Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I'm still alive... or something akin to that. Except for the epic sick/flu thing I'm having and nearly coughing up a lung today. Anyway, back from my couple day absence... not that I missed much here.
I'm going to give it one more day and I apologize to those who are currently navigating difficult times and can't post up but I gotta move things along. Deadline is 0830 Monday.
My deadline got inadvertantly extended when I was too busy these past couple days. Duty calls and such. Anyways I'm taking what we got now and moving things forward.
Okay guys prisoners are in reach. Those players waiting to be rescued feel free to post. Hell, as soon as Takuma opens those doors feel free to stagger out of the cell if you like with longing for blue skies, Barfie burgers, and girls.

First off, Yagen: the terminal in the monitor room will easily be hacked to let you open the doors. Shine on in this. Unfortunately that is all you'll be able to do here, the system won't let you go any further. However you write it is fine, just inform the team that you need a higher level access terminal to get to the good stuff.

Second, Fred: I'm going to need some help with the remains of the Sekkou crew, rank and file, injuries, experiences, etc. Made any new drawings in your DA yet?

Third, Moonman: at this point we NEED your character to interact. This part of the scenario is all you, man.

Jake who has a dual role on the Miharu and on the ground, we need a bit more of your masterful brushwork, even if its just internal musings or criticism on Kei and Yuri's performance. Plus Gallant is waiting on a reply regarding a maintenance inquiry.

Kai, Yoroko, how are you two feeling? Excited? Nervous? Shout some hell yeah's to each other or other crew members, you're in the real mess now and you got a moment to say something.

Kyoki I know your role is limited but you'll get to expand soon enough. Plus at this point you still have input possibilities during the rescue.

Tom, thank you for keeping me from feeling like I'm talking to myself. ;_;

Okay I've laid out what we need. And we're going to wait for these folks because now the story really relies on them. But we can't be stuck here waiting forever. I've pushed the ground combat as much as I can and there will be more soon but not until we get things done at this scene. Please, if I'm being an ass and that's driving people away from wanting to post, let me know. I'm doing the best I can given what time I have.
Nyton is not being an ass. I might be about to be, though.

I've seen some serious slacking off... and besides Moonman and Jake, I don't think anyone else here should need to get a shove in the back to get posting - especially in an action sequence too. We're looong after the holidays, folks.

Get posting. Those whom have not posted in the thread within the next two days, I will endeavor to not have them NPCed, but also moved 'offscreen' so Nyton won't have to go through the extra trouble of finding them something intelligent to do. We should not have to play your characters - it's a courtesy, not an obligation. If you are not interested in posting, we'll focus our efforts on rewarding those whom are active and participating.

If you've a danged good reason why you can't post, such as an absence (Doshii and Moonman have warned about that), no clue what to post, are waiting for a response or the like, I want your reply in this OoC thread within the same timeframe as above.
Sorry sorry! I kept knowing I had to post... I just didn't know how to go about making said post... so I ended up never posting x_x SORRY! I'm off to post now!
Fred said:
If you've a danged good reason why you can't post, such as an absence (Doshii and Moonman have warned about that), no clue what to post, are waiting for a response or the like, I want your reply in this OoC thread within the same timeframe as above.

Unless I missed something, the bridge isn't giving Miyoko a lot to do at the moment. The last post I saw on there was Yukari getting a status report.
" the Assault Team leapt down the gravity elevator."
That's what non-tech nerds call a hole. XD

I figured that either Takuma wouldn't know if he couldn't get in the computer anymore right away, or he'd be too stubborn to give up just yet. I'll give him a turn to figure out he can't get in.
I've made a post to help out, and lower the workload for Blas. Expect me to use psychic grenades to 'weed out' the inactives from now on... though a player posting for them can conveniently have them come to.

Wazu has a reply to deal with. Sanjuro has work to do now. Camellia can interact with Tom. If Exhack wants to speak up for Sayuri, now would be a good time. If Yangfan wants to step into the plot, now would also be the ideal time to post Oharu in.

Blas, I'll start taking the handle of the bad guys. From this point, I'd rather you focus on running the two teams right (things are bound to get fragmented - don't be afraid to 'reconsolidate' your assets).

Kel, my last response to Miyoko was:
Back on Miharu, Kotori nodded to Miyoko's report. "We shouldn't have sufficient time to manually reload the launcher via extra-vehicular work - so we'll just have to manage with what we've left."

Regardless, now both Gallant and Kel have things to reply to now.
Hi guys, just in case I don't catch up in time, please let me know when the next mission starts, or if there is a good place where I can jump in without knowing much about the plot.

Thank you. ^_^;
Fred said:
Kel, my last response to Miyoko was:
Back on Miharu, Kotori nodded to Miyoko's report. "We shouldn't have sufficient time to manually reload the launcher via extra-vehicular work - so we'll just have to manage with what we've left."

Whoops, sorry. I thought she was just sort of thinking out loud there.
Well today marks my ten year anniversary of being in the military. Ten whole years since I first entered Basic Training at Lackland Air Force Base. Now here I am on my first deployment in Afghanistan. I also re-enlisted today for five more years. The bonus money for that will go towards Annie's motorcycle when I get back. On top of that my flight physical results finally returned so all I have left is to get back my picture and email it in to Fort Rucker. With a little success I'll be spending my next ten years finally flying the dream. Other than that, kudos to Tom and Moonman for their heated argument on the mission. I enjoyed reading that. Keep posting everyone!
Can those of us without power armor hear the conversations going on with the power armored doods or are they not played over the suit's speakers when the soldiers talk?