Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

On the technical side of things, I just made a ruling that will need to be considered when writing the stats. It's amazing that we've gone so long using gravimetric drives with no common explanation of what they were.

I think sub-light drives in general need their own page (or section of the List of Starship Systems) and some serious attention.
Sorry but I've been having a shitty week.

Cora, Kai, Uso, some posts. Otherwise I'm moving on.

5tar, you're okay for now since you're doing rearguard. Moonman, you can continue posting some hot ER action but its not as big a rush as the action posts, however Sanjuro can choose to ignore or reply to Wazu's answer. Takuma you're okay since you did your set up. Exhack, you're character is being carried and I know where you are so at least she is established and can either hold on and be quiet during the ride or experience the rush of being surrounded by gunfire, but for the most part you're okay too.

I've let this sit a bit mainly because I've been in no mood to really write and my Irregulars are also atrophying. I'm hitting the gym to work out this seething aggression I'm feeling towards some people who are in higher positions.

But that aside I need to move this on and get this rescue mission rolling. BTW, Uso, I loved Wazu's analysis for disassembling the patient. Very eccentric.

and I was waiting for a reply or some other events to occur before I posted again but I can go ahead and knock one out real quick for paceings sake.

And quick question, do you normally wait for everyone to post before posting, or do you try and post anytime you can?
I usually try to let everyone else post first before I go. Unless I'm tweaking something or addressing a quick add in then I use my posts to try and move things along.
Okay, one more day for posts, otherwise I'm moving ahead. Support Team is clear for the Hoshi. All the Assault Team members have posted so I need the last bits from the Support Team.
Not to knock your effort Wes, but those aren't skills.

They're actions in response to USING a skill. You need medical training to use tourniquets, you need arms training to strip, rebuild, maintain and fire a weapon, and you need security training to both handle and properly search a prisoner.
Mara was Support Team the whole time. She should be back at the Hoshi delivering prisoners so her presence there is no problem.

Nyton, think you can - once you swing back around - make an extra sticky thread/post elaborating on the current composition of armor teams as well as any details on individual characters you'd like to write along with notes on the level layout covered and how the situation in the launch hangar (with Hoshi, Sekkou and prisoners) is?

I admit even I am getting things mixed up, and you're obviously the go-to person that has a firm grasp of the current situation. If you can write up notes like that for us, we might be able to all follow up better.
Fred said:

Nyton, think you can - once you swing back around - make an extra sticky thread/post elaborating on the current composition of armor teams as well as any details on individual characters you'd like to write along with notes on the level layout covered and how the situation in the launch hangar (with Hoshi, Sekkou and prisoners) is?

I admit even I am getting things mixed up, and you're obviously the go-to person that has a firm grasp of the current situation. If you can write up notes like that for us, we might be able to all follow up better.

I have absolutely no clue what's going on, that's the simple reason why I haven't posted in nearly a month.
-fires up the diesel on the heavy tractor and steadily rams through the inactivity, effectively peircing the heavens with his drill (lawl)-

Just to toss in my two cents, the mess confuses me too. Having a good 'Where is everybody?' checkoff roster would be immensely helpful right now and far into the future.
Fred, need a some clarity on Nimura.

I think Yagen is a little confused. He posted that Nimura was rolling away down the hall. Can you please explain, so I'm not also misinterpreting things, what Nimura's actions just were? I was under the impression things happened in this order:

Before everyone jumped out Yuri got hit by psionic grenade, Nimura catches her and takes several hits from enemy, Nimura tosses Yuri to Aoiko and turns around in a crouch to face enemy again, Takuma fires bazooka, everyone jumps out except Aoiko who (unwrittenly) avoids the shot and keeps going to evacuate Yuri, Yagen passes Aoiko and Yuri on his way down while they go up, Nimura jumps out with everyone, Nimura lands but her shoulders are giving visual cue to exhaustion and injury.

I believe those are the inferred events as it were. However I do need to note that there could be confusion in that after my post stated that the Assault Team had landed at the entrance, then came yours where Nimura sprang out of the crouch (the crouch made while still in the elevator shaft) and entered the power station level of the base. Upon rereading, I had not been very clear with my description of the fourth basement in stating that it was the power level. I think that is what caused the misinterpretation. Me, I was just rolling with it since I mentally placed the location and sequence of events.

If I am correct in this then Yagen, you need to edit your post. Also, Takuma did not just use a grenade launcher, it was a Ke-M6-W3000 50mm Gauss Bazooka which when compacted down is still roughly five feet long. Just say he put away the bazooka, no need to be fancy.
Before everyone jumped out Yuri got hit by psionic grenade, Nimura catches her and takes several hits from enemy, Nimura tosses Yuri to Aoiko and turns around in a crouch to face enemy again, Takuma fires bazooka, everyone jumps out except Aoiko who (unwrittenly) avoids the shot and keeps going to evacuate Yuri, Yagen passes Aoiko and Yuri on his way down while they go up, Nimura jumps out with everyone, Nimura lands but her shoulders are giving visual cue to exhaustion and injury.

Ah, bingo. That's pretty much it. You're right - it's pretty much redundant to what you wrote before; my bad.

Feel free to edit my post to match up, Nyton. This is one of the hurdles of being multiple GMs trying to help one another out in the same thread, with a lot on information going on. =P
Ah okay, that makes a lot more sense. The order made me think that Nimura didn't want to stop fighting and tried to run ahead or something along those lines. Not sure why she would do that. I'll fix that along with the gun mix up. Grenade launchers, bazookas, they both explode XD.
Okay I'm working on a post but I'm giving Cora one more day to make up his mind on where Camellia is. She's either back with Sanjuro among the injured or on Hoshi and about to get treated at the medbay. If no post is made by tomorrow then I'm placing Camellia unconcious in the Hoshi's medbay.
I've been really busy as of late, so if Sanjuro needs to be moved, please feel free to do so. Hopefully I'll be able to get through this workload fairly soon for my triumphant return!