them on IRC to post! XD )
It's a hallway to the torture area, where the prisoners are. From the hallway, it goes up the elevator shaft to the hangar, and then to the Hoshi. The main problem is that Wazu can't go up the elevator shaft or whatever.
Well, if he can motivate that neko that's been hanging on him, she can float up there with him in her arms.
Well to tally off the Support Team, currently Tom and Rin are carrying casualties, Ichigo is carrying a wrecked Armor, leaving Aoiko and Sanjuro to my recollection. SO either Sanj or Aoiko can pick up Wazu and his unnamed new friend. If Moonie doesn't post about performing that soon then I can have Aoiko pick them up. And please DON'T forget about Camellia. She's also still in there, fairly concious too so someone be so kind as to remember to pick her up as well.
Hi, this is Mike checking in to say that is he around, he is alive, and he is working on a post in the near future.

I'm not going to lie. My schedule got fucked hard when I went home on leave. I used to dedicate time to do things like post, write, and so on, but now it's more or less freestyle. I'm nocturnal. People wake me up and drag me places during the day.


So it's thrown me off with the writing thing. I am, however, going to make an effort to get back into the swing of things in the near future, starting tomorrow. I'm going to get out of bed. Yes. That is step one.
Today is going to be a very screwed day, folks. I might not be around at all. Sorry to leave you hanging, Kel, Fred; I'll try to post if I can.
Good post Kyoki but there were only five critical casualties left not including Wazu and Camellia. Tom I know you started moving with some casualties. Tom and Rin carried I think two and one respectively which leaves two casualties, Wazu, and Camellia. Is Moonie busy recently? He needs to post something establishing his actions. Sorry, you got one more day before I NPC Sanjuro. We need to get Wazu and Camellia out of there so they can be healed up and be more actively participatable. Exhack, sorry I forgot to mention Sayuri during the medbay post. She'll be getting a good shot of healing soon. I'll do that in my next post which will likely be Sanjuro and Aoiko's actions at the rate we're going here.
Uh, I was wondering about how many were down there.... Anyway, she can still head back down to see if any help is needed and such.
It's gonna take me a little bit to get caught up with everything and be able to post again but I'm gonna be around soonishly. =D I'll keep you guys posted.
It's the Hoshi, which is the Miharu's auxiliary ship, basically a small ship that's separated from the main Hull of the Miharu. Miharu is in an asteroid field right now.
Thanks to whoever restored the deckplans.

Here Uso.


Hoshi's prow faces down in the deckplan.

As a reminder, Hoshi is hovering in the hangar, which is open to a desert-like vista - it's daylight. It's nose-first in the hangar, close to the Sekkou, a Yui 5 destroyer whom landed unceremoniously over a bunch of shuttlepods, slicing through them with its prow.

The people were probably ferried up into the Multifunction bays [2] (which have front opening shutters), then through the armor bay [5], then the Decon chamber [4] to finally enter Hoshi's medlab [7]. Hoshi's medlab is nothing very impressive in itself - it was obviously never designed to be the treatment center for so many people.

Hoshi itself isn't any KFY-ship Wazu has ever seen, but its paint scheme and faint resemblance to the Nozomi-class hints that it's a Yamataian ship. The ship looks to have taken a rather severe beating over its dorsal armor and one of its rear engines, though there are drone discoids hovering around its hull, apparently effecting repairs on the hull. Its longer and slimmer than the Yui 5 next to it, and doesn't look much like either a dedicated combat craft or a long-range vessel.

Sekkou, on the other hand, looks relatively undamaged aside from its scratched paintjob - well, from the outside anyways.
Well I had a post because of these wonderful laptops in the MWR who have shortcuts built in that I can't turn off. I don't know why it happens but at random times my keyboard commands become mouse commands or something so my cursor will end up in another section of my paragraph, exactly where the mouse pointer is. Go figure. Oh and the most delightful feature is that when I hit BACKSPACE it instantly becomes the BACK button on the browser. So I can be in the middle of typing, and hey I need to backspace to correct an error when OOPS my page goes BACK and I lose EVERYTHING. Been trying to figure out how to turn it off but it just won't. I am about ready to punch my fist through this goddamned computer and rip some wires to choke people with because the internet in my room is still not working and MY laptop doesn't have these wonderful little pissant commands built in that are making me mad.

I'm sorry but if you can tell, today has been trying enough as it is. I'll post tomorrow if I can, I just really don't feel like rewriting everything again. I need to clean up a little bit of time lapsing since Sanjuro and Aoiko's actions weren't written out. Its no big deal, I had it all down and its still in my head. No fault on anyone its cool, I just need to clean things up a bit and wrap it up all nice and tight. I'll just put it that Wazu got carried out by Tom or Rin and Sanjuro carried the neko who had the death grip on Wazu earlier while Aoiko carries Camellia out.

Okay okay, I just need to stop typing because if I don't I'll rewrite everything and I'm not in the mindset for it so its best I do that tomorrow. Good night and welcome back Kim, how was basic?
Ouch. I've been there Nyton. Take your time and try again later. :)

Might I suggest writing a post in notepad, then copy-pasting it in the forum in these instances? While you're on that laptop, it'll spare you a lot of frustration, I think.