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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

And now for all the tech-savvy members to find flaws in my post :P

Anyway, just a heads-up that I'll be fairly busy this week and may not be able to respond right away. I have two AP tests on Wednesday and Thursday, and on Friday I'm leaving to compete in RoboFest in Michigan for the weekend. I'll have my computer with me, but I don't know if there will be internet.
Still waiting on people in medlab to be a little more aaaaaactive before I start NPCing again. Exhack, you had a response, think you can reply?

I'll give it a little more time but if no one, (Moonie, Kim) type anything up then I'll do another ER post to keep things flowing. Tom by the way, good job on the maintenance. Sorry I meant to respond sooner to say work on the Hoshi as well.
Sorry about the wait on me. ^^; I was just going from the medbay post on page 38 but I still have a LOT of catching up to do.
Thanks Kim. It was appreciated. Made a few minor corrections here and there - namely, it probably hasn't even been half-an-hour since Hoshi first came into the hangar, and Shouko was a nekovalkyrja (female one, in case that was in doubt).

All good here.
Sorry but I couldn't resist. The image that came to mind was too much.

Sanjuro: *in deep voice* Here Sora, why don't you relax and let Doctor Love do his thing.

Sanjuro begins to shed his DAISY suit as he comes up behind Sora to start working his magic fingers. The nurses meanwhile become a chorus of singers. "I believe in miracles! You sexy thang!"

Yoroko, you need to post so that we can proceed on the side of Nyton's team.

I'm at least going to need Sumaru's input on what he does too.

Please try and bring that up soonish. Things are slowing down and I'd like to keep some momentum.

Kel, Jake gave you a response, one you haven't gone and replied to in awhile now. You don't need to immediately reply seeing he's out on a trip, but it's there.
Oh crap! I totally missed that little snippet by Hinoto at the top of Fred's recent post.

Errr... I'll address it ASAP.
It appears finely addressed, Tom. Thanks.

I still need 5tar to post for Sumaru (I know Yagen is tied up, but I'd like at least one of the two to post). Can someone tag him if they see him active on IRC and drag him to post here.

Unfortunately, we can't wait on him for much longer. If he hasn't posted by tonight, I'll have to NPC him instead, gloss over it and move on.
I have a question before I post.

I've been told conflicting stories about the effectiveness of the Samurai Zesuaium sword in this setting. I was told that in a 27-Neko's hands it's as effective as the forearm saber, I just want a clarification on that and maybe a equivalent weapon idea so I know how to gauge my next actions.

Also, if that doesn't work-- would it be possible to give the blade a aether charge like the saber rifle's bayonet?
It's a bit apples and oranges there.

The Zesuaium sword is pretty much a monomolecular blade... so it CAN practically cut through a whole lot of stuff without losing its edge - thanks to it being in zesuaium. The only thing it can't cut through is zesuaium.

The blade still has an angled surface, though, so it still faces a degree of resistance. That resistance ends up being why you still have to strain some to chop through material, but with a neko's strength (not NH-27 exclusive), you can chop through pretty much anything man-sized, yes.

However, NH-27 strength or not, a zesuaium shield will stop it cold. Also, the blade being made of zesuaium doesn't stop an aetheric weapon like the Aether saber-rifle from turning it into so much slag.

I think the bayonet you speak of is closely built around the same lines as a Aether Shock Array. I don't think Sumaru's sword can be used like one - it wasn't built like that.

The forearm equipment holds two advantages. The first is that in using the energy swords (which is really a focused torch like effect focused into a particular shape), your swings can't be blocked by zesuaium - it's a stream of energy - and it'll destroy zesuaium on contact along with having some very mean chopping power, with whatever is around the place chopped really superheated. The second is that the forearm energy barriers can block both aether and physical attacks like Sumaru's Zesuaium katana.

So, Sumaru's sword is good. It can clearly chop through a nekomachina wherever it hits. However, the nekomachina can block or parry with their shield and saber-rifles - and if they have their energy swords active on the saber rifles, any parries will destroy Sumaru's sword.

My guess is that you're contemplating using the forearm shields and the zesuaium sword (so to keep forearm shield power high). The idea would be decent on anything not using aether or relying on zesuaium protection - the foremost concern here, I think, is that Sumaru's ceremonial blade probably wouldn't survive the fight.
I'll post later today to give Yagen a window to make a post for Takuma, and hopefully to allow Kim to frame a reply for Rin - whom came and talked to her before.
It was Takuma's left arm that was injured, right? That and is it just burned horrifically or flat out gone? Either way, it doesn't really matter, but good things to clarify on.

I'll be gone till Sunday morning for a camping trip, but I'm guessing not much will happen in that time. Just a heads-up. Yeah, I got dragged into staffing Camporee for the Boy Scouts now that I'm 18 and not competing XD. I should ask the scouts that come to the event I'm running what they should do if your arm is cut off by an energy sword...
Well, picture this:

The nekomachina came and slashed through a wall that Takuma used as cover with an aether sword. Takuma sees the hit coming and flinches away, putting his shield up and in the way. If we refer to the Daisy armor artwork, the shield is indeed on the left arm.

However, the nekomachina's aether sword also makes short work of the shield, which it unfortunately hits it squarely (it's good to keep in mind that those aether energy swords are seen as ship armor cutting tools), and the shield - made from zesuaium but hollow inside - really can't endure something of that magnitude (a beam? maybe. A spray of energy bolt? Quite probably. A focused close-range aether projection? That's on a wholly different level).

The said aether sword slashes through it, and also chops through the middle of the forearm. Now, the info we have on aether swords being active is that stuff around a lit blade like carpets and stuff spontaneously catch fire even if they aren't in direct contact with it. That's some major heat - so, I surmised that even if the hit was at the middle of the forearm that the flesh up to the elbow had probably gone from well cooked to flash fried.

The good news is that had Takuma not lifted the shield, the target would've been the head and the chest - the shield did delay/stall the aether projection enough for Takuma to move away from the attack at the same time. Now, though, there's the trauma about seeing something that should be part of you smoking on the floor... and being in a hell lot of pain. Yammie armors aren't high on painkiller dispensal.

* * *

I found the reaction from Takuma pretty great, even in these unfavorable circumstances. A thumbs up to you Yagen.
You're all doing pretty great so far, everyone. ^_^

5tar, I apologize for not leaving you the opportunity to go blow-by-blow in the skirmish Sumaru just went through. I'll admit the reason for it was to increase the pace of the mission's progress itself. I hope Yagen and you are still pleased with how I depicted your characters.

I don't see a whole lot to do with Kai and Yoroko at the moment, sadly, so we'll wait on Nyton to chip in and then progress from there.
That's cool, just means you owe me one now. I'll be sure to take up that rain cheque at a later date. ;3

But I'm pleasantly surprised at the battle result, so I'll just sit back and move along with the plot for now. I got to be awesome, fight stuff and mark up some more kills for Sumaru so all is well. Besides, the sooner we finish up the better, this mission is dragging on longer then I assume you intended. Plus, I'm anxious for more Sora x Sumaru drama now that Kim's back. :D
Sorry to take as long as I did. I had already seen your posts and had in my head to write but our room net is down for the moment. Blame the weather I guess. I dunno. Had to run down here to the MWR to post something up quickly.